Agenda item

Request for Scrutiny - Loss of Land Allocated for Employment

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on a request for scrutiny in relation to the loss of land allocated for employment.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on a request for scrutiny concerning the loss of land allocated for employment.


Appended to the report was a copy of a request received for scrutiny from Councillor B Cleasby concerning the loss of land allocated for employment for the information/comment of the meeting.


In addition to the above, copies of the following documents were circulated by Councillor B Cleasby as Supplementary Information:-


  • a list of Lost Employment Sites along the A65 Corridor 2010
  • a copy of an article from Planning Review Leeds UDP – A Special Supplement of Leeds


The following representatives were in attendance:-


Councillor B Cleasby

Paul Gough, Team Leader, City Development


The Chair invited the above attendees to provide relevant background information and to highlight key issues in relation to the request for scrutiny and Board Members sought clarification on the points raised. 


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • clarification of the requirements of the Local Development Framework.

(Councillor Cleasby responded and referred to the fact that there was serious congestion on the A65 and  accessing the Ring Road at Horsforth.was difficult.  Despite this he had identified 25 sites in Guiseley, Yeadon, Rawdon, Horsforth and Kirkstall where redevelopment was a "reality" along the A65 with the inevitable increase in traffic congestion. He referred specifically the Clariant/Riverside Mills site where it was proposed to build 540 family homes and Kirkstall Forge site where 460 family homes, together with offices and a railway station had been approved. The Team Leader, City Development outlined the current progress around the Core Strategy and PPS 4 guidelines and confirmed that the department was committed to protecting existing jobs, where ever possible, and were concerned about the loss in jobs in certain areas of the city)

  • the need to retain sites for small start up firms and to look at the re - development of brownfield sites, in depth, across the city in order to keep jobs in Leeds

(The Team Leader responded and informed the meeting that the department was committed to protecting existing jobs, wherever possible, and were equally concerned about the loss of any further jobs in Leeds. However, it was acknowledged that West and North West Leeds had suffered disproportionately from job losses in recent years as a result of company closures, rationalisations and relocations)

  • the need to avoid any duplication in the work of the Development Plan Panel and this Scrutiny Board with regards to the Local Development Framework

(The Team Leader, City Development responded and outlined the work of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan)


The Chair then allowed Councillor B Cleasby to sum up prior to the Board making a formal resolution on the request for scrutiny.



a)  That the content of the report, appendices and supplementary information be noted.

b)  That the request for scrutiny from Councillor B Cleasby concerning the loss of land allocated for employment be deferred.

c)  That the Chair of the Development Plan Panel which is undertaking a review of the Local Development Framework be invited to attend the next Scrutiny Board meeting to discuss the issues raised by Councillor Cleasby.


(Councillor R Downes left the meeting at 11.45am at the conclusion of the above item)



Supporting documents: