Agenda and minutes

South and West Plans Panel - Thursday, 17th September, 2015 1.30 pm

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 



There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors R Finnigan, J Heselwood and R Wood.


Councillors B Flynn and S McKenna were in attendance as substitutes.




Minutes - 6 August 2015 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2015.



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.




Application 15/03417/FU - land adjacent to 141 King Street Drighlington pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for one detached house and one pair of semi detached houses


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the development of one detached house and one pair of semi-detached house on land adjacent to 141 King Street, Drighlington.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.



Issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The application had been referred to Panel at the request of a local Ward Member due to concerns regarding the impact on the highway.

·  There was a PAS site to the rear which had been the subject of an application for 42 dwellings.

·  Some low category protected trees would have to be removed.  There would be a condition with regards to landscaping to replace these.

·  The number of vehicular movements generated by this proposal were not considered to be of significant concern.  The site had existing access arrangements and the visibility splays were considered to be adequate.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed


·  The proposed development on the PAS site would not be accessed through this one.

·  Replacement tree species had not been outlined in the condition relating to landscaping.  Further consultation would be undertaken before discharge of the condition.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.





Application 15/01919/FU - Mary Morris House, 24 Shire Oak Road, Headingley pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for alterations and extensions to form additional 41 bedrooms to existing student accommodation, including partial cladding, car parking and associated cycle and bin stores


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for alterations and extensions to form additional 41 bedrooms to existing student accommodation including partial cladding, car parking and associated cycle and bin stores at Mary Morris House, 24 Shire Oak Road, Headingley.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to during the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The application had been referred to the Panel due to a high level of local interest.

·  Proposed improvements to the existing buildings including replacement windows.

·  Current access arrangements to the site would remain.

·  Layout of the flats was shown.

·  There would be a 5 storey extension to the rear with a steel cladding finish.

·  It was proposed for there to be a 24 hour contact arrangement for local residents in case of any concerns.

·  There would be a Section 106 agreement for mitigating highways measures if required.  There would also be a greenspace contribution.


A local resident addressed the Panel with concerns regarding the application.  These included the following:


·  The character of the student accommodation had changed since it was operated by a charitable trust and aimed at overseas students.  There was now more disruption in the area from students.

·  It was felt that the saturation of student accommodation in the area was contrary to planning policy.

·  It was felt that the proposals for management of the premises were insufficient and that there should be live in student wardens.

·  It was requested that the application be deferred to develop the management plan which should include a live in manager and consultation with local residents.

·  Noise disturbance late at night and in the early hours of the morning.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The application had been amended from an original proposal which would have created an additional 177 bedspaces.

·  The applicant could extend by up to 20 bedspaces without seeking planning permission.  With the proposed extensions there would be a further 41 bedspaces in total.

·  All proposed bedrooms exceeded minimum guidelines for size.

·  There would be a management plan to cover control of the use of the building and the applicant would be willing to consider the inclusion of a 24 hour on site warden to respond to complaints.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Parking arrangements – there would be one parking space per every four students which was an improvement on the current situation.

·  Concern regarding the cladding finish to the building – it was suggested that Ward Members be consulted.

·  Concern regarding parking directly outside ground floor bedrooms.

·  Concern regarding existing issues in the area such as problems with parking, litter, disturbance and the need for more family housing.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report,  Also the following conditions:


·  Inclusion of onsie  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Application 15/03255/FU - 12 Outwood Lane, Horsforth pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive and consider the attached application of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for change of use and alterations of dwelling house (C3) to residential institution (C2)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the change of use and alterations of dwelling house (C3) to residential institution (C2)


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The application had been referred to panel at the request of a local Ward Councillor due to concerns regarding parking, disturbance from staff changeovers and lack of local amenities.  There had also been a number of local objections.

·  The proposals would create residential accommodation for adults with learning difficulties.

·  The garage block would be converted to create 2 flats.  This would be the only major external change.

·  The property had previously been used as a residential nursing home.

·  There would be increased parking within the property’s grounds to allow staff parking.

·  There would be a condition for a £10,000 off-site highways contribution should this be necessary.

·  It was recommended that the application be approved subject to conditions outlined in the report.


Local residents addressed the panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The property had been a family home since 2002.  Since that time the area had gained conservation status and a residential institution would not fit within the conservation area status.

·  A commercial institution would not preserve or enhance the area.

·  There would be potential disturbance to residents for 24 hours a day over 365 days a year.

·  There would be a loss of some greenspace for the extra parking.

·  There would be overlooking to other properties and a loss of privacy.

·  Nearby properties had traditional single glazed sash windows which could not be double glazed to prevent noise pollution.

·  Many nearby properties were family homes and there would be disturbance to children late in the evening.

·  There had been some disruption to neighbours when the property had previously been a residential care home.

·  Previous applications to turn the property into flats or a nursey had been refused.


Tha applicant addressed the Panel.  The following issues were highlighted:


·  The ethos of the organisation was to enable residents to have access to community facilities.

·  Residents were supported to attend work and college and to use leisure and retail facilities.

·  Local residents had been invited to visit one of the organisations other centres to see how they operated.

·  Proposals had been amended to address local residents concerns.

·  Residents of the home would not include those detained under the Mental Health Act.

·  The proposals would create 28 jobs.

·  In response to questions from Members, the following was discussed:

o  The property was close to some of the organisations other facilities.

o  Local people would be encouraged to apply for employment.

o  Traffic surveys indicated that there would only be a two percent increase in traffic on Outwood Lane.

o  When fully occupied there would be ten residents at the property.

o  Residents would usually require one  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


Application 15/04091/FU - 73a Low Road, Hunslet pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use from Moor Vehicle and Accessories Sales and Service (Sui Generis) to Private Adult Members Club (Sui Generis)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the change of use from Motor Vehicle and Accessories Sales and Service to a Private Adult Members Club at 73a Low Road, Hunslet.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The application had been brought to the Panel at the request of a Ward Councillor due to local interest.

·  To the eastern side of the building was mainly industrial while the western side was mainly residential.

·  The building was to the rear of another and screened by trees from the main road.

·  The proposed use of the premises would not require Sexual Entertainment or Alcohol Licensing.

·  The applicant wanted to relocate from current premises to allow disabled access.

·  It was recommended to approve the application subject to conditions outlined in the report.


The Panel heard concerns and objections from the Headteacher of a nearby school.  These included the following:


·  The school had a responsibility to look after children’s moral needs as well as educational needs and this application did not meet the aspirations of a Child Friendly Leeds.

·  There was a nearby hostel for ex-offenders and potential for increased sexual activity in the area.

·  The application had caused concerns to sponsors of projects carried out at the school.

·  There had been further objections from the School Governors and local residents.


The applicant addressed the Panel.  The following issues were highlighted:


·  The existing premises in Leeds had been in operation for 14 years.  The applicant now needed to relocate for disabled access.

·  The club had always operated discretely and had been a good neighbour.  There had never been any complaints to the Local Authority of Police.

·  The premises were at the end of a private road and there would be no through traffic.

·  Only those who were making a deliberate effort to find the club would know of its whereabouts.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.




Application 15/03561/RM - Plot J1, Kirkstall Forge, Kirkstall pdf icon PDF 897 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer for an application for a seven storey office block with basement parking (Phase 1)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a reserved matters application for a seven storey office block with basement parking (Phase1) at Kirkstall Forge, Kirkstall.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  This would be part of the first phase of development at the Kirkstall Forge site.

·  The location of the office bock would be next to the new railway station.

·  The building would have a mainly glass exterior and the design had resonance with the industrial past of the site.

·  There had been concerns regarding car parking.

·  It was recommended to grant the application.


Further to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Rail routes – the station was on the Leeds to Bradford line and it had not been possible to extend this to other routes.

·  Importance of keeping the industrial heritage at the site.

·  Members were supportive of the design of the building.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.





Application 15/02901/OT - Horsforth Campus, Calverley Lane, Horsforth pdf icon PDF 979 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline application for residential development of up to 66 dwellings


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a position statement regarding an application for residential development of up to 66 dwellings at the Horsforth Campus, Calverley Lane, Horsforth.


Members attended a site visit prior to the hearing and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted included the following:


·  The application related to the already built up area of the site.

·  An indicative layout of 66 dwellings was shown.

·  School provision in the area.

·  Sports pitches – it was likely that these would need to be retained.

·  Affordable housing and independent living contribution.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  The local highways network – it was reported that the access road would be sufficient to serve 200 dwellings once improvements had been made.

·  School provision – there could be options for a new through school or expansion of existing schools in the area.

·  Height of the dwellings – it was requested that these should not be higher than 2.5 storeys.

·  Members supported the principle of residential development of the site although there were some concerns regarding the isolation of the area to be developed and maintenance of the open space and sports fields.


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.




Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday, 22 October 2015 at 1.30 p.m.


Thursday, 22 October 2015 at 1.30 p.m.