Agenda item

Adult Social Care Commissioning Services: Update

To consider a report by the Chief Officer, Social Care Commissioning on the progress made and future plans for delivering the Neighbourhood Networks review and re-tendering exercise and describes the Adult Social Care Commissioning intentions in relation to the Independence, Wellbeing and Choice Inspection of 2008.



The Chief Officer, Social Care Commissioning submitted a report on the progress made and future plans for delivering the Neighbourhood Networks review and re-tendering the exercise and describes the Adult Social Care Commissioning intentions in relation to the Independence Wellbeing and Choice Inspection of 2008. 


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting.


·  Appendix 1 – Procurement Timetable – Neighbourhoods Network Review.

·  Appendix 2 – Independence Wellbeing & Choice Inspection Action Plan.


Tim O’Shea – Commissioning Services presented the report and indicated briefly that this was an update report on two areas of interest to the Board.  The first being the re-commissioning process of the Neighbourhood Network Scheme and the procurement programme,  the second was the  commissioning issues which emerged from the Inspection and Action Plan.  Both Tim O’Shea and Dennis Holmes, Chief Officer, Social Care Commissioning responded to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief, the main issues raised were:


Clarification was sought on how the current economic climate would effect the commissioning of quality services.


Tim O’Shea advised that the market was variable and that one of the important areas of development in the next twelve months and beyond was to stimulate and develop the market through a number of initiatives.


The Board asked if the Neighbourhood Networks had been advised of and understood the funding formular referred to in the report.


In response, the officer informed the meeting that understanding may be varied because some of the neighbourhood networks had approached the department for information.  The funding formular itself is a developing formular and therefore subject to adaptation.


Clarification was also sought on the contracts that were going to be drawn up by 2010. The board also asked what services are being commissioned.


In response, the officer informed the meeting that the department are proposing to commission services across health and social care are the core services.


Members requested that all ward members they are advised of developments in their wards so that they can provide factual advice when requested.


In response, the officer informed the meeting that department were going to appoint an Enterprise Development Officer and this officer would be working closely with the networks to help them understand the expectations of Adult Social Services.


Clarification was sought on the process of building safeguarding standards into contractual agreements.


In response the Board were advised that the compliance of contracts are regularly reviewed and mechanisms are being put into place on review. The Commissioning Team have also attended safeguarding training.


The Board requested a briefing note on recent developments at Shire View and how those developments will impact on staff and service users.


The Chair thanked Officers for their attendance.



(a)  That the contents of the report and its appendices be noted.

(b)  That any outstanding comments referred to above be dealt with by the Officer identified within the minutes.


Note:  During the course of discussions on the above items both Councillor A    Taylor and Councillor A Hussain left the meeting.


Supporting documents: