Issue - meetings

Temple Green Park and Ride, Leeds City Region Enterprise Zone

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Executive Board (Item 18)

18 Temple Green Park and Ride pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which seeks approval to implement the 1,000 space Temple Green Park & Ride site adjacent to the A63 Pontefract Lane in the City Region’s Enterprise Zone.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to implement the 1,000 space Temple Green Park & Ride site adjacent to the A63 Pontefract Lane in the City Region’s Enterprise Zone.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report, and how they fitted into the city’s existing transport network and parking facilities. The Board also welcomed how the proposals would provide sustainable transport links to the City Region’s Enterprise Zone and the positive impact that this would have upon job creation and economic growth in the area. 


In conclusion, it was requested that the Board continued to receive further updates on the progress of the Enterprise Zone, as and when appropriate.



(a)  That the implementation of the Temple Green Park and Ride scheme at a total cost of £9.741m be approved, subject to Gateway 3 funding approval from West Yorkshire Combined Authority (comprising £2.620m for the land purchase approved at Executive Board in June 2014, and £7.121m for the design fees and construction costs);


(b)  That the additional injection of £6.611m into the Capital Programme be approved (£510k being already in the capital programme) for the design fees and construction costs of this scheme, which are to be fully funded from the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund; 


(c)  That authority be given to incur expenditure of £7.121m (being £769k staff design fees, and £6.352m construction costs), subject to full funding approval from the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund;


(d)  That the following be noted:-

·  The scheme proposal, as described in section 3 of the submitted report;

·  That construction of the scheme is programmed to start in March 2016 and be open in Autumn 2016;

·  That the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation will be responsible for implementation of such matters.