Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 24th April, 2013 1.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Council and Executive Support Team 

No. Item


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


With the agreement of the Chair, a report entitled, ‘Charges for Non-Residential Adult Social Care Services’ was admitted to the agenda as a late item of business. The final stage of the extensive consultation process was the consideration of related matters by a working group of the Scrutiny Board (Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care), which met on 12th April 2013. In order to enable the outcomes from that working group meeting to be signed off by all attendees and presented for Executive Board’s consideration as part of the overarching report, this matter was submitted to the Board as a late item of business.  (Minute No. 231 referred).


In addition, with regard to agenda item 9, entitled, ‘”West Yorkshire Plus” Transport Fund’, it was noted that an updated version of paragraph 3.35 had been circulated to Board Members for their consideration, following the publication of the agenda (Minute No. 217 referred).



Minutes pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2013.




RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2013 be approved as a correct record, subject to Minute No. 201 entitled, ‘Housing Delivery’ being amended to reflect that Councillor Golton voted against the decisions taken in respect of this report, rather than abstaining.




Elland Road Master Plan Update and Park and Ride Scheme Proposals pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the progress being made at Elland Road, in the context of the Masterplan adopted in 2007 to ‘kickstart’ the wider regeneration of the site.  Specifically, this report details progress on the proposed development of an ice rink, the progress on the construction of the West Yorkshire Police Authority (WYPA) divisional headquarters on the former Greyhound Stadium site, the progress on the development of a Strategic Park and Ride facility on the site; the current position regarding acquisition of the Castle Family Trust Land and Leeds United’s plans for the redevelopment of the East Stand.




Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 236, (11th April 2012), the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress made at Elland Road, in the context of the Masterplan adopted in 2007 to ‘kickstart’ the wider regeneration of the site. Specifically, the report outlined the current position including the progress on the proposed development of an ice rink, the progress on the construction of the West Yorkshire Police Authority (WYPA) divisional headquarters on the former Greyhound Stadium site, the progress on the development of a Strategic Park and Ride facility on the site, the acquisition of the Castle Family Trust Land and Leeds United F.C.’s plans for the redevelopment of the East Stand.


Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry, the Board was provided with information regarding the considerations which had been given to ensuring that wherever possible, any potentially significant future developments on site would not be prejudiced by the proposals detailed within the submitted report.


Having noted the concerns which had been raised by local Ward Members arising from proposals regarding the development of an on site Strategic Park and Ride facility, and in acknowledging the representations made by Beeston Community Forum, the Chair advised that dialogue with relevant parties would continue and that further work would be undertaken in a bid to address any concerns that the local community currently had, with any related matters being revisited by the Board in due course.



(a)   That the current position with regard to the proposed developments at

Elland Road within the context of the Masterplan be noted.


(b)   That the use of Elland Road for park and ride and, subject to negotiation, the terms of occupation of a site for park and ride use for up to five years in the first instance be agreed in principle.


(c)   That the further development of a Park and Ride scheme be approved, which includes the submission of a planning application, detailed design of the car park and public consultation; together with further development of site and operational management proposals.


(d)   That the principle of income arising from parking activities being re-invested into the support of appropriate transport measures be further endorsed, specifically services relating to the Elland Road park and ride scheme.


(e)   That a further report be submitted to Executive Board seeking detailed approval to the scheme once the above processes have been concluded.



Wade's Charity: Proposed Contribution Agreement for the use of Future Capital Receipts pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development outlining a proposal from Wade’s Charity for the equal sharing of any capital receipts received from the future disposal of assets owned by Wade’s Charity and leased by Leeds City Council. 

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding a proposal from Wade’s Charity for the equal sharing of any capital receipts received from the future disposal of assets owned by Wade’s Charity and leased by Leeds City Council. The report specifically sought agreement to the proposal from the Charity that the Council’s proportion of such receipts was earmarked to future projects to improve property and land leased by the Council, from Wade’s, with work being undertaken to develop a priority list of projects between Wade’s and the Council for which such receipts would be used. In addition, the report also outlined a specific proposal from Wade’s to dispose of land at Cross Green Approach, subject to Ward Member consultation, which would provide Wade’s with a capital receipt of £222,500 before the equal division of any surplus between Wade’s and the Council.



(a)   That the equal sharing of any capital receipts received from the future disposal of assets owned by Wade’s Charity be approved.


(b)   That approval be given for the Council’s proportion of such receipts to be earmarked to future projects in order to improve property and land leased by the Council, from Wade’s.


(c)   That the development of a priority list of projects between Wade’s and the Council for which these receipts would be used, be approved.


(d)   That the terms for the division of sale proceeds for land at Cross Green Approach upon disposal be approved subject to Ward Member consultation, which gives Wade’s a capital receipt of £222,500 before the equal division of any surplus between Wade’s and the Council at less than best consideration.



"West Yorkshire Plus" Transport Fund pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking support for the establishment of the “West Yorkshire Plus” Transport Fund and the associated, indicative levels of financial commitments subject to the satisfactory conclusion of the ongoing City Deal negotiations and an in principle agreement being made by all West Yorkshire Authorities




The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress made to date with regard to the development of a ‘West Yorkshire Plus’ Transport Fund across West Yorkshire and York.


An updated version of paragraph 3.35 of the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members for their consideration, following the publication of the agenda.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding the funding of the NGT Trolleybus scheme in Leeds, the Board received details of the reasoning behind why that project was not being incorporated into the ‘West Yorkshire Plus’ initiative.


Members highlighted the importance of ensuring that all participating Local Authorities were kept engaged and on board for the life of the initiative.


In conclusion, the Board welcomed the all-party support which the initiative had gained and briefly discussed the long term benefits the scheme could provide, together with the options available in respect of maximising the fund’s potential. 



(a)  That the principle of establishing a £1 billion ‘West Yorkshire Plus’ Transport Fund together with the associated, indicative levels of financial commitments, be supported, subject to:-

·   A satisfactory conclusion to on-going City Deal negotiations, specifically including securing clarity and agreement on an acceptable level of Earn Back funding from future additional business rates in West Yorkshire and York; and

·   An in principle agreement being made by all West Yorkshire District Authorities.


(b)  That in principle agreement be given to the scope of improvements to be included in the Fund, as referenced within the submitted report and Appendix A, subject to appropriate on-going engagement and consultation with local Members and other relevant partners and communities during scheme design.



Review of Governance Arrangements in West Yorkshire pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the progress made towards the establishment of the Leeds City Region Combined Authority, and seeking the views of Executive Board on the proposed draft Scheme of Governance for a Combined Authority, prior to consultation being undertaken with the public and stakeholders.



Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the review of governance arrangements in West Yorkshire, and the proposed next steps towards establishing a West Yorkshire Combined Authority.  Specifically, the report sought the Board’s views on a draft statutory Review of transport and economic governance arrangements in West Yorkshire; sought the Board’s views on the draft governance Scheme, which set out the role and governance arrangements for the proposed Combined Authority; and requested authorisation to consult on the draft Review and Scheme with partners and stakeholders.


Members highlighted the integral role to be played by democratic accountability in the development of such arrangements.



(a)  That the draft Review of governance arrangements relating to

transport, economic development and regeneration be noted together with any comments made in relation to such matters at the meeting, which pursuant to Section 108 of the Local Democracy Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 and Section 82 of the Local Transport Act 2008, concludes that for the area of West Yorkshire, the Integrated Transport Authority should be dissolved and a Combined Authority created, both as the best option for the area going forward in terms of delivering the City Deal and because it would be likely to improve:

·   the exercise of statutory functions relating to economic development, regeneration and transport in the area;

·   the effectiveness and efficiency of transport; and

·   the economic conditions in the area.


(b)  That the draft Scheme for the establishment of a Combined Authority for West Yorkshire which would form the basis for public and stakeholder consultation by the individual West Yorkshire District authorities and the Integrated Transport Authority, be noted along with any comments made in relation to such matters at the meeting.


(c)  That approval be given to the partner and stakeholder consultation exercise, as outlined within section 4.1 of the submitted report, which will test the findings of the draft Review and seek views on the provisional proposals contained in the draft Scheme for a Combined Authority, including how it will interact with these organisations, with the Review and Scheme documents being referred to the Scrutiny Board (Resources and Council Services) for consideration.


(d)  That a further report be submitted to the Executive Board by June 2013 advising Members of the outcomes from the consultation exercise, and having regard to the responses received, proposing a final Review and draft Scheme for a Combined Authority, for the purposes of endorsement by Members and also to seek a recommendation that Council provides the necessary approvals, to facilitate submission to the Secretary of State in July 2013.




Reducing Reported Domestic Burglary in Leeds pdf icon PDF 144 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods providing an update on the Leeds Burglary Reduction Programme and the implications of the changes to the Community Safety Fund which supports the initiative, which will come into effect in April 2013




Further to Minute No. 218, (7th March 2012) the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing a position statement on the delivery of the city’s multi-agency Burglary Reduction Programme, which commenced in September 2011. Specifically, the report sought approval to extend the current programme of activity for a further 12 months using funding allocated to the city by the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner.


Having noted the positive results which had been achieved overall since the commencement of the Burglary Reduction Programme, Members highlighted the important role of the Police and the effective multi-agency approach which had been taken as part of the programme. 


The Board then considered those parts of the programme which had been most effective, and discussed the priorities of the Police Crime Commissioner which included burglary reduction. In addition, Members noted the evolving trends in Leeds with respect to drug and alcohol dependency, the evolving trends with regard to certain elements of criminal activity, and how such trends were reflected within the burglary figures. 


RESOLVED – That expenditure of up to £484,000 to 31st  March 2014 be approved, in order to enable the existing programme of activity, aimed at reducing domestic burglary, to continue for a further year, and thereby support further work to embed good practice and a lasting legacy in relation to burglary reduction for the future.



Lettings Policy Review 2013 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods seeking approval of a revised Lettings Policy following public consultation on the proposals with relevant stakeholders and partners



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 137 (12th December 2012), the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing information on the review which had been undertaken on the Council’s Lettings Policy, advising of the outcomes arising from the consultation carried out with the public and Members, and highlighted details of the proposals together with the proposals relating to the updated Lettings Policy document.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services highlighted the importance of a policy which was flexible, intelligent, proactive, visible and which also recognised the importance of ‘Local Connection’. 


Members noted the work which was ongoing in respect of the proposals and their impact upon certain groups within the community, such as carers and vulnerable adults.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted.


(b)  That the options outlined within section 6 of the submitted report be noted and that the revised Lettings Policy, to be implemented from May 2013, be approved.


(c)  That the new approach towards centralising the assessment of housing need, together with the training programme for officers involved in lettings issues, be approved.



Proposed changes to the Rent Arrears Recovery Procedures pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods setting out changes to the Leeds City Council Rent Arrears Procedure, proposed in preparation for the welfare changes that are due to take effect from 1st April 2013. The report also provides information on the anticipated impact of Housing Benefit changes.


Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing information on the proposed changes to the Rent Arrears Recovery Procedure and the anticipated impact of the Housing Benefit changes which came into effect from April 2013.  In particular, the report outlined the measures developed to ensure that tenants affected by the welfare changes were appropriately informed of how such changes would affect them and were made aware of the options open to them.


As part of the introduction to the report, emphasis was placed upon the need for the procedures to be conducted sensitively but earnestly.  Members welcomed the increased staffing resource which would provide intensive support to tenants and highlighted the expertise which existed within financial institutions across the city which could also potentially be utilised.  In addition, the Board also highlighted the prevalence of ‘loan shark’ companies which currently existed and emphasised the actions which needed to be taken at a national level to address this issue. 


In conclusion, it was requested that further reports be submitted to the Board in due course which provided updates upon the actions being taken by the Council and other agencies to support and inform individuals who were struggling with their personal finances.



(a)  That the expected impact of the welfare benefit changes coming into

effect from April 2013, be noted.


(b)  That the proposed changes to the Rent Arrears Recovery Procedure, be approved.


(c)  That further reports be submitted to the Board in due course which provide updates upon the actions being taken by the Council and other agencies to support and inform individuals who are struggling with their personal finances.



Design & Cost Report for Property Maintenance Software Package pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources seeking to obtain approval for funding approval to incur expenditure in order to replace the existing Synergy ICT system used by the Property Maintenance section



Additional documents:


The Director of Resources submitted a report which sought approval to replace the existing Synergy ICT system used by Property Maintenance. The report also sought authority to incur expenditure in relation to this project for the sum of £750,000.


RESOLVED   That the replacement of the Synergy ICT system used by Property Maintenance be approved, and that authority be given to incur expenditure of £750,000.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)



Leeds City Council's Procurement Strategy pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources seeking approval of the refreshed Council’s Procurement Strategy.



Additional documents:


The Chief Officer for the Public Private Partnerships and Procurement Units submitted a report which sought the Board’s approval of a refreshed Procurement Policy for the Council. The refreshed approach aimed to secure a range of benefits for the Council including: improved outcomes, improved value for money, improved governance and assurance, improved engagement and transparency and improved support for the Council’s wider ambitions.


Responding to an enquiry on how the Council encouraged a greater number of small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) to become involved in the Council’s procurement exercises, the Board highlighted the importance of SME’s to the local economy and noted the actions being taken by the Council to engage with SME’s, together with the areas for potential improvement. In addition, emphasis was placed upon the need for consistency around the level of payments being provided to both the Council’s contractors and sub-contractors.


In conclusion, officers undertook to provide Board Members with quarterly updates on the number of SME’s that the Council had contracts with. 



(a)  That the Strategy, as outlined within the submitted report be approved as the Council’s refreshed Procurement Policy, centred upon a category management and whole lifecycle approach.


(b)  That Board members be provided with quarterly updates on the number of SME’s that the Council had contracts with




Corporate Offer to Foster Carers and Care Leavers pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services setting out how the Council is working to make a “Corporate Offer” to both care leavers and foster carers


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report outlining the need for a Corporate Offer for Foster Carers and Care Leavers and which detailed what such offers were and highlighted the further work which was being undertaken to improve them.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries, the Board received information on the current position in respect of the ongoing work being undertaken around the provision of fees and allowances for foster carers.  In addition, the Board also received details of the work being undertaken to ensure that Looked After Children and Care Leavers were provided with the necessary support and skills to gain employment, which included their access to initiatives such as the ‘250 Opportunities Programme’.



(a)  That the work which has taken place to provide Corporate Offers for Foster Carers and Care Leavers be noted.


(b)  That it be agreed that the Corporate Offers for Foster Carers and Care Leavers provide a clear and practical example of how an organisation can offer a range of benefits which support vulnerable children and take forward the ambition that Leeds becomes a truly Child Friendly City.



Review of the School Clothing Allowance - Outcome of Consultation and request to Cease with effect from June 2013 pdf icon PDF 196 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services on the outcome of consultation undertaken on proposals to cease the discretionary school clothing allowance from 1st June 2013


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 190 (15th February 2013), the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report detailing the outcomes arising from the consultation undertaken to review the provision of the school clothing allowance. Further to this, the report recommended that the Board approved the ceasing of the current school clothing allowance policy, with effect from June 2013.


Members discussed the role to be played by individual schools and their governing bodies in ensuring that uniforms were both affordable and good value for money.



(a)  That the findings from the consultation process undertaken in respect of school clothing allowance provision be noted.


(b)  That the recommendation to end the current school clothing allowance with effect from June 2013, be approved.



City Learning Centres pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval for new arrangements regarding the funding and use of the City Learning Centres.

Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report which sought approval of the proposed new arrangements relating to the funding and use of Leeds’ four City Learning Centres (CLCs). The proposals detailed within the submitted report aimed to build upon the practice currently available in the CLCs whilst also maximising the potential use of those valuable resources as citywide assets.



(a)  That it be noted that the Dedicated Schools Funding used to support the running of the City Learning Centres ended on 31 March 2013 and that the interim funding made available through Children’s Services is only in place until 31 August 2013, after which all Council funding for the CLCs will cease.


(b)  That approval be given to the inclusion of the Derek Fatchett CLC site as part of the City of Leeds academy proposals and that approval also be given to the inclusion of the CLC staff in the ring-fence for posts in the proposed new academy in addition to TUPE, should that apply based upon continued delivery of existing provision.


(c)  That approval be given to the development of an agreement for an initial period of two years for the West Area Inclusion Partnership (AIP) to take over the running of the West CLC for use as an Inclusion Centre, on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring.


(d)  That the development of an agreement with the North East AIP be approved, to run the North East CLC for the next two years, on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring and that TUPE is likely to apply to some staff based upon proposed future use. (This to be followed by further discussions with the AIP around the use of the CLC by one or more schools to enable them to increase their 11-16 capacity from 2015 onwards).


(e)  That the transfer of the South CLC to the South Leeds Learning Trust be approved in order to enable them to increase their 11-16 capacity on the understanding that there will be no budget transferring.


(f)  That the responsibility of implementing the resolutions (as detailed above) for the four City Learning Centres be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services.



Primary Basic Need Programme - Outcome of statutory notices for expansion of primary provision for 2014. pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking consideration of proposals for the expansion of school places for 2014 following completion of statutory consultation held between 10 September and 19 October 2012 and the statutory notice period which ran from 8 February to 8 March 2013. The consultation and notice period in respect of Little London Community School, Rufford Park Primary School, Sharp Lane Primary School and Tranmere Park Primary School involved the public, ward members and other stakeholders and the views they raised during the statutory notice period form the basis of the submitted report


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 141 (12th December 2012), the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report detailing the representations made in response to the publication of the statutory notices for the expansion of Little London Community Primary School, Rufford Park Primary School and Sharp Lane Primary School. In light of the representations made, the report invited the Board to make final decisions on each of the expansions proposed.


The Board noted that the proposal regarding Tranmere Park Primary School had not been progressed, as further work was being carried out in the area in order to determine whether any alternative solutions were available, and that any such matters would be revisited by the Board as and when appropriate.


Responding to a Member’s request, officers undertook to submit a report to a future meeting of the Board which provided the context in respect of the pressures being placed upon the provision of school places throughout the city, together with the long term plans being developed to address such pressures, whilst also providing data illustrating the sources of population growth across Leeds. 



(a)  That the proposal to expand the physical capacity of Little London Community Primary School from 210 to 630 pupils, with an admission number increasing from 30 to 90 and with effect from September 2014 on the adjacent site at Oatland Green, be approved.


(b)  That the proposal to expand the physical capacity of Rufford Park Primary School from 210 to 315 pupils, with an admission number increasing from 30 to 45 and with effect from September 2014 on its existing site, be approved.


(c)  That the proposal to expand the physical capacity of Sharp Lane Primary School from 420 to 630 pupils, with an admission number increasing from 60 to 90 and with effect from September 2014 on its existing site, be approved.


(d)  That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board providing the context in respect of the pressures being placed upon the provision of school places throughout the city, together with the long term plans being developed to address such pressures, whilst also providing data illustrating the sources of population growth across Leeds. 



Governance Arrangements for the South Leeds Youth Hub (SLYH) pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking consideration of proposals for alternative governance arrangements for the South Leeds Youth Hub (SLYH) and permission to progress with a Community Asset Transfer for the SLYH


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report informing of the progress which had been made in respect of a potential Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of South Leeds Youth Hub (SLYH) to a “not for private profit” organisation.


Responding to Members’ enquiries, the Board received assurances with regard to funding streams, should a CAT take place.  In addition, the Board received further details regarding the potential benefits which may be realised from a Community Asset Transfer of the SLYH.



(a)  That the start of a Community Asset Transfer process, for the SLYH, to a “not for private profit” organisation be approved.


(b)  That support be given to the progressing of a lease for SLYH (at least

for the life of the MyPlace grant which expires on 28 October 2028), with details for a rental agreement being determined as part of the process.


(c)  That a reducing revenue contingency over 4 years be approved, with the aim that immediate pressures of any transfer are overcome as the new “building manager” works towards achieving financial sustainability over the term.


(d)  That the establishment of a Partnership Advisory Group be approved, in order to support the management of the Council’s investment, in the event that a “not for private profit” organisation submits a successful business plan.




Leeds Let's Get Active pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health providing further information and seeking support for the Leeds Let’s Get Active bid to the “Get into healthy, Get Into Sport” health pilot programme run by Sport England and seeking approval to accept a grant offer


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report providing further information relating to the City Council’s ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ bid to Sport England’s “Get Healthy, Get into Sport” health pilot programme. In addition, the report sought retrospective support for the ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ bid and approval to accept a grant offer.


Members welcomed the report and highlighted the fact that it was a good example of effective cross-directorate working.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received details in relation to how users would be able to access the scheme.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted and that the ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ project be supported.


(b)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development to accept the Sport England grant funding award of £500,000.


(c)  That a report be submitted to the Board at the end of the project, evaluating the outcomes arising from it.




Update - Shared Service Partnership with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to meet Adult Social Care System Requirements pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services providing a six month update on the shared partnership arrangement established between Leeds City Council and Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council in respect of the replacement of the ESCR case recording system



Further to Minute No. 45, (18th July 2012), the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing an update regarding the progress made by the Adult Social Care Systems Programme, since the decision to enter into a partnership agreement with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to replace the existing Adult Social Care case management system (ESCR) with Calderdale’s Client Information System (CIS), was released for implementation in August 2012.


Members discussed a number of issues around the associated timescales and the budgetary implications arising from the development of the Adult Social Care Systems Programme.



(a)  That the progress made since the decision was released for implementation be noted, and it also be noted that the programme is on track to planned timescales and within planned budget.


(b)  That the work that which has gone into the formal partnership agreement to ensure that risks are appropriately managed throughout the successful implementation of CIS in Leeds and which also provides a high level of on-going protection to the Council, be noted.


(c)  That agreement be given to the Council’s Corporate Governance and Audit Committee continuing to review progress at 6 monthly intervals, in order to provide assurances in respect of the programme’s successful implementation.



Charges for non-residential Adult Social Care Services pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services on the outcome of the consultation undertaken on charges for non-residential services and seeking approval for changes proposed to the charging and contributions policy framework and to service user contributions.



Proposals for changes to charges for non-residential adult social care services have been the subject of extensive consultation.  As the final stage of this process a working group of the Scrutiny Board (Health and Wellbeing and Adult Social Care) met on 12 April.  The outcome of that meeting is to be signed off by all who attended, both Elected Members and service users. 

To allow the appropriate inclusion of their comments within the report it has been agreed that this report will be published as soon as possible and dealt with as a Late Item. 


Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which presented the outcomes arising from the consultation undertaken on the review of charges for non-residential adult social care services and which made recommendations for changes to such charges.


Following the presentation of the report, the Board noted the difficult decisions which needed to be made in respect of charges for non-residential Adult Social Care services, given the current economic climate.


Members welcomed the thorough consultation exercise which had been undertaken in respect of this matter, and the changes which had been made in response to the feedback received during that exercise.



(a)  That the outcomes of the consultation and the way in which such outcomes have been addressed, as set out within sections 4 to 6 of the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That  the outcomes of the Equality Impact Assessment and the way in which such outcomes have been addressed, as set out in section 9.2 of the submitted report, be noted.


(c)  That the changes to charges for non-residential services, as set out within section 5 of the submitted report, be approved.


(d)  That the revised Adult Social Care Charging and Contributions Policy Framework, as set out within Appendix 9 to the submitted report, be approved.


(e)  That the Care Ring and Telecare Eligibility and Prioritisation Policy, as set out within Appendix 10 to the submitted report, be approved.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he voted against the decisions taken within this minute specifically regarding charges to the Care Ring (Pendant Alarm) service and the Care Ring and Mobile Response service)



Assistive Technology Hub for Leeds - Approval to Proceed pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services seeking approval to incur expenditure for the development of a site at Clarence Road in which LCC and partners can locate a range of assistive technology services in order to provide a range of specialist advice and services for service users and health and social care professionals


Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing information on the proposals to develop an Assistive Technology (AT) Hub for Leeds by refurbishing 81, Clarence Road, which had been identified as the only suitable site within the Council’s portfolio. In addition, the report outlined the drivers behind the development, which included the need to relocate Leeds Community Equipment Store from Roundhay Road, as well as the strategic and financial benefits that would be realised. The report also sought the Board’s approval of expenditure worth £2,170,963 from the Community Capacity Grant in order to fund this development.


The Board welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report, and in response to Members’ enquiries, the Director of City Development undertook to provide Board Members with further information and assurances regarding the level of associated car parking provision (including blue badge parking provision) which would be available for users of the AT Hub. 



(a)  That authority to spend a total of £2,170,963 funded by the Community Capacity Grant (Department of Health) be approved for the development, as detailed within the submitted report.


(b)  That the Director of City Development provide Board Members with further information and assurances regarding the level of car parking provision (including blue badge parking provision) which would be available for users of the AT Hub. 




Financial Health Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 11 report pdf icon PDF 195 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources setting out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2012/13 after eleven months of the financial year.




The Director of Resources submitted a report which presented the Council’s projected financial health position for 2012/13, after eleven months of the financial year.


Members noted that the next financial monitoring report would be a final outturn report for 2012/2013, which would be submitted to the June 2013 Executive Board meeting.


In noting the projected underspend of £4,600,000, the Board considered how best to utilise any underspend from the 2012/2013 financial year, and whether any of this sum should be invested into highways maintenance. In conclusion, it was requested that any underspend from the Council’s 2012/2013 budget was added to the General Fund Reserves until all information from the 2012/2013 financial year was known, at which time further consideration could be given to how any underspend was utilised.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the authority after eleven months of the financial year, be noted.


(b)  That any underspend from the Council’s 2012/2013 budget be added to the General Fund Reserves until all information from the 2012/2013 financial year is known, at which time, all relevant information be submitted to the Board in order to enable the Board to determine how any such underspend should be utilised.



Farsley and Calverley Charities pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider the joint report of the City Solicitor and the Director of Resources seeking approval to the restrictions on the use of capital monies being released in respect of both the Farsley Public Purposes Charity and the Calverley Charity – The Workhouse Allotment to enable the aims of both of the charities to be carried out more effectively and efficiently



The City Solicitor and the Director of Resources submitted a joint report regarding the proposed lifting of current restrictions which related to capital monies being released in respect of both the Farsley Public Purposes Charity and the Calverley Charity – The Workhouse Allotment, so as to enable the aims of both of those charities to be carried out more effectively and efficiently.


RESOLVED - That any restrictions which apply as to the use of the current capital funds of Farsley Public Purposes Charity (Charity No. 500559) and The Calverley Charity – The Workhouse Allotment (Charity No. 504497) be released with effect from 24th April 2013, in accordance with Section 281 of the Charities Act 2011.



Extension of Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources seeking approval to consult on proposals for the extension of the guidelines for the award of discretionary rate relief from 2013/14 to “for profit” organisations who meet agreed criteria, as now permitted under Section 69 of the Localism Act 2011.




The Director of Resources submitted a report which sought approval to undertake consultation upon proposals regarding the extension of the guidelines for the award of discretionary rate relief from 2013/14 to ‘for profit’ organisations which met agreed criteria, as now permitted under Section 69 of the Localism Act 2011.


Members highlighted the importance of small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) to the local economy, and emphasised the need for the Council to effectively engage with such companies as part of this initiative. Emphasis was also placed on the integral role to be played by organisations such as the Federation of Small Businesses and the Chamber of Trade in any proposals relating to the extension of the Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme.


RESOLVED – That consultation with representative bodies, including the Chamber of Trade and Leeds & Partners on the proposals to extend the guidelines for the award of discretionary relief for Business Rates, be approved.




The Health & Social Care Act - Establishment of the Health and Wellbeing Board pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Public Health the Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Children’s Services on the establishment of the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board.


Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services, the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report providing information on the role and functions of the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board, informing of the progress which had been made to establish the Board in its shadow form and providing the Executive Board with an opportunity to consider the proposed governance arrangements for the Health and Wellbeing Board, prior to it being formally established by full Council on the 20th May 2013.



(a)  That the progress which has been made during the shadow period of the Health and Wellbeing Board be noted.


(b)  That the statutory functions of the Health and Wellbeing Board, as set out in its proposed terms of reference, as detailed within appendix 1 to the submitted report, together with the Board’s intended role, be noted.


(c)  That the Leader’s proposal to nominate 5 Councillors to the Board (3

Executive Members, and one further Councillor from each of the two largest opposition groups) be endorsed.


(d)   That the following be recommended to the General Purposes Committee with regard to the proposed governance arrangements for the Health and Wellbeing Board:-

(i).   that membership and voting arrangements for the Board are as set out in the attached appendix 2 to the submitted report;

(ii).   that the Health and Wellbeing Board have a quorum of four members, to include one Councillor and a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) representative;

(iii).  that substitutes for Councillors on the Health and Wellbeing Board are appointed via nomination from the relevant Group Whip; and

(iv).   that substitutes for other voting representatives are relevant non-voting representatives, if these are appointed by the Board.




Wrap Up Leeds Final Report pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods providing a summary of the achievements and lessons learnt from the “Wrap Up Leeds” initiative – undertaken to improve home insulation in Leeds


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 101 (12th October 2011), the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing a summary of the key achievements and lessons learnt from the ‘Wrap Up Leeds’ initiative which was launched in January 2012 and which had secured over £3,300,000 worth of private sector investment and had reduced heating costs by almost £1,400,000 per annum.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers provided the reasons as to why the ratio between the number of customers contacted and the number of measures installed ranged significantly on a Ward by Ward basis. In conclusion, it was emphasised that future initiatives, such as the ‘Green Deal Demonstrator’ would build upon the positive work already undertaken and would continue to target those residing in deprived areas of the city.


RESOLVED - That the contents of the submitted report and the success of the ‘Wrap Up Leeds’ project be noted.




Submission of Petition entitled: 'To Retain Free School Transport to/from home and school for Children Attending their Nearest Faith School on the basis of their Denomination or Faith


Councillor A Carter advised the Board that prior to the meeting he had received a petition entitled, ‘To Retain Free School Transport to/from home and school for Children Attending their Nearest Faith School on the basis of their Denomination or Faith’. He formally submitted the petition to the Executive Member for Children’s Services for consideration as part of the proposals currently being developed in respect of the Children's Services Transport Policy and Strategy.







(Scrutiny Support will notify Directors of any items called in by 12.00 p.m. on 7th May 2013)