Issue - meetings

Delivery vehicle for the Tour de France

Meeting: 17/07/2013 - Executive Board (Item 32)

32 Tour de France Grand Depart 2014 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the arrangements being developed to deliver a successful Tour de France Grand Départ in Leeds during July 2014. 


Report to follow



Further to Minute No. 84, 17th October 2012, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval for the financial, contractual and organisational requirements to deliver a successful Grand Départ starting in Leeds in July 2014.  The proposals included the establishment of a joint venture delivery vehicle between UK Sport and Leeds City Council on behalf of the local authority partners.  In addition, the report also proposed to delegate the necessary authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Executive Member for Leisure and Skills, to work on the detailed arrangements for the benefit of Leeds and other local authorities.

In presenting the paper, the Executive Member for Leisure and Skills emphasised the huge scale of the event, the significant benefits for both the city and the region, together with the potential legacy which could be created.

Clarification was provided with regard to the hosting costs associated with the event, together with costs associated with the event’s legacy.

Responding to a specific enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with a separate briefing on relevant matters.


(a)  That the creation of a new company, TDF 2014 Ltd, jointly with the Government to oversee the delivery of the Tour de France while in the UK, be approved.  UK Sport, the Government major sport event agency, will be the first member and Leeds will be the second and only other member of the company on behalf of the other local authorities.

(b)  That approval be given to the principle of Leeds City Council acting as the accountable body for the new company and underwriting the £11,000,000 of Local Authority contributions (of which £3,600,000 is from Leeds City Council), thus unlocking the £10,000,000 of Government funding and Government underwriting the event, subject to final confirmation from government and parliament.

(c)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Leisure and Skills, to work on the detail of TDF 2014 Ltd agreement for the benefit of Leeds and other local authorities.

(d)  That the financial and contractual requirements of the Grand Départ of the Tour de France be approved, subject to final confirmation from Government and Parliament, as set out within the submitted report.