Issue - meetings

White Paper Motion

Meeting: 17/01/2007 - Council (Item 90)

White Paper Motion - Registration of Houses in Multiple Occupation

THAT this Council condemns the abject failure of the ruling coalition to fulfil its mandatory obligation to register 'high risk' Houses in Multiple Occupation in the city, depriving the Council of a source of funding which could have been used to drive up standards in this sector and letting down many vulnerable residents.






It was moved by Councillor R Lewis seconded by Councillor Atha.


That this Council condemns the abject failure of the ruling coalition to fulfil its mandatory obligation to register 'high risk' Houses in Multiple Occupation in the city, depriving the Council of a source of funding which could have been used to drive up standards in this sector and letting down many vulnerable residents.


An amendment was moved by Councillor J L Carter seconded by Councillor M Hamilton.


Delete all after ‘This Council’ and replace with;


‘congratulates environmental health officers for achieving the largest number of HMO licensing applications in any local authority’.


(During the debate it was moved by Councillor J Procter seconded by Councillor M Hamilton and


RESOLVED – That, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 13.2, the question be now put).


The amendment was carried and upon being put as the substantive motion it was


RESOLVED – That this Council ‘congratulates environmental health officers for achieving the largest number of HMO licensing applications in any local authority’.


(Councillors Rafique, Harris and Chapman, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting during consideration of this item).


The Lord Mayor returned to the Chair.