Agenda item

Community Centres Report

To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the management of Community Centres in relation to budgets, property management and maintenance, rental support and pricing and lettings policy.





a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the development of a local action plan be delegated to a time limited task and finish group involving appropriate Members and officers.

c)  That approval be given, in principle, to the proposals in relation to

the delegation of Community Centres in accordance with the report now submitted.

d)  That this Committee notes that a report on a new procedure in 

  relation to Community Centre income being used to directly offset

   expenditure against each centre would be submitted to a future

       Area Committee for consideration.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the management of Community Centres in relation to budgets, property management and maintenance, rental support and pricing and lettings policy.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


a)  Area Functions Information – 2009/10 – Community Centres (Appendix 1 refers)

b)  Environment and Neighbourhoods (Area Management Schedules 2009-10) – Controllable Costs (Appendix 2 refers)

c)  Corporate Property Management – Community Centre Building Maintenance Expenditure/Status Briefing (Appendix 3 refers)

d)  Backlog Maintenance: Category A centres to transfer to Environment and Neighbourhoods (November 2007) Phase 2 (Appendix 4 refers)


The following officers were in attendance and responded to Member’s queries and comments:-


Liz Jarmin, Neighbourhood Services Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods

Trudie Canavan, Community Issues Officer, Environment and Neighbourhoods


Steve Crocker, West North West Area Manager provided the meeting with a brief background on the proposals contained within the report.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • clarification of the external redecoration figure (£4,500) in relation to Stanhope Drive Youth Centre (Appendix 4 refers)

(The Neighbourhood Services Manager responded and confirmed that this issue would be addressed as part of the backlog maintenance programme)

  • clarification as to why the caretakers bill at Yeadon Town Hall was significantly higher than other centres and the need for cost effective measures to be in place

(The Neighbourhood Services Manager responded and commented on the increase in usage and activities at Yeadon Town Hall)

  • clarification of the non-controllable budgets in relation to Otley Civic Centre

(The Neighbourhood Services Manager responded and outlined the background criteria in relation to the Capital Programme. She agreed to have further discussions with Corporate Property Management and Otley and Yeadon Ward Members on this issue and to e mail Members of the Committee on the outcome)

  • the concerns expressed that many Amateur Dramatic Groups would not be able afford to use Community Centres and as result the authority would have a drop in revenue

(The Neighbourhood Services Manager responded and informed the meeting that she was working closely with West North West Area Management in this respect . Letters confirming the proposed charges would be sent out to interested groups in the near future and that a report on a new procedure in relation to Community Centre income would be submitted to a future Area Committee meeting )

  • the concerns expressed about the lack of good planned centres/buildings within the North West Outer area; the need for significant improvements to be made in this regard and to raise the profile of such centres/buildings; and to have a volunteering strategy in place within the authority
  • the need for the Area Committee to widely promote this initiative and to recognise the financial benefits in the long term



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the development of a local action plan be delegated to a time limited task and finish group involving appropriate Members and officers.

c)  That approval be given, in principle, to the proposals in relation to

the delegation of Community Centres in accordance with the report now submitted.

d)  That this Committee notes that a report on a new procedure in relation to Community Centre income being used to directly offset expenditure against each centre would be submitted to a future Area Committee for consideration.


(Councillor J L Carter joined the meeting at 3.05pm during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor C Campbell joined the meeting at 3.15pm during discussions of the above item)


Supporting documents: