Decision details

Review of Inward Investment in Leeds City Region

Reference: D41921

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider options for the delivery of inward investment for the Leeds City Region.


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the findings from a Review of Inward Investment into Leeds City Region. Furthermore, the report sought the Board’s approval of the conclusions and recommendations arising from the Review.


The Board discussed the background and context to the review being undertaken, highlighted the key role which continued to be played by inward investment within the Leeds City Region economy and in moving forward, considered the principle aims of the proposals detailed within the submitted report.



(a)  That the recommendations of the Review of Inward Investment in Leeds City Region, as set out within the Final Report of the Review, detailed in Annex 1 to the submitted report, be agreed;

(b)  That approval be given to the transfer of the Leeds and Partners inward investment, and supporting and marketing and communications functions, to be overseen by the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority being the employer of the relevant staff and the legally responsible organisation;

(c)  That the transfer of the Leeds and Partners visitor economy function to Leeds City Council, be approved;

(d)  That support be given to the proposals for considering over the longer term a future city region or cross-boundary approach towards the visitor economy, linked potentially to commissioning of Welcome to Yorkshire;

(e)  That subject to the agreement of the West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, approval be given to the winding up of Leeds and Partners as a separate organisation;

(f)  That officers be instructed to support the transition process, including dealing with the relevant legal, financial and staffing issues;

(g)  That agreement be given to put in place appropriate resources and capacity within Leeds City Council, in order to enable Leeds to work with the LEP to secure inward investment, to develop growth sectors and market and promote the city;

(h)  That it be noted that the new arrangements will be put in place by April 2015, and that the Chief Economic Development Officer will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member Transport and the Economy.

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Briefings and discussions.


Executive Members/Review Group/Advisory Group/Chamber of Commerce/ Director of Leeds Hotels and Venues Association.

Contact: Email:

Publication date: 22/12/2014

Date of decision: 17/12/2014

Decided at meeting: 17/12/2014 - Executive Board

Effective from: 07/01/2015

Accompanying Documents: