Agenda item

Leeds Strategic Plan Performance Report for Quarter 2 2008/09 - Performance Management

To receive a report of the Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement presenting performance management information for Quarter 2 (July-September 2008).




Further to Minute 32, 15th October 2008, the Head of Policy, Planning and Improvement submitted a report setting out the new approach to performance reporting and accountability as a result of the introduction of the introduction of the Leeds Strategic and Council Business Plans 2008/2011 and changes to the national performance reporting regime.  The report also presented the Quarter 2 performance results for Adult Social Care in this new format.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


·  Appendix 1 – Action Tracker Summary

·  Appendix 2 -  Scrutiny Action Trackers

·  Appendix 3 – Quarter 2 - Adult Social Care Performance Indicators 

·  Accountability Reporting Guidance


The Chair welcomed the following attendees/witnesses to the meeting who outlined the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments:


·  Dennis Holmes – Chief Commissioning Officer.

·  Marilyn Summers – Senior Performance Manager

·  Stuart Cameron-Strickland – Head of Performance (Adult Social Care)


On behalf of the Board, the Chair requested that the Appendices relating to the Performance Indicators be made a little more user friendly, for example, to use much larger print.  The Board then asked for clarification on the traffic light system used, which details current departmental performance against each indicator. 


Marilyn Summers explained to the Board that the current reporting format was launched last year and is still in development. The current format was consistent across all Scrutiny Boards. The report brought before the board reflected performance as at 30th of September 2008. The action tracker sets out the key risks and improvements.


In summary, the main areas of concern were:


·  The thresholds for the RAG rating. Who decided how a priority should be rated, and why data quality for some targets was rated as red.


In response, the Officer informed the meeting that the annual target determines the monthly target so that progress can be monitored. Data quality  information showing as red reflected those targets where the information required cannot be reported as the information is provided by an external partner and is therefore not readily available. Where statistical information for a target cannot be obtained until the year end these are rated as amber. The department was concerned about how this data was to be tracked and informed the meeting that more work was to be carried out corporately to resolve this issue. 


Members suggested that the indicators should incorporate an arrow system (up or down), inside an amber rated indicator to specify if performance is improving or declining. 


·  Whether the indicators will turn red if the department do not meet their targets.


In response, the Officer informed the meeting that the indicators would turn red if targets are not met. 


The Chair informed the meeting that the Board will be keeping a close eye

on the indicators in the hope that they do not turn red.


·  Referring to HW-3b – Increase the number of vulnerable people to live in their homes, specifically to the wording relating to the transformation of day care services. Members expressed concern that the ‘systematic closure of day care centres was due to commence in January 2009 and further information was requested. Dennis Homes advised the board that a briefing note would be prepared and circulated for information to ensure members are fully aware of the current situation.


·  Referring to LSP-HW2b, had the independent sector co-operated and participated in training.


In response the Board was advised that participation had been very good with 92% of the training delivered. The training programme is mandatory as part of an induction programme along with awareness and safeguarding training.


·  Carers needs are not taken into account


The Board was advised that the full set of circumstances are taken into account during the assessment process and flexibility is encompassed. . Leeds provides a significant amount of respite care to assist carers.


The Chair thanked Officers for their attendance. 



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That any outstanding issues referred to above be dealt with by those   Officers now identified within the minutes and Board Members briefed. 


Supporting documents: