Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Panel - Tuesday, 6th November, 2007 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Helen Gray 247 4355 

No. Item


  Mr D Broster – LCC Private Hire & Taxi Licensing Section

  Mrs K Coldwell – LCC Private Hire & Taxi Licensing Section

Mr B Heptinstall – Leeds Taxi Owners Association

  Mrs J Coyle – MC Chauffeurs

  Mr M Coyle – MC Chauffeurs

  Mr R Gillan – Wakefield MDC

  Mr D Holliday MBE – Kirklees MDC

  Mr H Millington – Sovereign Chauffeurs

  Mr G Houseman – CSC Executive

  Mr B Bowling – National Association of Limousine Drivers & Chauffeurs

  Mr P Wright – National Association of Limousine & Chauffeurs



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)



There were no late items as such, however the clerk reported receipt of a schedule of information relating to prosecutions currently being undertaken by the Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Section which would be available to Members of the Panel for their personal reference only


Additionally amended copies of pages 17 & 18 of the agenda were tabled at the meeting as these had been transposed during the creation of the agenda



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct



There were no declaration of interest



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dowson and Grayshon



Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To approve the minutes of the following meetings as a correct record:

a)  Panel meeting held 4 September 2007

b)  Appeals Sub Group held 2nd October 2007


(Copies attached)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held 4th September 2007 be confirmed as a correct record



Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Section - Quarterly Report (July - September 2007) pdf icon PDF 544 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) detailing the licensing activity of the Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Section during the July to September quarter 2007


(Report attached)


The Panel considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) setting out the licensed activity carried out by the Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Section during the July to September quarter 2007


The Panel noted that a Peugeot E7S had been added to the Council’s list of wheelchair accessible approved vehicles during that period.


Members noted the contents of appendix A of the report which included a schedule of licensing transactions relating to drivers and vehicles and went on to discuss the following

-  Plying for hire – the number of private hire drivers licensed by other authorities attending Leeds and illegally plying for hire and the likelihood of Leeds’ drivers working in other districts

-  Links between LCC and other authorities - it was noted that LCC and some other local authorities met regularly to discuss issues such as plying for hire, enforcement, service conditions

-  Vehicle inspections – Members discussed the impact of drivers’ non attendance for vehicle inspections on the service and the current flat rate inspection fee. Members supported a suggestion by Chair to raise the inspection fee, plus a proposal to introduce an administrative fee to cover officer costs for subsequent follow-up action. Members also considered a sliding scale of fees for repeat non-attenders. These recovered administrative costs could contribute to the creation of an essential post to deal with drivers deliberately avoiding vehicle inspections. It was entirely wrong that vehicles were not inspected to the Councils’ safety standards

-  Private Hire Vehicle database – officers reported that vehicles were inspected at certain intervals, and the Section was working to inspect all fleet vehicles over 3 years old (approximately 3000) in age descending order. Currently all vehicles of 5 years and over had been inspected and their details entered into the database. Testing of all vehicles less than 4 years old would take approximately 12 months to complete at which point officers could be in a position to report back to Panel to provide an overview of the process and to review the current  Conditions in respect of the “age criteria”

-  Enforcement Evening – Members were invited to attend an Evening of Enforcement on Friday 9th November 2007 when LCC officers and West Yorkshire Police would be touring the city on an enforcement push; members of the press would be in attendance to report on the activity


a)  to note the contents of the report

b)  That officers be requested to inform Members of any proposed changes to the administrative fees relating to vehicle inspections after consultation with the HC and PH trade

c)  That, on completion of the vehicle inspection database, officers be requested to present a report on the outcome of the inspection findings and matters to consider with regards to any review of the current testing regime/frequency



The Road Safety Act 2006 - The Effects on Council Policy and Conditions in Respect of Private Hire Vehicles pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) setting out the background to The Road Safety Act 2006, its implications for the Council, public safety considerations and proposals for licensing policy and Conditions in response.


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) submitted a report setting out the background to The Road Safety Act 2006, its’ implications for the Council and proposals for Private Hire licensing policy and Conditions in response.


Consultation had been undertaken by the Taxi and Private Hire (T&PH) Licensing Section with representatives of all aspects of the trade. The issue of public safety was paramount to the Council’s proposals


Members discussed each aspect of the Private Hire (PH) licensed trade as set out in the report as follows:

Stretch Limousines – in general those conditions attached to PH vehicles would be applied, however stretch limos would be allowed to have standard tinted windows, a smaller PH licence plate, would not require PH livery to the bodywork or stickers to windows, plus vehicle age limit would be varied. Officers outlined ongoing discussion with the trade on the design of a smaller PH licence plate to be dealt with under delegated powers. Mr Houseman produced samples to be considered by the authority

  • The Panel considered comments from Mr Bowling regarding the vehicle age criteria set down in the proposed conditions; other means of licensing the vehicles, requirement for drivers to be CRB checked and the impact of these issues on the trade.
  • Members noted that Stretch Limo drivers could opt for the vehicle to be licensed by the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) – which would not require the driver to be CRB checked. Members commented on this loophole between the legislation governing this aspect of the trade and urged trade representatives to contact the relevant agencies expressing their concern.
  • Members noted the National Association of Limousine & Chauffer Operators currently undertook a 10 weekly vehicle testing regime. The Panel considered whether it would be appropriate to include an additional condition to ensure that any LCC licensed driver be required to be a member of the NAL& CO which would ensure that vehicles could be tested every 10 weeks. Officers reported that under the regulations LCC could not undertake testing at this frequency. Officers suggested the conditions could be amended to include

-  three vehicle inspections per year

-  submission of an MOT certificate every six months

-  submission of a service schedule undertaken by an approved technician on every occasion the vehicle attends the T&PH Licensing Section

Stretch Limousine Drivers – support was given to proposals to introduce a limousine specific driving test, plus an enhanced Group 2 Medical bearing in mind the specialised nature of the trade and size of the vehicle. Members noted proposals to conditions in respect of “professional attire” for drivers, however conceded that a client may request a driver to dress specifically for an occasion and agreed that such instances be notified in writing to the T&PH Section. A SL driver would only be allowed to have a maximum of 9 points on a driving licence

Executive Vehicles – Members noted proposals to ensure the standard of vehicle provision in order to distinguish these vehicles  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.