Agenda item

Input into the Work Programme 2009/2010 - Sources of Work and Establishing the Board's Priorities (Part 2)

To receive and consider a report by the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on various inputs to inform the development of the Scrutiny Board’s work programme for 2009/2010.



Further to Minute 4 above, the Chair welcomed the following representatives to the meeting:-


·  Jill Copeland (Executive Director of Partnerships and Development) – NHS Leeds

·  Chris Butler (Chief Executive) – Leeds Partnerships Foundation Trust (LPFT).

·  Sylvia Craven – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 


Each of the above gave a brief presentation and outlined key issues and priorities relevant to the organisations they represented, as follows:


Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust


·  Completing the redesign of Older People’s Mental Health Services

·  Improving the Trust’s position with regard to delayed transfer of care (between service providers both health and social care)

·  Building on the Trust’s work on patient safety, further improving the quality of, and reducing the variation in, services (related to excellence in service provision and delivering the aims of “Healthy Ambitions”)

·  Understanding the implications and planning for a downturn in NHS finances.

·  Challenging stigma and discrimination often associated and with mental health problems and learning disabilities, and promoting social inclusion.


NHS Leeds


·  Saving lives and reducing health inequalities

·  Improving health, wellbeing and healthcare

·  Responding to population needs

·  Sustaining performance against access and safety standards

·  Shaping the provider landscape

·  Becoming a world class commissioner



Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


·  Key performance targets

o  Improving the excellence of clinical outcomes

o  Improving the management of business

o  Becoming the hospital of choice (for patients and GPs)

·  Service provision in a changing financial environment – focusing on improving productivity, efficiency and the quality of services

·  Outcomes of Leeds Strategic Review (focusing on Leeds Health Economy) being undertaken by the Strategic Health Authority

·   Providing care closer to home, including different models of care (including services not based at hospitals)

·  Clinical Services Reconfiguration Programme

·  Foundation Trust status process – including the need to act like a business when considering changes to services and delivery models

·  Internal and external cultural changes associated with changes in service models and delivery


Members received and commented on the presentations and raised a number of queries, including the following issues, for which written responses would be sought:


NHS Leeds


·  To provide a copy of the Young People’s Sexual Health / Teenage pregnancy report, presented to NHS Leeds Board – February 2009 (received)

·  To provide the Board with health data/ information on a geographical basis, highlighting particular health issues across the city, particularly in deprived areas.




·  The Trust’s power (and associated processes) for detaining patients




·  To provide confirmation of any proposed changes to the membership of Wharfedale Hospital Consultative Committee, in addition to any proposed changes to the operation/ role of Wharfedale Hospital.


The Chair thanked Jill Copeland, Chris Butler and Sylvia Craven for their presentations and advised that the Scrutiny Board would like further updates (i.e. on a quarterly basis) on the identified key issues and priorities.  The Chair also suggested that future updates might usefully include areas where the local authority could improve in order to be a more effective partner. 


RESOLVED -  That any outstanding issues referred to above be dealt with by those officers now identified within the minutes.


Supporting documents: