Agenda item

Request for Scrutiny of the Consultation Process Carried out to help Determine Whether to Go Ahead with a Designated BBQ Area on Woodhouse Moor

To consider a report of Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on a request for Scrutiny of the consultation process carried out to help determine whether to go ahead with a Designated BBQ Area on Woodhouse Moor.


Referring to Minute 9 of the meeting held on 9th June 2009, the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on a request for Scrutiny of the consultation process carried out to help determine whether to go ahead with a designated BBQ area on Woodhouse Moor.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the Board:-


a)  Letter addressed to the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development dated 22 May 2009 regarding the consultation exercise on whether to go ahead with a designated BBQ area on Woodhouse Moore from Councillors J Matthews, J Monaghan, M Hamilton, K Hussain, P Ewens and L Rhodes Clayton


b)  Report of the Director of City Development - Scrutiny Board (City Development) – 9th June 2009 – Woodhouse Moor Park Consultation on Barbecue Use


c)  Questionnaire – Have Your Say? Designated Barbecue Area in Woodhouse Moor (Hyde Park)


d)  Report of the Director of City Development Scrutiny Board (City Development) – 7th July 2009 - Woodhouse Moor Park Consultation on Barbecue Use


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


Councillor J Procter, Executive Board Member for Leisure

Councillor P Ewens, Hyde Park and Woodhouse Ward Member

Martin Farrington, Chief Officer Major Projects, City Development

Mike Kinnaird, Recreation Project Manager, City Development

Steve Thomas, Distribution Business Services (DBS) Ltd

Sue Buckle, Spokesperson on behalf of North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association, South Headingley Community Association and Friends of Woodhouse Moor


The Chair invited the above attendees to provide relevant background information and to highlight key issues in relation to the consultation process and Board Members sought clarification on the points raised.

In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-

  • the process for dealing with complaints of non delivery, the mechanics involved and records maintained by DBS Ltd
  • clarification of the statistical/delivery information outlined in Section 3.0 of the report of the Director of City Development dated 7th July 2009
  • assurances that the latest e mails received by Members from the public concerning non delivery of the questionnaire and forwarded to the department would be included where validated in the final results

(The Chief Officer, Major Projects responded and confirmed that these emails would be included and registered as part of the consultation process)

  • clarification of the 5.88% return rate and whether this was a reasonable rate of return for this type of questionnaire
  • clarification of the number of returns received from the three consultation sessions
  • a concern that a closing date had not been included on the questionnaire 

(The Chief Officer, Major Projects stated that a closing date should have been included and that they were still waiting for a response from  the West Yorkshire Police Authority to the proposals)

  • recognition that this consultation process was not a referendum where the number of votes cast for or against would determine the outcome but a mechanism by which a range of views and opinions from individuals and interest groups could be obtained to assist officers to decide whether or not to proceed with a particular course of action.



a)  That the content of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the additional information provided by the Director of City  Development requested at the last Board meeting and the evidence provided by the representative from Distribution Business Services (DBS) Ltd be received and noted.

c)  That on the evidence presented, the Board rejected the request for further scrutiny, as the consultation process had been carried out in a proper and thorough manner whilst acknowledging that some properties and individuals had not received the questionnaire for a variety of reasons.

d)   That the City Development department be recommended to establish a closing date of 31st July 2009 for this consultation process and that all valid questionnaires or other observations or objections returned by this date be included in the results in order to assist officers to determine whether to proceed with a designated BBQ area on Woodhouse Moor.


(During discussion of this item Councillor N Taggart indicated that he was a Member of the Plans Panel (West) and could possibly be considering matters from this item at a later date in that capacity.  He stated that he would remain in the meeting to listen to the debate, but not to take part in the discussion of this issue.  In order to avoid any perception of pre-determination, Councillor Taggart agreed that he would not be bound by any discussion taken at the meeting when issues from this matter came before Plans Panel (West) for determination, but would consider all representations and viewpoints presented at the planning meeting before reaching a conclusion based on the merits of the case)


(Councillor N Taggart joined the meeting at 10.40am during discussions of the above item)




Supporting documents: