Agenda and minutes

Inner East Community Committee - Thursday, 8th September, 2016 6.30 pm

Venue: Academy Hall, Leeds East Academy, South Parkway, Seacroft, LS14 6TY

Contact: Helen Gray 0113 247 4355 

Note: A workshop on the theme of consultation on Leeds Culture Strategy will be held at approximately 7.30pm after the formal meeting 

No. Item

Approximately 20 representatives of the local community, partners and stakeholders attended the meeting.



Chairs Opening Remarks


Councillor Khan welcomed all present to the meeting, particularly members of the local community and brief introductions were made. The Chair welcomed Councillor S Arif to her first Inner East Community Committee (CC) meeting.



Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)


There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-


The agenda contained no exempt information.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


No formal late items of business were added to the agenda; however Members were in receipt of supplementary information in relation to:

Item 32 Community Committee update – a copy of the proposed Environmental Service Level Agreement for the Inner East CC area

Item 33 Wellbeing report – a schedule providing a précis of the recommendations of the Member advisory Wellbeing sub group on the applications to be considered

Item 34 – a revised copy of the report “Employment and Skills Update”



Declarations of Disclosable Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Maqsood.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 4:16 and 4:17 of the Community Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Community Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair


The following matters were raised under the Open Forum:

Rubbish/Waste Control

Mr B Field spoke of local concerns over an increase of residents burning rubbish throughout the day. He reported that the next Burmantofts & Richmond Hill CLT meeting would discuss whether there were any byelaws which could control the proliferation.

Ms K Harris, Harehills resident, expressed her concern over an increase in the number of domestic and trade items/waste being disposed of inappropriately. Ms Harris sought support for an overall waste strategy for the area; including a review of the number of bins, planning permissions and consideration of a replacement new waste site for the Florence Road tip.

In response, the Committee recognised that a unique approach to a waste strategy in Harehills was required. Members discussed the role of the plans panels in determining planning permissions and waste storage conditions, the outcome of the Keep Britain Tidy Survey and the 50 new bins to be installed across the Inner East CC area. It was also reported that the Environmental Service Level Agreement would be presented to the next meeting.

Access for All in Harehills

Access to shops and facilities was highlighted as a concern – residents with limited mobility and/or those using wheelchairs and prams found it increasingly difficult to navigate the local pavements due to street furniture and inappropriate waste storage. It was suggested that refurbishments of existing or new premises did not include disabled access proposals.

In response, the Chair encouraged the use of 101 to report hotspots and incidents to the local neighbourhood team.


The CC noted that, where appropriate, all of the matters raised would be referred to the relevant Member advisory group for further discussion and/or LCC Department.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th June 2016


(copy attached)


RESOLVED – That subject to the amendment of Minute 11 b) to read “Bob Field – Burmantofts and Richmond Hill CLT”, the minutes of the meeting held 16th June 2016 be agreed as a correct record.



Matters Arising

To note any matters arising from the minutes


Minute 12 Community Committee cluster appointments – further detail on the role and commitment to be provided before the final appointments can be confirmed

Minute 14 Lettings Policy Review – A suggestion to include those with caring responsibilities within the Lettings Policy priority criteria list was noted. This suggestion to be included within the consultation response.

Minute 18 Strong and resilient communities – A concern was highlighted over the effect of the Universal Credit and sanctions system on the local community. The CC noted that a Scrutiny Board Inquiry was scheduled to consider this issue and suggested that a copy of the Inquiry report be made available to Members in due course.



Community Committee Update pdf icon PDF 623 KB

To consider the report of the ENE Area Leader which provides an update on the work programme of the Inner East Community Committee, its recent successes and current challenges

Additional documents:


Neil Young, Area Officer, presented an update report on the Inner East CC work programme, its recent successes and current challenges. The report outlined the work undertaken through the Committee’s sub groups, the emerging Neighbourhood Improvement Partnerships and with local partners. The Committee particularly noted the success of several Community Galas and Fun Days held throughout the Inner East during the summer.


A copy of the Community Committee Performance Management Framework was included at Appendix A. A copy of the draft Environmental Service Level Agreement for the Inner East area had been despatched just prior to the meeting, however Members agreed to hold further discussions on the SLA and deferred the matter to the next meeting.


The dates of two future community events were noted as follows:

·  Harehills Festival - 18th September 2016

·  Seacroft Winter Gala – 10th December 2016


a)  To note the contents of the report.

b)  To defer consideration of the draft Environmental Service Level Agreement to the next meeting, following further consultation with Ward Members.




Wellbeing Report pdf icon PDF 301 KB

To consider the report of the ENE Area Leader which provides the Inner East Community Committee with details of its Wellbeing budget, including details of any new projects for consideration.

Additional documents:


The East North East Area Leader submitted a report providing an update on the current position of the capital and revenue budget for the Inner East CC.


Members were in receipt of a schedule providing an overview of the applications and the recommendations of the Members’ Wellbeing advisory sub group. An amendment to paragraph 38 was made in order to read ‘2016/17 financial year’


a)  To note the spend to date and current balances for the 2016/17 financial year as set out in Appendix A of the submitted report.


b)  To note the following decisions taken by delegated authority since the June Inner East CC meeting:


Amount granted

Confident Girls

Youth Inclusion Project

Family Fun Day (Harehills)

Family Fun Day (Denis Healy & Crossgates Community Centre)

Friday Night Hub

Football Coaching & Skills Summer Camp (Burmantofts & Richmond Hill)

Football Coaching & Skills Summer Camp (Gipton)

Youth & Health Projects












c)  That having considered the submitted project proposals and the comments of Elected Members the following be agreed in respect of applications to the Wellbeing Fund 2016/17:



Amount Granted

St Agnes Hall Kitchen Refurbishment

South Seacroft Friends & Neighbours Transport

Kitchen Renovation at Crossgates Working Men’s Club

Opportunity Shops

Cluster Booklet for 2016 Summer Holiday Programme

Gipton & Harehills Soccer Project







Lincoln Green Flowerbeds

NEETs Project – A64 York Road Corridor

Feasibility Study – Phase 2

English for Integration

6th RadhaRamen Folk Festival

Community MUGA

Ebor Gardens Community Café

Leodis GRiD

Richmond Hill – Fitter, Happier, Healthier

£1,690 Deferred

£5,000 Deferred

£6,100 Deferred

£10,000 Deferred

£3,800 Deferred

£5,000 Deferred

£10,000 Deferred

£1,247 Deferred

£4,030 Deferred



Employment and Skills Update pdf icon PDF 313 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Employment and Skills, on Employment and Skills service activity and key unemployment data for the Inner East area


Additional documents:


Members considered a report from the Chief Officer, Employment & Skills on Employment and Skills Service activity and key unemployment data for the Inner East area.


Councillor R Grahame, Community Committee Champion for Employment & Skills introduced the item and highlighted how apprenticeship schemes supported the CCs objective for getting people into training and employment. Keri Evans, Employment & Skills (Communities & Partnerships) presented the report and provided an outline of:

-  The increase in the  number of people accessing the services provided and securing employment

-  The proposed extension of Job shop provision

-  The establishment of the Pathways Team to provide the Information, Advice & Guidance package to young people

-  Business engagement work to encourage businesses seeking to expand, build or develop in Leeds to procure local staff

-  Information Sessions to promote the services available and inform residents of the vacancies available. Further sessions were planned, and a suggestion to utilise the Lincoln Green Community Centre was noted

-  The bids made to secure funding from the European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) to support future employment & skills work


Discussions also commented on the development of Victoria Gate in the city centre - Whether any data was available to show the Inner East area share of job opportunities at the new development. It was noted that John Lewis store recruitment had just closed although other outlets were still recruiting. The data would be provided to members in due course


a)  To note the contents of the report

b)  To request a further report in 2017 to provide an update on the progress of the ESIF programme


(Councillor Selby withdrew from the meeting for a short while at this point)



Leeds Culture Strategy (2017-2030) pdf icon PDF 286 KB

To consider the report of the Principal Officer, Culture and Sport which provides an update on the approach being taken to develop the new Culture Strategy for Leeds 2017-2030. The report seeks consideration of local groups, networks, organisations and individuals who could contribute to the new Culture Strategy and is presented in support of the informal workshop at the end of the formal business meeting



Members considered a report from the Chief Officer, Culture & Sport on the approach taken to develop the new Culture Strategy for Leeds 2017-30. The report was presented as the basis of discussions during the workshop session to follow the formal meeting on the Leeds Culture Strategy Consultation.


Leanne Buchan, Culture & Sport Development, attended the meeting to present the report and briefly outlined the following key issues:

-  The consultation undertaken so far and the new approach to consultation seeking input to develop the Strategy

-  The definition of the term ‘culture’ (to include community, food, faith and place)

-  The value of ‘culture’ to communities; in terms of addressing health, wealth and inequality, planning for public spaces etc


a)  To note the contents of the report

b)  To consider and debate the contents of the report in greater detail during the workshop following the formal meeting. Discussions to reference the approach to the development of the new Culture Strategy and consider which other groups, networks, organisations and individuals in the locality could contribute to the new Culture Strategy. These details be provided to the relevant officers in due course



Leeds' Bid to become European Capital of Culture 2023 pdf icon PDF 316 KB

To consider the report of the Principal Officer, Culture and Sport which provides an update on Leeds’s bid to be European Capital of Culture 2023 and seeks support from the committee in engaging with local community groups and cultural providers to develop the bid for European Capital of Culture 2023. The report is presented in support of the informal workshop at the end of the formal business meeting



Members considered a report from the Chief Officer, Culture & Sport on Leeds’ bid to become European Capital of Culture 2023. The report was presented as the basis of discussions during the workshop session to follow the formal meeting on the Leeds Culture Strategy Consultation.


Sarah Priestley, Culture & Sport Development, attended the meeting to present the report and briefly outlined the following issues:

-  The benefits to the city in terms of promotion and transformation of the city, raising the international profile and economic awareness of the city

-  The impact of the outcome of the European Referendum on the bid


a)  To note the contents of the report

b)  To consider and debate the contents of the report in greater detail during the workshop following the formal meeting. Discussions to consider which other groups, networks, organisations and individuals in the locality could contribute to both the bid for European Capital of Culture 2023 and the new Culture Strategy for Leeds.



Leeds Transport Conversation pdf icon PDF 297 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation, on the Transport Conversation and engagement process. The report seeks feedback and input from Members on the future strategic approach to transport in the city; including the Committees’ key priorities for transport investment in the city and the local community; and the development of a proposition and delivery plan for the £173.5 million fund due to be allocated following the cancellation of the NGT project.



The Committee considered a report on the Transport Conversation and engagement process. The report sought feedback and input on the future strategic approach to transport in the city, as well as the development of proposals and delivery plan for the £173m fund due to be allocated to Leeds following the cancellation of the NGT project.


Gary Bartlett, Chief Highways and Transportation Officer, introduced the report and sought the community’s’ views on transport concerns and problems along with ideas for local solutions. Development of a Transport Strategy would consider many factors (such as congestion, road safety, pollution; the impact of cars on the city and district centres; the changing demographics of the city; technology; falling bus usage)  and also recognise that future transport would need to link with regional transport schemes.


It was reported that 3000 responses had been received since the Transport conversation had been launched on 2nd August 2016. Two key elements of the consultation were highlighted as being:

·  Proposals to utilise the £173 m former trolleybus funding

·  The production of a wider Transport Strategy for the next 20 years


The Committee noted the intention to facilitate further local consultation to inform the transport strategy.


The Committee made use of the “Community Comment” agenda item to discuss the presentation in detail with local residents and the following issues were considered:

-  Measures to ensure widespread; meaningful engagement and promotion of the Conversation; and to ensure local solutions were fully considered in the development of the strategy

-  Ongoing highways works and cycle lane implementation in the locality

-  Proposals contained within the provisions in the Governments Bus Services Bill for greater Local Authority involvement in bus services and fares

-  Impact of through traffic on the localities within the Inner East CC area

-  Recognition that there would not be a “quick fix” for those areas such as Harehills which experienced through traffic to the City Centre.

-  Access and equality

-  Better public transport connectivity between the wards

Comments highlighted the balance to be struck between the need to identify local issues and local solutions against the need for strategic city wide schemes – such as the East Leeds Orbital Road - which could also deliver traffic reduction within the Inner East CC wards.


a)  To thank officers for the presentation and to note the contents of the report

b)  To note the intention to consider the Transport Conversation in more detail, including further local engagement opportunities

c)  To note the wider strategic context of the Transport Conversation which will extend beyond a first phase conversation into the Spring/ Summer of next year, informing a wider transport strategy for the City and your area over the next 20 years

d)  To note the Department of Transport £173.5 million offer for public transport improvements, in the context of a currently planned report to Executive Board on the 19th October and the planned submission of strategic investment case to the Department of Transport

e)  To note the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Community Comment

To receive any feedback or comments from members of the public on the reports presented to this Community Committee meeting.


 A time limit for this session has been set at 10 minutes.


Due to the number and nature of comments it will not be possible to provide responses immediately at the meeting; however, members of the public shall receive a formal response within 14 working days.


If the Community Committee runs out of time, comments and feedback on the reports may be submitted in writing at the meeting or by email (contact details on agenda front sheet)


Having discussed the “Transport Conversation”, no other matters were raised under Community Comment.



Date and Time of next meeting

To note the date and time of the next meeting as Thursday 15th December 2016 at 6.00pm


RESOLVED – To note the date and time of the next meeting as Thursday 15th December 2016 at 6.00pm