Agenda item

Accountability Arrangements for 2008/09 and Quarter 1 Performance Report

To consider a report from the Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement on performance information at the end of Quarter 1 (April 2008 – June 2008).


The Head of Policy Performance and Improvement submitted a report on performance information at the end of Quarter 1 (April 2008-June 2008).


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


(a)  Performance Indicators to be reported to Environment Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board 2008-09 (Appendix 1 refers)

(b)  Accountability Reporting Guidance (Appendix 2 refers)

(c)  Environment and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board Quarter 1 Performance Report 2008-09

(d)  Corporate Balanced Scoreboard 2008/09 (based on predicted year end performance from quarter 1 results)


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


Councillor J L Carter, Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing

Councillor S Smith, Executive Member for Environmental Services

Neil Evans, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

Andrew Mason, Chief Environmental Services Officer

Heather Pinches, Performance Manager


The Board was initially asked to provide their views on the format of the new reporting arrangements and to identify any gaps or areas where further information was required.


The following comments were made on the format of the new reporting arrangements:-


·  the need to ensure that those indicators that fall outside of the national set were still being monitored regularly

(The Performance Manager responded and reassured the Board that the new reporting arrangements still allow for the monitoring of local indicators.  Directorates were asked to complete a performance indicator checklist and to cross reference these to improvement priorities, related policies and strategies and service plan/risk register activity)


·  the need to clearly differentiate between the performance results and the data quality status within the report.  A suggestion was also made for the inclusion of data quality ‘traffic lights’, rather than just comments within future reports

(The Performance Manager responded and agreed to feed this back to the Policy, Performance and Improvement Team)


In summary, specific reference was made to the following performance issues:-


General Issues


·  reference to a reduction in the reported incidents of domestic violence and whether the Leeds Women’s Aid had provided any opinion on the reasons for this fall in numbers

(The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods responded and outlined the well established networks that were in place with other agencies and clarified that this fall was a regional trend which may be linked to a change in recording practices or impacted upon by referrals to the new Sanctuary scheme.  It was noted that this was to be investigated further and would involve closer working with the Crown Prosecution Service)


·  the concerns expressed at the 13% increase in the serious violent crime rate. It was noted that the Home Office had changed the definition of this target and that the Council was awaiting baseline data in line with the new definition


·  clarification of the number of offences of dwelling burglary recorded by the police; the target hardening work to improve security in vulnerable households; and the work with ALMOs to update security in these properties


·  reference was made to other Community Safety National Indicators where the West Yorkshire Police were working towards producing district level information before December 2008.  It was suggested that once this information was available, it should be reported to Area Committees


·  the need to address the issue of dog fouling and to effectively utilise existing resources by exploring the use of other enforcement officers as well as dog wardens


·  the concerns expressed that the total number of homeless acceptances  had seen a quarterly increase of 34% from 224 in Quarter 4  07/08 to 301 in Quarter 1 08/09. Members queried whether this was due to the credit crunch

(The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing responded and informed the meeting that the ‘credit crunch’ was only one of a number of influencing factors. The Board noted that the Advisory Service was key in supporting people in retaining their homes and that people needed to raise any concerns as early as possible)


·  the concerns expressed about the poor condition of some temporary accommodation properties and the need to inspect them thoroughly

(The Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing and the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing responded and agreed to reply directly to Councillor G Hyde on this specific issue)


Streetscene/Refuse Issues


·  clarification of the start date and the wards chosen in relation to the fortnightly green bin collection pilot

(The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods responded and informed the Board that the pilot would commence on 27th October 2008 taking in a cross section of wards from Otley to the centre of Leeds)


·  the concerns expressed that members of the public were generally confused as to what should be placed in green bins and that some members of the public were still unaware of the problems associated with contaminated bins

(The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods responded and informed the meeting that the number of contaminated bins throughout the city was reducing due to the current educational awareness programmes in place)


·  assurances were sought that no waste material from the UK, and from Leeds City Council had been found buried in India

(The Executive Member for Environmental Services responded and confirmed that there was an investigation underway given that the Council did not have a contract with India. He agreed to keep the Board informed of the ongoing investigation. In addition to this, Board Members were also invited to visit the premises of the main contractor dealing with kerbside collected materials to see what processes the materials go through before exporting)


·  the concerns expressed about the continuing practice of missed bin collections in wards throughout the city and the need for effective procedures to be in place

(Following discussions, it was agreed to add the missed bins collections performance indicator to the list of local indicators for future reports and for this information to be broken down into different rounds if possible)



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the outstanding issues referred to above be dealt with by those officers identified within the minutes and reported back to Board Members.


(Councillor G Hyde joined the meeting at 10.20 am during discussions of the above issue).


Supporting documents: