Reference: D43906
Decision Maker: Director of Children's Services
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Request for Authority to Spend to create 210 additional pupil places through expansion and refurbishment of Hollybush Primary School from September 2016.
The Director of Children’s Services agreed to:
· Approve the design and cost report for the scheme at Hollybush Primary School, the cost being £3,874,100 with the appropriate details of the programme, design and cost as set out in this report. The remaining £125,900 was approved for the summer works DCR; and
· Note that the Chief Officer, Projects, Programmes & Procurement Unit (PPPU) is responsible for scheme delivery which will be completed by September 2017.
Wards Affected: Armley; Bramley and Stanningley;
If the decision has not been published in the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for at least 28 clear days, the reason why it would be impracticable to delay the decision:: This decision was published on 24/11/16 but due to an administrative error wasn't loaded until 25/11/16.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Public consultation period to be completed in September 2015.
School, early years providers, public, elected members, local community groups.
Contact: Amy Smith, Project Manager 0113 3952141 Email:
Publication date: 24/11/2016
Date of decision: 02/12/2016
Effective from: 10/12/2016
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