Agenda item

Enforcement of Dog Fouling

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development presenting a briefing on the enforcement of dog fouling in Leeds.


Referring to Minute 40(a) of the meeting held on 13th October 2008, the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report presenting a briefing on the enforcement of dog fouling in Leeds.


Appended to the report was a copy of a document entitled ‘Health and Environmental Action Service – Briefing Note on Dog Fouling – 28th October 2008’ for the information/comment of the meeting.


The following officers were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


Graham Wilson, Head of Environmental Action and Parking

Stacey Campbell, Services Manager


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues;-


·  the urgent need for identifiable action on dog fouling on the streets of Leeds

·  clarification as to why the figure of fixed penalty notices in relation to dog fouling had reduced over the last three years

(The Head of Environmental Action and Parking responded and explained that greater public awareness of this offence may have impacted on the numbers of offences being committed.  However, he also explained the difficulty of witnessing an offence as it happened and that the service does have a statutory duty to seize stray dogs, which takes priority over other aspects of the work. Fixed Penalty Notices were an opportunity for offenders to avoid going to Court for the offence. He added that witness statements from residents could be used to issue Fixed Penalty Notices/prosecutions)

·  clarification of the police’s role in relation to stray dogs

(The Head of Environmental Action and Parking responded and confirmed that the police were no longer responsible for taking in stray dogs. This responsibility had now transferred to the Council. The police still had responsibilities in relation to dangerous dogs)

·  clarification of the arrangements in place to train other enforcement staff for the issuing of fixed penalty notices in relation to dog fouling and the need for a more flexible service

(The Head of Environmental Action and Parking responded and advised of a pilot training programme for Neighbourhood Wardens in the North West Area and for Park Rangers. There were issues involved with this, but the roll out of this training to additional staff would be kept under review)

·  clarification of the maximum number of dogs that any one person could be physically in charge of at any given time, in particular to ensure that they cleared up after the dogs and whether it was possible to limit the number of dogs in ownership

(The Head of Environmental Action and Parking responded and confirmed that whilst this was very much dependant on the behaviour of the dogs,  five dogs under the control of one person was commonly seen as an acceptable number. The Board was informed of the Council’s ability to apply for Dog Control Orders which could be used to designate areas where dogs have to be kept on a lead and also to put in place restrictions on the number of dogs a single person could walk. The Dog Warden Service was to review options to extend dog control orders)

·  the continuing problems of dog fouling in Meanwood Park and the need for more signage to be introduced

·  a view expressed that CAST teams within Area Committee areas could take on the responsibility for issuing fixed penalty notices in relation to dog fouling with the necessary training

·  clarification of what constituted as an ideal level of service provision in relation to the Dog Warden service

  (The Services Manager responded and agreed to prepare a ‘wish list’ for 

  submission to the Principal Scrutiny Adviser)

·  a proposal put forward that the Principal Scrutiny Adviser should prepare a draft Statement of the Board identifying recommendations on the way forward in relation to tackling the problems of dog fouling for consideration at the next Board meeting in December 2008

  (This proposal was supported by the Board)



(a)  That the contents of the report, together with the briefing note around dog fouling enforcement be noted.

(b)  That the Principal Scrutiny Adviser be requested to prepare a draft Statement of the Board identifying recommendations on the way forward in relation to tackling the problems of dog fouling for consideration at the next Board meeting in December 2008.

(c)  That the Board continues to receive monthly updates on the enforcement of dog fouling.


Supporting documents: