Agenda item


To consider a report by the Chief Executive Education setting out the proposed items for consultation in relation to the 2010 Admission Round


(Report attached)


The Chief Executive Education Leeds submitted a report setting out the proposed items for consultation in relation to the 2010 Admission Round.


Addressing the report Mrs Buckland said that Education Leeds was required to consult each year on the Council’s admission arrangements and prepare a report for the Executive Board meeting in April. The consultation process was prescribed for all admission authorities, including the David Young Community  Academy, voluntary-aided and foundation schools.


The items proposed by Education Leeds for consultation in the next admission round are:


(i)  Changes in admission numbers.


Brownhill Primary school had requested an increase in its admission number from 45 to 60.


Following discussions with a number of schools it was anticipated that further changes may be proposed.


(ii)  Statemented children and children with SEN but without a statement.


The Office of the Schools Adjudicator had requested the removal of children with a statement of SEN from the oversubscription criteria.  In future the priority for children with a statement of SEN would appear ahead of the policy.


There may be a very occasional need to give a higher priority to a child with a high level of need, but for whom a statement has not been sought.  It was under consideration that priority 1 (b) of the policy become:


Pupils with Special Educational Needs, or with exceptional medical or mobility needs, that can only be met at a specific school.*

*Applications in these categories must be supported by a statement in writing from a doctor or other relevant professional.  This is necessary because you will be asking the Authority to assess your child as having a stronger case than other children.  Each case will be considered on its merits in consultation with the school concerned.


(iii)  Looked After Children


It was proposed that the priority 1 (a) Looked After Children have a note added extending the priority to those who have been adopted within the previous twelve months, thus recognising some of the complexities that arise with children recently leaving care.






(iv)  Accepting offers


When offers were made on 1 March 2008 parents were asked to accept the offer and respond to the school.  For entry in September 2010 it is intended to formalise and extend this process.  It is proposed that parents will be sent their offer of a school place and be given a minimum of 21 days in which to respond and accept the offer. 


Parents who refuse the offer made to them will have their place withdrawn to be offered to another child who does wish to attend the school. 


Parents who have declined all offers made to them by 6 July (when all on time appeals should have been held) will be referred to the Attendance Strategy Team. 


(v)  Waiting lists


It is proposed that the waiting lists for reception and year 7 be held only until the end of September rather than the current arrangement where they are held until October half term.  Movement that takes place after the first few weeks of term is often unwelcome to both parents and schools. 


(vi)  Late applications


Since the School Admissions Code was changed in February 2007, parents are not allowed to change their preferences after the deadline for applications. 


Coordination with other local authorities was becoming increasingly difficult where late applications were received and information had been shared with other authorities. It is proposed  to consider late applications after those received on time, unless there is an exceptional reason for the delay, for example moving into the area.


(vii)  Fair Access Protocol


A proposal to strengthen the local authority fair access protocol by the inclusion of timelines for admission, offering greater clarity for parents and schools.


Commenting on section (iv) Accepting Offers, the Chair said it was important that no place should be withdrawn without first contacting the parent/guardian.


In reply Mrs Buckland emphasised that no places would be withdrawn without the knowledge of the parents.


RESOLVED - That the proposals for consultation in the 2010 admission round be noted.




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