Agenda item

Members' Questions - Executive Member for Environmental Services

To receive a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development and to discuss relevant issues for the Board’s work programme with the Executive Board Member for Environmental Services.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on issues for the Board’s work programme with the Executive Member for Environmental Services.


The following representatives were in attendance:-


Councillor S Smith, Executive Board Member for Environmental Services

Andrew Mason, Chief Environmental Services Officer, Environment and Neighbourhoods


The Chair invited Councillor Smith to make a brief presentation on the key priorities and objectives around Environmental Services.


Following the presentation, Board Members were given the opportunity of raising questions.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  rolling out of the brown bin schemes – clarification of the timescale for the delivery of brown bins for residents living in Tingley/West Ardsley

(The Executive Board Member informed the meeting that in accordance with the aims of the two year rolling –out programme, it was envisaged that the brown bins would be delivered to the above areas by the end of the financial year. It was noted that details of the roll out programme would be sent to Board Members)


·  rolling out of green and black bins – clarification of the timescale for the delivery of green and black bins to residents across the city

(The Executive Board Member informed the meeting that, despite some properties being difficult to service, this issue would be addressed by officers within Environmental Services)


·  weeds growing on the roadside – the concerns expressed about the size and the amount of weeds growing on the roadside, especially within the Horsforth area

(The Executive Board Member confirmed that when the current Parks and Countryside contract expired, this issue would be addressed by officers within Environmental Services)


·  emptying of litter bins within the Chapel Allerton ward – the concerns expressed about on-going missed bin collections

(The Executive Board Member confirmed that this issue would be addressed by the Chief Environmental Services Officer)


·  the need for additional litter bins across the city, in particular within the Middleton Park ward and the non-replacement of litter bins at bus stops

(The Executive Board Member confirmed that there was a need for more litter bins across the city. He agreed to look into this issue, together with the replacement of litter bins at bus stops)


·  street cleaning – clarification of the ALMOs responsibility within this area and the urgent need for a resolution, together with areas to be mapped out with increased schedule preparation

(The Executive Board Member informed the meeting that despite the areas of responsibility being made very clear to the ALMOs, there were some operational difficulties in this area which would be addressed by officers within Environmental Services)


·  enforcement, dog fouling and fly tipping – the need for more publicity and for the Board to measure the performance of enforcement

(The Executive Board Member informed the meeting that discussions were ongoing with the Police around the role ofPCSOs in enforcement and that feedback from these discussions would be provided to the Board. The Board noted and welcomed that the courts were very active with supporting the Council in the area of enforcement)


·  clarification of the procedures around spillages when collecting bins

(The Executive Board Member confirmed that Environmental Services were directly responsible for spillage)


·  street cleaning schedule in Horsforth/Otley – concerns raised by the North West (Outer) Area Committee around the six/eight week schedule

(The Executive Board Member responded and agreed to refer this issue to the Chief Environmental Services Officer for appropriate action)


·  missed bin collections due to cars being parked in cul-de-sacs

(The Executive Board Member responded and outlined the operational issues. The Board noted that Environmental Services would continue to address this important issue in conjunction with the DVLC)


The Chair invited Andrew Mason, Chief Environmental Services Officer to make a brief presentation on the key priorities and objectives within the Environmental Services division.


Following the presentation, Board Members were given the opportunity of raising questions.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  street cleaning within the North West Outer ward – concerns expressed about the irregular Saturday street cleaning cycle within the North West Outer ward

(The Chief Environmental Services Officer agreed to discuss this issue with relevant officers within Environmental Services)


·  missed bin collections in Chapeltown and Beckhill area and the need for more parking attendants within the Chapel Allerton ward

(The Chief Environmental Services Officer confirmed that he would investigate these issues)


·  missed bin collections in Farnley and Wortley ward, together with the concerns expressed around elderly residents being removed from the list

(The Chief Environmental Services Officer responded and outlined the current bin delivery programme and agreed to review the scheme for elderly residents)



(a)  That the contents of the report be noted.

(b)  That a vote of thanks be conveyed to Councillor S Smith and Andrew Mason for their attendance and contribution to the meeting.


(Councillor D Coupar and Councillor G Hyde joined the meeting at 10.05 am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor D Coupar left the room at 10.25 am and returned at 11.05 am during discussions of the item on the Inquiry into Choice Based Lettings (Minute 19 refers)


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