Issue - meetings

White Paper Motion - British Forces Postal Service

Meeting: 18/04/2007 - Council (Item 122)

White Paper Motion - British Forces Postal Service

THAT this Council condemns the decision that British forces and their families who are stationed overseas can no longer receive parcels free of charge as they could in 2003.


This Council believes it is an appalling and disgraceful way to treat our dedicated and hardworking troops and their families given the hardship they face in areas of conflict across the world and therefore asks that the Government reinstates this service as a matter of urgency.







It was moved by Councillor A Carter seconded by Councillor J Procter and


RESOLVED - That this Council condemns the decision that British forces and their families who are stationed overseas can no longer receive parcels free of charge as they could in 2003.


This Council believes it is an appalling and disgraceful way to treat our dedicated and hardworking troops and their families given the hardship they face in areas of conflict across the world and therefore asks that the Government reinstates this service as a matter of urgency.


(Councillor Lancaster, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting during consideration of this item)