Agenda item

The Agenda for Improved Economic Performance

To consider a report of the Chief Economic Development Officer regarding the ‘Agenda for Improved Economic Performance’.


The Chief Economic Development Officer submitted a report regarding the ‘Agenda for Improved Economic Performance’.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


a)  Leeds Agenda for Improved Economic Performance – Executive 



b)  List of Consulted Organisations


c)  The Agenda for Improved Economic Performance - Future Structure


The following representatives were in attendance:-


Paul Stephens, Chief Economic Development Manager, City Development

Tom Holvey, Economic Policy Manager, City Development


In summary, specific reference was to the following issues:-


  • support for the main approach of the document around a common message, leadership and buy in of partners
  • support for the themes of the document through the Golden Thread and the three objectives of Great Place, Skilled People and Copetitive Businesses
  • concern expressed that EASEL had been omitted from the document
  • the need for clarity of the relationship between Leeds and the city region
  • the fact that this document should have been reviewed in 2004
  • the need for positive elements to be included within the document with the aim of addressing inequalities in the area
  • clarification of the principle aims of the document around growth and business diversity and whether the ‘Leeds Initiative Leeds Economy Partnership’ document published in 1999 had  influenced these areas
  • the reasons why the document was not to be  incorporated within the new ‘Vision for Leeds 2011-2030 and the costs involved in developing this separate publication
  • reference to a separate policy regeneration document on worklessness which had been produced by the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods
  • the concern expressed that the document would not have an impact as it would be viewed as just another ‘glossy’ document produced by the Council
  • support for a shorter and more succinct style of publication
  • the need to identify more of the unique components of the Leeds economy
  • support for the proposal that future opportunities need to be made clearer and that linkages be improved particularly with other strategies and  the different sections of the document
  • support for the proposal that the document  be reversed so that the actions and "what are we going to do" was at the front followed by the context
  • clarification of which organisations and businesses had been consulted
  • the need for the document to include political aspirations which cannot be done by officers to promote major schemes and initiatives in Leeds
  • the need for a ‘Plan B’ to be written into the document i.e. Next Generation Transport, what if scenario
  • the need for the document to focus on joined up thinking with a dialogue with ‘real people’ and avoid having too structured approach


The Chair then invited the Chief Economic Development Officer and the Economic Policy Manager to respond to the various comments made.


In summary specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • details of the cross section consultation process which had included such companies as ASDA and IBM in Thorp Arch
  • the view expressed that the document would focus too much on the economic performance of Leeds and not on the areas of deprivation
  • to acknowledge the importance of the consultation process in producing the final document
  • to advise the meeting that there will be a series of action plans produced and incorporated into the final document
  • reference was made to the 1999 document and the fact that for three years from its publication a particular theme was selected each year and progress reviewed
  • confirmation that the issue of sustainability would be addressed in the final document, together with focusing on low carbon emissions/equality thereby ensuring that the City of Leeds would be in a good position to respond to the challenges around the targets and aspirations set by the Vision for Leeds 2011 -2030
  • the fact that many companies were currently time rich but cash poor and consequently perhaps more willing to visit schools to raise pupils aspirations



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the Chief Economic Development Manager and the Economic Policy Manager be requested to incorporate appropriate and relevant  comments and support given by the Board within the final document prior to it’s submission for approval to the Executive Board meeting on 7th April 2010.

c)  That, in conjunction with the Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser, the Chief Economic Development Manager be requested to provide Board Members with either a hard copy or link in relation to the ‘Leeds Initiative Leeds Economy Partnership’ document published in 1999 for their information/retention.

d)  That Members of the Board be provided with a copy of the final publication.


(Councillor C Beverley left the meeting at 11.30am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor D Schofield left the meeting at 11.40am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor T Murray left the meeting at 11.55am during discussions of the above item)


Supporting documents: