Issue - meetings

Introduction of the Housing Benefit size criteria in the social rented sector and review of the Council's under occupation incentive scheme

Meeting: 20/06/2012 - Executive Board (Item 14)

14 Introduction of the Housing Benefit size criteria in the social rented sector and review of the Council's under occupation incentive scheme pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider the report of Housing Partnerships outlining the changes made to Housing Benefit and proposed actions the Council and its’ partners could take to mitigate the impact of the changes.


A report was submitted on behalf of Housing Partnerships which outlined the changes being made to Housing Benefit provision and proposed actions which the Council and it’s partners could take in order to mitigate the adverse impact of the introduction of the Social Sector Size Criteria (SSSC).


By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services provided some specific details regarding the key implications arising from the introduction of the SSSC. Members then acknowledged the work which had previously been undertaken by the Council to address the issue of under-occupation and discussed the potential impact of the new criteria upon those vulnerable groups within the community, including the over-60s and children and young people, and considered the possible actions which could be taken to try and mitigate such impact.  


In conclusion, it was agreed that further to the recommendations within the submitted report, correspondence be forwarded to the relevant Government Minsters and Leeds MPs, highlighting the Council’s concerns regarding the introduction of Housing Benefit Size Criteria, with the correspondence being sent on behalf of all Political Groups within the Council, subject to the content being agreed by all Group Leaders.



(a)  That the success of the under occupation incentive scheme in releasing over 400 houses since it was introduced in 2008 be noted.


(b)  That the Council’s under occupation incentive scheme be temporarily suspended with immediate effect pending a full review, and that the 2012/13 budget identified from the Housing Revenue Account for the under occupation incentive scheme be allocated to meet the Council’s commitment to tenants who have already been accepted onto the under occupation incentive scheme, provided they move by 31st March 2013.


(c)  That the Council undertake a full review of the support and incentives that can be offered to under occupying tenants, and following the monitoring of the impact of the SSSC between April and October 2013, a revised scheme proposal be presented to Executive Board in December 2013.


(d)  That correspondence be forwarded to the relevant Government Minsters and Leeds MPs, highlighting the Council’s concerns regarding the introduction of Housing Benefit Size Criteria, with the correspondence being sent on behalf of all Political Groups within the Council, subject to the content being agreed by all Group Leaders.