Agenda item

Leeds Bradford International Airport - Extension of the Terminal Building

To receive a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods and a presentation on the proposed extension of the terminal building at Leeds Bradford International Airport.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the proposed extension of the terminal building at Leeds Bradford International Airport.


Appended to the report was a copy of a document providing Members with information on Leeds Bradford International Airport’s plans to improve the efficiency of the airport through internal changes to the terminal building and a two storey extension.


In addition to the report, Members received a presentation from

Carl Hepworth, Leeds Bradford International Airport, on the above plans which was part of a wider engagement process that would incorporate the public and key stakeholders including the business community.


The presentation covered the following key points:-


  • Context
  • Planning Policy
  • The Proposals
  • Sustainability
  • Transport Improvements
  • Consultation Process


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • clarification if any assistance would be given when gaining access to the terminal for the elderly, disabled passengers and blue badge holders arriving by taxi/private hire at the designated drop off point
  • the concerns expressed that there was no reference to a covered walkway within the proposals
  • the concerns expressed that Guiseley, Pool, Bramhope and Cookridge had been omitted from the consultation process
  • clarification if increased passenger usage and business travel had been taken into consideration and the future impact of the airport
  • clarification if there had been any developments in relation to the


  • the need for Members to receive a breakdown in relation to the 37% of people arriving at the airport on public transport

(Mr Hepworth responded and agreed to supply the figures via the WNW Area Manager for circulation to the Committee)

  • clarification of the number of disabled parking slots that were available within 50 metres of the terminal and the need for the airport to monitor the behaviour of taxi/private hire drivers towards disabled passengers

(Mr Hepworth responded and agreed to supply the number of disabled parking slots via the WNW Area Manager for circulation to the Committee)

  • the need for a large electronic screen to be erected in the airport’s car park informing the public of the latest arrivals


  • clarification of the 17th November 2008 deadline on the comment sheet provided by the airport

(Mr Hepworth responded and confirmed that the airport would welcome any further comments on the proposals by 30th November 2008)



(a)  That the contents of the report and presentation be received and noted.

(b)  That a vote of thanks be conveyed to Mr Hepworth and his colleagues at Leeds Bradford International Airport for a very informative and detailed presentation.


(During discussion of this item Councillor S Andrew and Councillor C Campbell indicated that they were Members of the Plans Panel (West) and could possibly be considering matters from this item at a later date in that capacity. They both stated that they would remain in the meeting to listen to and take part in the discussion of this issue.  In order to avoid any perception of pre-determination, both Councillors Andrew and Campbell agreed that they would not be bound by any discussion taken at the meeting when issues from this matter came before Plans Panel (West) for determination, but would consider all representations and viewpoints presented at the planning meeting before reaching a conclusion based on the merits of the case).


(Councillor J Bale joined the meeting at 2.10 pm during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor C Campbell joined the meeting at 2.15 pm during discussions of the above item)


Supporting documents: