Agenda item

Report of Area Action Plans Preferred Options Consultation

To consider the report of the Director of City Development advising Development Plan Panel of responses relating to public consultation undertaken on the Preferred Options for the City Centre, East and South East Leeds (EASEL) and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plans and proposed next steps.



Members considered a report by the Director of City Development which advised of responses relating to public consultation undertaken on the preferred options for the City Centre, East and South East Leeds (EASEL) and the Aire Valley, Leeds Area Action Plans (AAPs) and proposed next steps.


A schedule of initial responses to the LDF Core Strategy Issues & Alternative Options was tabled for information.


Officers presented the report to the Panel. The presentation included the following information:-


-  Area Action Plans are being prepared as part of the Local Development Framework for Leeds

-  The Area Action Plans for the City Centre, EASEL and Aire Valley Leeds have had public consultation on the preferred options in 2007 with submission due in 2008 prior to public examination in 2009 and  Adoption in 2010.

-  Each AAP had a 6 week consultation period. The public consultation process included the notification of organisations the Council considered interested in or affected by the proposals, making documents available on LCC website and in Council buildings, and notification of residents, community groups, key consultees and major landowners who were all given the opportunity to make comments.

-  Each AAP consultation tailored further publicity to meet the differing requirements for each area.


·  City Centre AAP


114 individual representations were received during the formal consultation period between 16th April and 28th May 2007.


Some of the issues included


o  making the plan more ‘visionary’

o  the size of the city centre

o  provision of public space

o  new public transport infrastructure and route safeguarding


City Development plans to produce a ‘City Centre Vision’ to ensure that the city centre vision and CCAAP are complemented.  It may be necessary to adjust the timetable for the CCAAP until the City Centre vision is clear.




During the public consultation period from 18th June to 30th July 2007, 464 people attended drop in sessions, and other responses included letters from residents, agencies, ward councillors, local businesses and other stakeholders.


Some of the key issues included:-


o  the proposed mixed use area M1 (which includes the Eastdeans) in Seacroft

o  the potential scale of demolition

o  the need for sufficient affordable and social rented housing

o  the need to improve public transport routes and services


The AAP evidence base continues to be developed to provide strategies in order to deliver sustainable communities across the EASEL area. A series of neighbourhood plans are  to be prepared and EASEL initiatives to provide greater detail on how developments will be progressed.


·  Aire Valley Leeds AAP


During the public consultation period from 5th October to 16th November 2007, 90 people attended drop in sessions and 59 questionnaires and letters were returned.  95% of landowners/ developers of the proposed sites were involved in the consultation.


There was a general level of support for the themes, with the majority of proposals and comments seeking to amend detailed allocations of character areas rather than addressing the main themes.


Responses to consultation continue to be analysed. Development of the evidence base and partnership working will continue to drive forward the next phase of the plan.


Members discussed the level of responses from the public consultations and the importance of ensuring consultation material is appropriate for the consultees.


RESOLVED –That the report be noted.


Supporting documents: