Decision details

Council Change Programme

Reference: D32319

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


a) Overarching Report


The Chief Officer (Executive Support) submitted a report on the Council’s continuous change programme covering the over-arching objectives of the programme and presenting  supplementary reports covering Children’s Services developments, Adult Services and an update on partnership working and the Local Area Agreement.



(a)  That the overarching framework for the Council’s continuous change programme be endorsed.

(b)  That the objectives as detailed in the submitted report be approved.

(c)  That the scope of work being progressed, as described in the report be noted.

(d)  That recommendations from the supplementary reports be approved as follows:


b) Children’s Services Developments


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report regarding the proposed Children’s Trust arrangements for Leeds.



(i)  To note and approve

·  the proposed “children’s trust arrangements” and associated governance structures, including the relationships between the elements and the Director of Children’s Services Unit;

·  the overall role and approach to meeting accountabilities proposed for the Director of Children’s Services Unit;

·  the approach to dealing with resourcing issues across the partnership; and

·  the intention to review the Children’s Trust arrangements in 2007.


(ii)  To note that the Chief Executive will use his delegated powers to establish the Director of Children’s Services Unit once the final detail has been worked up.


(iii)  That further reports about the implementation of the arrangements and about specific significant issues be brought to the Board to update on progress.










c) Role of the Director of Adult Social Services


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report regarding Statutory

Guidance on the role of the Director of Adult Social Services.




(i)  That the requirements of guidance regarding the role of the Director of Social Services be noted;


(ii)  That the adoption of seven outcomes for adults, as described in the report, to provide a strategic direction for the future of adult services and as a basis for ongoing consultation with service users and the wider community be approved.


d) Leeds Initiative


The Chief Officer (Executive Support) and the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report on the Leeds Initiative; District Partnership and Local Area Agreement Update.




(i)  That the approach taken by the Leeds Initiative in fulfilling the Government’s requirements as the city’s accredited local strategic partnership be endorsed.


(ii)  That the progress made by the district partnerships and in developing the city’s first local area agreement be endorsed.


(iii)  That the proposal for all District Partnerships to report into their respective area committees on a quarterly basis be agreed.


(iv)  That elected members receive more regular briefings from officers regarding the Leeds Initiative.


(v)  That a further report updating on the Leeds Initiative be brought to the Executive Board in six months time.


(vi)  That the proposals for reviewing the structures, governance, performance management and delivery arrangements over the next 12 months be approved.


(vii)  That further consideration be given to the consolidation of support of all service areas to maximise the Council’s leadership role in the work of the Leeds Initiative and to support the delivery of the Vision for Leeds 2004-2020; the Leeds Regeneration Plan 2005-2008; the local area agreement and other plans and strategies.



Publication date: 22/09/2006

Date of decision: 20/09/2006

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2006 - Executive Board

Accompanying Documents: