Agenda and minutes

North East (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 10th December, 2012 4.00 pm

Contact: Stuart Robinson 0113 247 4360  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the December meeting of North East (Inner) Area Committee.



Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.  Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.



The following other significant interests were declared at the above meeting:-


·  Councillor J Dowson in her capacity as a Member of Groundwork Leeds (Agenda Item 8) (Minute 55 refers)


·  Councillor A Sobel in view of the fact that his wife works for St Vincent de Paul (Agenda Item 9) (Minute 59 refers)


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor R Charlwood.


Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.



The Committee received a presentation from Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods on their role within the community and their future plans.


The following representatives were in attendance:


-  Martin Calvert, Chair, Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods

-  Adrian Coltman, Vice Chair, Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods


In their presentation they outlined their previous and future environmental works for Gledhow Valley Woods and circulated photographs on the works undertaken in areas such as forestry and landscaping, including the laying out of new footpaths and access arrangements.


They also outlined their close links with disability groups and primary schools in the area and the fund raising activities undertaken throughout the year.


During the presentation, Members were informed that the organisation was self-sufficient, but in view of current funding pressures it was noted that it was their intention to approach the Area Committee with a funding request at some point in the future to assist them with their future plans and objectives.


The Chair invited comments from Members of the Area Committee.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:


·  Clarification of their specific proposals for Gledhow Valley Woods

·  Clarification of their involvement in relation to the cleaning of the lake

(It was noted that the maintenance of the lake was not their responsibility)

·  Clarification of their involvement with other partnerships within the Council and how they publicised their work

·  Clarification if the organisation were a registered charity and how they achieved funding

·  Clarification if the organisation had any links with the Gledhow Conservation Heritage Group

·  Clarification of the organisations involvement with young people, including scout groups and whether the organisation had helped other groups in the area in view of the crossover of priorities


In conclusion, Rory Barke, East North East Area Leader acknowledged the excellent work carried out within the area by the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods and requested the organisation to liaise directly with Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer with a view to identifying suitable projects for funding.


The Area Committee thanked the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods for their presentation and attendance.


(Councillor J Dowson and M Rafique joined the meeting at 4.10pm during discussions of the above item)



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2012.


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2012 be confirmed as a correct record.




Matters Arising from the Minutes


a)  Children’s Services Update Report to Area Committees – Inner North East (Minute 44 b) refers)

Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer referred to the above issue and confirmed that a breakdown of the location of all children’s homes had been e mailed to Members of the Area Committee for their information/retention.


b)  Wellbeing Fund Revenue Budget (Minute 44 c) refers)

Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer referred to the above issue and confirmed that contact had been made with the Polish Advice Bureau with a view to linking them into other education providers.


c)  Future Approaches to Priority Neighbourhoods (Minute 43 refers)

Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer referred to the above issue and informed the meeting that a list of those organisations who had received funding by the Chapel Allerton Community First panel had been emailed to Members of the Area Committee as requested.


Councillor S Hamilton enquired on the latest developments in relation to the recruitment process for appointing a new Neighbourhood Manager.


Rory Barke, East North East Area Leader responded and up dated the meeting on the latest recruitment process which was subject to Council procedures. He informed the meeting that the recruitment was in progress, but it may take some time to fill the position.

In view of current staffing issues within his department, Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer would co-ordinate, in the first instance, any issues arising until the post was filled.


d)  East North East Health and Wellbeing Update (Minute 44 refers)

Councillor B Urry referred to the above issue and informed the meeting that a briefing between the Health and Wellbeing Improvement Manager and himself was still outstanding.


Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer informed the meeting that following discussions between the Health and Wellbeing Improvement Manager and herself, specific details on the outstanding issues raised at the last meeting would be circulated to Members of the Area Committee in due course.




Wellbeing Fund Revenue Budget 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader providing Members with an update on the current position of the wellbeing revenue budget for the Inner North East area, together with applications made for funding.


Additional documents:


The East North East Area Leader submitted a report providing Members with an update on the current position of the revenue Wellbeing funding for the Area Committee and highlighting the applications made for consideration by the Area Committee.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following documents:-


  • Inner North East Area Committee Well-Being Budget 2012-13 (Appendix 1 refers)
  • Summer Projects feedback 2012 (Appendix 2 refers)


Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


Specific reference was also made to the following issues referred to in Appendix 2 of the report:-


·  To welcome the information on the summer projects and to acknowledge that the projects were good value for money

·  The need for some projects to attract more young people in the future

·  The need to discuss target schemes from the Clusters at the Area Committee or Wellbeing Working Group

·  The offer to view the Roundhay Film project DVD at Ward Member meetings

·  To encourage the Roundhay Park event to be held again following it’s cancellation

·  To chase up feedback in relation to Champ Boxing

(The East North East Area Officer agreed to co-ordinate this issue)


In addition to discussing the above issues, Rory Barke, East North East Area Leader informed the meeting that the 2012/13 budget was making good progress. As a result the financial management system had been updated and the Area Committee should be on target by the year end.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That approval be given to fund £1,419.16 for the relocation of a planter on Back Chapeltown Road.

c)  That approval be given to fund £1,500 for the Litter Education project.

d)  That approval be given to fund £1,000 towards the first stage for Adult Exercise equipment in the Norma Hutchinson Park and that the decision to fund a further £1,000 towards the second stage of the project be deferred.

e)  That approval be given to fund £35,000 for the post of Neighbourhood Manager and that this Committee welcomes the fact that the monies unspent this year would be ring fenced to the Area Committee.

f)  That approval be given to set aside an additional £4,000 for small grants.

g)  That this Committee notes the way forward for wellbeing spend in 2013/14 as outlined in the report.



Environmental Services - Six Month Performance Update on the Service Level Agreement pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider a report of the Locality Manager (East North East) providing an update on performance against the Service Level Agreement between Inner North East Area Committee and the ENE Environmental Locality Team.

Additional documents:


Referring to Minute 10 of the meeting held on 18th June 2012, the Locality Manager (East North East Area) submitted a report which provided a half year update on the performance against the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Inner North East Area Committee and the East North East Environmental Locality Team.


The report also provided the Area Committee with information of the range of functions being delivered across the area during this period against the priorities and commitments set out in the SLA, and how they were helping to make a difference on the ground/at the front line.


It was noted that the Area Committee had an opportunity to influence the service and budget planning process for 2013/14 and that views on service developments and continued top priorities for Inner NE were sought, particularly in light of the expected further financial pressures.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


  • Analysis of service requests responded to by ENE Locality Team during the reporting period May to October 2012 (Appendix A refers)
  • ENE Locality Team – Financial Position 2012/13 (half year update)

(Appendix B refers)

·  Leeds Citizens Panel – Environmental Services satisfaction results (Appendix C refers)


John Woolmer, East North East Locality Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


Mick Johnson and Andrew Gibson, East North East Locality Team, Environmental Services were also in attendance to provide background details.


Prior to discussing the report, the Area Committee were requested to consider the following specific issues:-


i) what aspects of the service they feel were working well and delivering against the commitments made in the SLA;

ii) what aspects of the service do the feel were not working as well as they

should against the commitments made in the SLA and would like to see

improvements made;

iii) what the Area Committee’s views were on the key service developments

and what continued top priorities for Inner NE should be in planning for 2013/14, particularly in light of the expected further financial pressures


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  The concerns expressed about leaf fall on roads and pavements and clarification of the current sweeping arrangements)

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and outlined the current arrangements

·  Clarification of when more resources would be provided in relation to emptying additional bins

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and raised his current concerns about this service which was at saturation point)

·  The need to acknowledge that street furniture was still causing problems

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and agreed to investigate this issue further with the assistance of enforcement officers)

·  Clarification of how the department dealt with the issue of large mixed race communities i.e. Saville’s and the Mexborough’s)

·  Clarification of the duties of agency staff/Continental Landscape employees and whether they would be able to respond  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.


Environmental Sub Group Minutes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader on the issues discussed at the Environmental Sub Group meeting held on 29th October 2012.

Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) submitted a report on the issues raised at the Environmental Sub Group meeting held on 29th October 2012.


Appended to the report was a copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 29th October 2012 for the information/comment of the meeting.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That this Committee notes the contents of the Environmental Sub Group minutes held on 29th October 2012.





East North East Homes Leeds Grounds Maintenance report pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Partnerships, East North East Homes Leeds of the work and progress made by the Grounds Maintenance contractor, Continental Landscapes from April to November 2012.


The Head of Partnerships, East North East Homes, Leeds submitted a report informing the Area Committee of the work and progress made by the Grounds Maintenance contractor, Continental Landscapes, from April to November 2012 on the East North East Homes Leeds Grounds Maintenance.


Steven Vowles, Head of Partnerships, East North East Homes, Leeds presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


He informed the meeting that the summary of performance monitoring (Appendix A refers) was still outstanding and he agreed to provide a copy to Members of the Area Committee via the East North East Area Leader for their information/retention.


Discussion ensued on the contents of the report.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:


·  The concerns expressed regarding the number of complaints received from residents about grass cuttings being deposited on the road and pavements and as a result becoming a potential safety hazard when wet

·  The concerns expressed about grass cuttings being blown on to the road by grass cutting operatives


The Head of Partnerships, East North East Homes responded and agreed to address the comments made at the meeting.


RESOLVED -That the contents of the report be noted.




Inner North East Area Committee Priorities and Consultation pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader on an update on the Inner North East Area Committee Priorities and Consultation, including the Neighbourhood Improvement areas and their progress and that of the Citizens Panel. The report also provides feedback on the Autumn 2012 consultation and the proposed priorities for 2013/14 and further consultation on these during Spring 2013.

Additional documents:


Referring to Minute 90 of the meeting held on 12th March 2012, the East North East Area Leader submitted a report on an update on the Inner North East Area Committee priorities agreed by the Area Committee at the March meeting, including the top three priorities for 2012/13 agreed at the last meeting using the agreed reporting mechanism.


The report also provided feedback on the Autumn 2012 consultation and the proposed priorities for 2013/14 and further consultation on these issues during Spring 2013.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:


·  Area Committee (Inner North East) Performance Plan – November 2012 (Appendix 1 refers)

·  6 hats Community Consultation (Appendix 2 refers)

·  Moor Allerton Priority Neighbourhood Action Plan 2012/13 (Appendix 3 refers)

·  Leeds Citizens Panel – Membership Summary as at 1stNovember 2012 (Appendix 4 refers)


Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  The need for the four ambassadors to attend the Area Committee to discuss their work

(The East North East Area Officer agreed to co-ordinate this issue)

·  The need to re-promote the Volunteer Thank You event with a view to raising awareness and increasing the numbers

((The East North East Area Officer Leader responded and acknowledged that there was a need to address this issue. He agreed to report back at the next meeting with a view to the possibility of issuing individual awards in recognition of the excellent work being undertaken in this area)

·  Clarification of the progress being made to date in relation to The Open Door

(The East North East Area Officer reported on the latest developments and at the request of the meeting she agreed to liaise with the Corporate Lettings Team with a view to progressing this issue)

·  The need to acknowledge that that there was a shortage of young people aged between 18-24 on the panel and the need for the team to engage with further education and young people’s groups

·  The need to invite representatives from the local Commissioning Groups to the Area Committee to discuss how the new process would work, especially in relation to doctors

(The East North East Area Leader responded and agreed to address this issue as part of the ‘themed’ Area Committee meeting concept)



a)  That the report on the Area Committee priorities update be noted and welcomed.

b)  That in relation to the issue of how the Council should target its efforts to fill the gaps in Leeds Citizens Panel membership, this Committee supports the process as now outlined.

c)  That approval be given to the proposed 2013/14 priorities and further consultation in Spring 2013 in accordance with the report now submitted.

d)  That this Committee notes and approves the closure of Open Door as agreed with local residents and ward members.



Apprenticeships Update pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader providing an update on city-wide initiatives to support growth in apprenticeships. The report also provides an update on the proposal to offer two local partnership based apprenticeship, sponsored by the Inner East and Inner North East Area Committee.


The East North East Area Leader submitted a report providing an update on city-wide initiatives to support growth in apprenticeships.


The report also provided an update on the proposal to offer two local partnership based apprenticeship, sponsored by the Inner East and Inner North East Area Committee.


Rory Barke, East North East Area Leader presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  Clarification of the accreditation process and the progress being made

·  Clarification if any other Area Committees were undertaking this initiative

(The East North East Area Leader confirmed that the East (Inner) Area Committee were also undertaking this initiative)

·  The need to acknowledge that the Apprenticeship Training Agency

(ATA) was aimed at smaller agencies and to encourage the Hub to employ apprentices who were not at a higher level of apprenticeship



a)  That the contents of the report be noted and welcomed.

b)  That this Committee notes the update provided within the report on strategic initiatives and the local Area Committee support to encourage the growth of apprenticeships.



Area Chairs Forum Minutes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) on the Area Chairs Forum minutes held on  29th October 2012.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) submitted a report on the Area Chairs Forum minutes held on 11th September 2012.


Appended to the report was a copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2012 for the information/comment of the meeting.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That this Committee notes the contents of the Area Chairs Forum minutes held on 11th September 2012.




Date and Time of the Next Meeting

Monday 28th January 2013 at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.


Monday 28th January 2013 at 4.00pm at the Reginald Centre, 263 Chapeltown Road, Leeds 7.




(The meeting concluded at 6.10pm)