Agenda and minutes

Development Plan Panel - Tuesday, 12th June, 2007 1.30 pm

Contact: Sophie Wallace  (0113) 395 1631

No. Item



To declare any personal / prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Fox- agenda item 6 – Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plans Preferred Options – declared a personal interest as a shareholder of a company which is involved in the scheme (minute 51 refers)


Councillor Leadley – agenda item 6 – Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan  Preferred Options – declared a personal interest as a member of METRO which is affected by the scheme. (minute 51 refers)





Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harker and Councillor Davey.




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2007.


RESOLVED- That the minutes of the Development Plan Panel meeting held on 24th April 2007 be approved.





To consider the report of the Director of Development updating Members on progress of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Preferred Options, informing of a proposed period of consultation for 31st August – 12th October 2007 and seeking recommendation to Executive Board for their approval.

Additional documents:



Members considered a report by the Director of City Development which updated Members on the progress of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Preferred Options, and proposed that a consultation period be held between 31st August 2007 and 12th October 2007. The report sought the Panel’s recommendation of the proposals to the Executive Board.


Officers provided the Panel with an overview of the process of the preparation of Development Plan Documents such as the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP), and informed Members that the AVLAAP is currently at the Preferred Options stage, with submission to the Secretary of State planned for Spring 2008.


Officers tabled a document containing amendments to the Preferred Option Report in Appendix 1 circulated to Members on 1st June 2007.


Officers presented the report and plans to the Panel. The presentation included the following information:


à  The role of the AVLAAP includes the provision of a co-ordinated approach to the sustainable regeneration of the Aire Valley Regeneration Area, including it’s spatial planning within the context of the City- Region, compatible with the significance of the area in terms of it’s potential to contribute to the growth and success of the regional economy.

à  29,000 jobs will be created in the regeneration of the Aire Valley by delivery of the development proposed in the Preferred Options.

à  The Aire Valley area covers an area of approximately 1000 hectares, with approximately 440 hectares of this land with potential for development.

à  The Leeds Employment Land Review was completed in June 2006. It concluded that the current supply of offices with planning permission is sufficient to meet predicted requirements until 2023.

à  The Knostrop Waste Water Treatment Works and the power station at Skelton Grange are both potential barriers to achieving regeneration of the full 1000 hectares of the area as both sites require significant work to facilitate this.

à  Housing:  There is already planning permission in place for some residential development in the Aire Valley area, including for 699 apartments in Hunslet Mills. It is envisaged that the Aire Valley area will have a population of 10,000 people residing in 3,000 units.

à  Transport: Key elements of the transport strategy for the Aire Valley are the East Leeds Link Road which will link the M1 with the Inner Ring Road from 2008, and the need to facilitate travel between the Aire Valley and EASEL areas. Possible future bus routes were displayed to the Panel.

à  Officers highlighted the importance of the green areas of the Aire Valley including Temple Newsam House and Park, Rothwell Country Park, and also wetlands in the area which will be managed by the RSPB.

Members discussed the following issues in relation to the item:


à  The development for residential use of areas identified as high risk flood zones.

à  The importance of ensuring the provision of good public transport for the Aire Valley area as an alternative to using the car and to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an overview of the recently published Yorkshire & Humber Plan, and highlighting particular implications and issues for Leeds.


The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an overview of the recently published Yorkshire and Humber Plan, and highlighted implications and issues which were particularly relevant to Leeds.


Officers presented the report to the Panel. Members were informed that the Report “The Regional Spatial Strategy” had been issued for information rather than for consultation, and that a 12 week consultation period was expected to commence at the end of June 2007.


The presentation included the following information:


à  The report suggested that the Leeds City Region Policies are felt to be too generalised, but acknowledged that the Leeds City Region is likely to be the key economic generator in the region, although the report stated concerns around the housing and transport strategies relating to this.

à  The report clarified the role of employment land forecasts and left it to Local Authorities to justify their own figures in their Local Development Frameworks.

à  The report suggested a significantly higher annual housing requirement for Leeds: 4,000 dwellings from 2011 (currently 1930). The implications of this on the infrastructure of Leeds such as transport and employment require further consideration.


Members discussed the following aspects of the item:


à  The relationship between the need for future housing and future employment in Leeds.

à  The need for joined up thinking in planning the Regional Spatial Strategy, housing strategy and transport strategy in Leeds to ensure the different strategies complement each other.

à  The need for social housing in Leeds and the conflicting demands for land.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.





Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 10th July at 1.30 p.m. in the Civic Hall


Tuesday 10th July at 1.30 p.m. in the Civic Hall, Leeds.