Issue - meetings

EASEL Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Meeting: 24/04/2007 - Development Plan Panel (Item 46)

46 EASEL Area Action Plan Preferred Options pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development informing of progress in the preparation of the “Preferred Options” for the EASEL Area, seeking approval for further consultation on the Preferred Options for the EASEL Area Action Plan and requesting that the Development Plan Panel recommend approval to the Executive Board.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report by the Director of City Development informing of progress in the preparation of the “Preferred Options” for the EASEL Area, seeking approval for further consultation on the Preferred Options for the EASEL Area Action Plan and requesting that the Development Plan Panel recommend approval to the Executive Board.


  Officers presented the report and advised the Panel that the Preferred Options set out the Council’s proposed policy direction and the location and type of land use change within the area for the next 20 years. Officers informed the Panel that some proposals had been revised following extensive public consultation and that eight strategic themes had been set out to contribute towards the objectives of the plan. The themes were improvements to housing, employment, transport, health, neighbourhood facilities, the natural environment and the built environment.


  The Panel heard that correspondence had been received from Cllr Schofield regarding site H23 in Halton Moor, stating that his preference would be for open areas to be excluded from the site for safety reasons.


  Officers notified the Panel of some minor changes to the report which would be sent to the Executive Board for their consideration if approved by the Panel. The changes were:

·  The amount of land to be used for housing to be increased from 169 to 177 ha which would allow the development of 7080 houses.

·  The school in site H8 of Plan B to be moved closer to the David Young Academy.

·  The inclusion of a new local centre on the South Parkway.


  Officers reported that the public consultation was scheduled to run from 16th June to 30th July 2007. The results of this consultation would be brought to a future meeting of the Panel in the form of a revised plan. The Panel was assured that the future report would specify the changes made as a result of the consultation.


  Members discussed the following issues in relation to the item:

·  The need to ensure that there is sufficient opportunity for employment locally

·  The demand for sites for residential development and the need to ensure there is sufficient mixed use land

·  The role of small start ups in providing employment within communities and the importance of ensuring that they are provided with sufficient support

·  The need to ensure employment in the Aire Valley is accessible to the residents of the EASEL area by ensuring the provision of adequate transport together with skills training as appropriate.

·  The need to retain elements of the area to preserve the identity of the area while contributing to it’s enhancement.


RESOLVED- That the Executive Board be recommended to approve the EASEL Area Action Plan Preferred Options for publication along with it’s Sustainability Appraisal and other supporting documents, and that representations be formally invited between June 16th and July 30th 2007.