Agenda item

Joint Performance Report: Quarter 4 - 2008/09

To consider the attached report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development presenting the joint performance report from NHS Leeds and Leeds City Council which provides an overview of progress against key improvement priorities and performance indicators relevant to the Board at Quarter 4, 2008/09.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a joint report from NHS Leeds and Leeds City Council providing an overview of progress against key improvement priorities and performance indicators relevant to the Board at Quarter 4, 2008/09.


The Chair welcomed the following officers to present the key issues highlighted in the report and address any specific questions identified by the Board:

·  Graham Brown (Performance Manager) – NHS Leeds

·  John England (Deputy Director) – Leeds City Council, Adult Social Services.


Officers were invited by the Chair to give a brief overview of the progress made against key improvement priorities and performance indicators.  It was reported that the overall purpose of the report was to help demonstrate progress being made by NHS Leeds and Leeds City Council working jointly to address a number of areas aimed at improving health and well-being across the City.


In brief summary, the following issues were then raised by Members:

·  NI 8: Adult Participation in sport and active recreation – concerns that the targets were low in comparison to the level of childhood obesity as indicated in NI 55 (Obesity in Yrs R and 6 primary school children).  It was noted that obesity was known to lead to serious future health problems.

Officers advised that this target was set nationally by Sport England.  It was acknowledged that a more sophisticated measure needed to be developed at local level.  Public Health were aware and concerned of the obesity figures for Yr 6.

o  Bariatric Surgery

Members were advised that this could be undertaken on the NHS. The NHS did however commission this surgery from other providers and the operation therefore could be carried out in private hospitals.  Officers agreed to provide the Board with the data.

o  Weight loss camp for children run by Carnegie Weight Management at Leeds Metropolitan University - Members expressed concern that Leeds NHS Trust was not using this facility. 

Officers agreed to find out the level of uptake by Leeds’ residents.


·  NI 112: Teenage pregnancy rates

Officers advised that these figures were the latest available information and apologised that 2009 was probably a typographical error.  Officers agreed to confirm this with Members and also to supply them with a full definition of this indicator, that is whether it included all conceptions.


·  NI 70: Reduce emergency hospital admissions caused by injury to children – concern was expressed by Members that there were no targets and the indicator did not specify whether the injuries were unintentional or deliberate.

Officers advised that this indicator was set by central Government and that the apparent increase in hospital admissions might be the result of improved data collection.


·  NI 134: Number of emergency bed days per head of population – a Member expressed concern that there had been no emergency bed available for two residents in his Ward.

Officers advised that this was a fairly new target; the definition having been slightly changed from previously.  Officers advised that there were no concerns about the availability of data for this indicator and in future they would ensure that the Board would receive as much information as possible.


The Chair thanked officers for attending.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the following information be provided to Members:

·  Data on Bariatric Surgery carried out in Leeds.

·  The level of uptake by Leeds’ residents at the weight loss camp for children run by Carnegie Weight Management at Leeds Metropolitan University.

·  To confirm NI 112: Teenage pregnancy rates and to confirm whether these figures included all conceptions.


Supporting documents: