Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

To consider a further report and appendices on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment  which have been prepared for presentation to the NHS Leeds Board and the Leeds City Council Executive Board.







The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a further report on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which had been prepared for presentation to the National Health Services Leeds Board (NHS) and Leeds City Council’s Executive Board.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


·  Implementing the Leeds Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Framework

·  The final report on Leeds Strategic Needs Assessment submitted to

Executive Board on 4th March 2009.


The Board noted that the JSNA report had also been submitted to Scrutiny Board (Health) and Scrutiny Board (Children’s Services).


The Chair welcomed John England, Deputy Director Partnerships and Organisational Effectiveness – Adult Social Care to the meeting who introduced his report and reminded the Board that an earlier version of the JSNA Framework document had already been submitted to this Board as part of the consultation exercise. 


Members were also informed that a similar report had been presented to the NHS Leeds Board where it received the Board’s endorsement.  The report which summarises the JSNA Framework which was submitted and endorsed at the Council’s Executive Board meeting held on 4th March 2009, where  a number of further recommendations were made about the way forward with this work. 


One key point the officer made in terms of the JSNA was that this work was lead by partners, namely Leeds City Council and NHS Leeds. John England informed the meeting that he was here on behalf of the partners who had been involved in this work. 


It was reported that the initial data pack was now on the Leeds Initiative website. There is an intention to develop a data depository that would bring together relevant data from a number of different sources. This data would build up over time.  NHS Leeds are also backing the idea of a single point where data about needs could be held with the supporting analysis. The authority are now building on data with partners such as Job Centre Plus. The Officer informed the meeting that there were other priorities around improving the needs assessment information for people with mental health needs. 


The Board was also informed that within the next twelve months analysis for communities on a local level would be developed.  This was piloted in the Beeston area.


The main areas of clarification and discussion were:-


Clarification was sought on how  to overcome the difficulties of partnership working.


In response, the Officer informed that meeting that the JSNA work enabled a strategic view of the overall needs of the city which are agreed with NHS Leeds which is more beneficial than working independently. Secondly  establishing shared systems, shared information and intelligence.  Partnership working will continue to be strengthened and developed over the next phase. 


The officer was asked how agencies work together to support individuals in communities.  In response the Board was advised that there has been a focus on improving working relationships and better integration of services at a local level. 


The Chair requested that a report on the JSNA findings on the pilot scheme carried out in the Beeston area be circulated to Board Members.


·  Clarification was sought clarity on whether the area piloted had some

·  Super Output Areas (SOA) within it and the impact the JSNA would have

  on residents.


In response, the board was advised that that work focused on a cluster of SOA’s which fall within or overlap the area. The Environment and Neighbourhoods Department are undertaking work to develop a Neighbourhood Vitality Index which profiles most of the areas within the city for  worklessness  numbers of claimants, crime levels, health and health inequalities.


·  Clarification was sought on the work and data collected with Job Centre



Job Centre Plus will release data to the local authority about worklessness within the city.  The local authority has three pilot projects around the city that are designed to tackle particular pockets of worklessness, to identify the underlying causes.


Members considered that a future outcome to tackle obesity, alcohol, drug taking and smoking should be a higher priority. Particularly as alcohol and drug abuse has an impact on crime in the city. 


Members were advised that tackling alcohol abuse is a priority.  Gathering of evidence relating to the impact that alcohol misuse will ensure targeted resources.  Services at the moment are not aware of the true extent of the problem. 


·  The Board asked if meaningful partnerships with communities of interest are going to be formulated as there are many diverse communities to be consulted. 


  In response, the officer informed the meeting page 44 in the main report highlights communities of interest that emerged, 


·  Clarification was sought regarding who was responsibility for each priority.  Clarification was also sought on who was going to be the lead Director from which agency.


  In response, the officer informed the meeting that there is a statutory accountability for the Director of Children’s Services and Director of Adult Social Services with regard to the JSNA. The recommendation in the Executive Board report extends that duty to other Directors in terms of the applicability of JSNA to services that fall within other Directors remit such as Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Members thanked John England for his attendance.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices in relation to the Joint   Strategic Needs Assessment  Framework be noted.

(b)  To note that further periodic reports on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Framework are to be submitted to a future meeting of this Board.

(c )  That a copy of the report on the Beeston Ward Pilot Scheme be circulated to all the Members of this Board via the Principal Scrutiny   Adviser. 


Note (1):  During consideration of the above item Councillor Murray left the



Note (2):  The Chair invited Councillor A Blackburn to the table as a Member   of Scrutiny Board (Health) interested in joint working with the Board   on next item.



Supporting documents: