Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/12/2006 - Scrutiny Board (Environment and Neighbourhoods) (Item 61)


To consider the report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing seeking the Board’s endorsement of the Leeds Private Rented Housing Strategy.


(Report attached.)

Additional documents:


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing presented a report seeking the Board’s endorsement of the Leeds Private Rented Housing Strategy. The strategy was appended to the report for information. Members heard that the strategy had been devised by a multi-agency group and was still a work in progress. It was intended to provide a partnership framework to support the work of the Council, in conjunction with private landlords, towards improving the quality and supply of private rented housing in the city.


Andy Beattie, Deputy Chief Environmental Health Officer, Neighbourhoods and Housing, attended the meeting to present the report and respond to Members’ comments and questions.


The Board went on to discuss the following points in relation to the report:

-  The need for the Authority to work closely with organisations such as UNIPOL and ensure that information is shared;

-  The effect of the housing benefit Pathfinder scheme in restricting the choice available to claimants seeking to secure private rented properties;

-  Moves being made, particularly through the new licences for Houses in Multiple Occupation, to ensure landlords take a degree of responsibility towards any anti-social behaviour occurring within their properties;

-  Work currently being undertaken to produce a register of landlords, as part of the new licensing arrangements, and the benefits of this list in terms of tackling anti-social behaviour and poor landlords;

-  The predicted increase in numbers of students living in purpose-built accommodation, the likely effect of this upon the private rental market and steps being made to address this surplus;


Following the discussion it was agreed that additional information be circulated to Members regarding the Pathfinder Housing Benefits scheme. The Chair thanked Officers for their attendance and contribution to the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Leeds Private Rented Housing Strategy be endorsed and a further report on the issue be brought to the Board in six months time.