Agenda item

Education Standards Inquiry

To receive and consider a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development in relation to the Board’s Inquiry into education standards.


Further to Minute No. 111 of the meeting held on 13th March, 2008, consideration was given to a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development, which requested the Board to consider whether it had sufficient information to complete its Inquiry and consider the conclusions and recommendations to be incorporated into the draft Inquiry report.


Appended to the report was the Terms of Reference for the Inquiry into Education Standards in Leeds.


The following officers attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions and comments:


·  Gary Milner, 14-19 Strategy Co-ordinator; and

·  Alun Rees, Head of the Extended School for Looked After Children.


The Head of the Extended School for Looked After Children provided the Board with an update of the work undertaken since taking up the post 6 months ago.  He reported that he had held discussions with a number of professionals and with young people, which had enabled him to identify the nature of the challenge faced, establish priorities and develop an improvement plan. 


In brief summary, the main highlighted points were:


·  The Board considered the excellent work undertaken by dedicated teachers.

·  One Member queried the input there had been from Governors.  The Head of the Extended School for Looked After Children reported that no input had been received to date, although an invitation had been issued to them in the governor newsletter.

·  The Board considered targets for improving performance.  The Head of the Extended School for Looked After Children advised that schools should have targets for attendance, inclusion, attainment and value added progress.  It was suggested that the Board could review the targets next year.

·   The Board was briefed on the support currently available to foster carers in relation to education and the changes to 14-19 provision. 

·  One Member queried the work undertaken with other services outside of school hours.  The Board was informed that work was being undertaken with the Integrated Youth Support Service and Connexions.


The 14-19 Strategy Co-ordinator was then invited to report on work that was being undertaken with young people who were particularly vulnerable to becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).  The Co-ordinator reported that Leeds had been successful in attracting £2.5m of European funding over the next three years for work with the NEET grouping. It was also reported that an independent review of information and guidance that was provided by schools was being undertaken.  Reference was also made to the September Guarantee, which guaranteed the offer of learning to school leavers (and 17 year olds from September, 2008).  It was noted that further work was being undertaken to review the level of take-up, and the appropriateness of the offers made to young people.


The following points were also discussed:


·  The Board expressed concern that there did not appear to be any financial support available for colleges teaching students who were unable to start at level two because they still needed to undertake work at level one.  It was agreed that clarification of the funding arrangements would be reported back to the Board prior to the final meeting of the municipal year on Thursday 24th April, 2008.

·  One Member expressed concern in relation to the level of provision and work placements for those post 16 year olds from specialist settings.  It was advised that the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) was aware that more work was needed in this area as part of the new college development.


The Chair then thanked Gary Milner, 14-19 Strategy Co-ordinator and Alun Rees, Head of the Extended School for Looked After Children for attending the meeting.


(Councillor R Feldman left the meeting at 10.50 am during the consideration of this item.)


(Councillor B Lancaster declared a personal interest due to being Chair of the Foster Carers’ Liaison Group.)


(Councillor K Renshaw declared a personal interest due to being a Governor of East Ardsley Primary, Seven Hills Primary and Rodillian High School.)


(Mrs S Knights declared a personal interest due to being a Foster Carer.)




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b)  The Board notes the issues raised by the evidence provided and the visits undertaken as part of the Inquiry, and the emerging conclusions and recommendations to be reflected in the draft report of the Board’s Inquiry.


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