Agenda item

Leeds Strategic Plan Performance Report for Quarter 4 2008/09

To receive and consider a report from the Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement which outlines progress against improvement priorities relevant to the Board at Quarter 4 2008/09.


Further to Minute No. 100 of the meeting held on 8th April 2009, the Head of Policy, Performance and Improvement submitted a report which presented the quarter four performance results for Adult Social Care.


The following information was appended to the report;


  • Adult Social Care Action Tracker Summary (Quarter 4 2008/09);
  • Health and Wellbeing Action Trackers (Quarter 4 2008/09); and
  • Adult Social Care Performance Indicator Report (Quarter 4 2008/09).


The Chair welcomed Councillor Harrand, Executive Member (Adult Health and Social Care) and the following officers to the meeting;


-  Dennis Holmes, Deputy Director, Strategic Commissioning, Adult Social Care; and

-  Marilyn Summers, Senior Performance Manager, Planning, Policy and Improvement.


Marilyn Summers, Senior Performance Manager, presented the report and updated the Board with revised performance information as follows;


PI Ref: LSP-HW2b(ii) (the percentage of staff employed by independent sector registered care services in Leeds that have received some training on protection of vulnerable adults that is either funded or commissioned by Leeds Adult Social Care) – Confirmation that the information had been provided and the data quality column had been amended from red to green;

PI Ref: NI125 (achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation/intermediate care) – Confirmation that the full year result had been revised from 84.6 to 91.9;

PI Ref: NI130 (social care clients receiving self directed support per 100,000 population aged 18+) – Confirmation that the full year result had been revised from 155.7 to 163.03;

PI Ref: NI 136 (people supported to live independently through social care (all adults)) – Confirmation that the information had been provided and the full year result was 3,988;

PI Ref: NI145 and NI146 (adults with learning difficulties in settled accommodation / adults with learning difficulties in employment) – Confirmation that the information had been provided and the data quality columns had been amended from red to green; and

PI Ref: CP-OP51 (reduce the number of older people who are admitted to residential and/or nursing care per 10,000 population aged 65 or over) – Confirmation that the information had been provided and the full year result was 71.


Key performance issues were highlighted and in brief summary the main areas of discussion were:


·  Concern about the absence of data in relation to NI149 and NI150 (adults in contact with secondary mental health services in settled accommodation / adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment).  It was advised that the data was collated by the Partnership Foundation Trust and had not yet been provided.  The Board was informed that the data would be available at the end of the month.

·  Concern that some of the information and data was meaningless - Members emphasised the importance of being provided with figures as well as percentages.

·  Concern that members of the public were unable to make sense of the information provided.  It was acknowledged that there was a need to provide further explanation on some of the information provided.

·  Concern about data that was not due to be reported being highlighted in red.  Members suggested highlighting the data in grey, as was the case with the Independence Wellbeing and Choice Inspection Action Plan. 

·  Concern about the lack of progress made in relation to NI132 and NI133 (timeliness of social care assessments (all adults) / acceptable (DH) waiting times for care packages).  The Deputy Director, Strategic Commissioning, reported on competing demands, particularly in relation to safeguarding.  It was advised that 10 practitioners had recently been appointed to undertake work on safeguarding which had freed up capacity within the social care team.  In relation to waiting times, it was reported that there had been some issues relating to equipment and major adaptations that were being resolved. 

·  Confirmation that the format of the report was in the process of being reviewed and a new template was currently being piloted in two directorates.  The Chair requested that consideration should also be given to producing a 1 page summary sheet highlighting key areas of concern, etc.  It was agreed that the Proposals Working Group reviewed the proposals at its September meeting and reported back to the Board.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.


(Councillor Gabriel declared a personal interest in this item on the basis of her employment with NHS Partnership Foundation Trust).


(Councillor J McKenna left the meeting at 10.35 am during the consideration of this item).


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