Agenda item

Traffic Congestion ''Pinch Points''

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development and to discuss with the Chief Highways and Transportation Officer actions to reduce the number of ‘’pinch points’’ in the city.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on the actions that have or can be taken to reduce traffic congestion caused by ‘’Pinch Points’’ in the city.


Appended to the report was a copy of a document entitled ‘Traffic Congestion – Key Locations – Report of the Director of City Development – Scrutiny Board – 16th December 2008’ for the information/comment of the meeting.


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Member’s queries and comments:-


Gary Bartlett, Chief Highways and Transportation Officer, City Development

Andrew Hall, Transport Strategy Manager, City Development


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • the need for the department to have a ‘Plan B’ in place to cover the next three to four years in relation to those major highway schemes in the pipeline i.e. Ring Road should there be no funding from the Department of Transport

(The Chief Highways and Transportation Officer responded and shared the Board’s concerns about the economic future and the lack of funding from central government. He outlined the current and projected figures in relation to a number of major highways schemes. Specific reference was made to the Local Transport Plan Integrated Block, DfT funding in relation to the A65 Kirkstall Road Quality Bus Corridor Major Scheme and the on-going discussions in relation to New Generation Transport where a decision on this scheme was pending from the DfT. He informed the Board that the Government had approved the Quality Bus Initiative as at today’s date which was welcomed by the Board. In addition to the above comments, the Transport Strategy Manager also commented on a number of new funding schemes with specific reference to the Urban Challenge Fund, Transport for Leeds, TiF and also made reference to the Outer Ring Road and the Horsforth Roundabout where a number of proposals were being considered)

  • the need for the department to look at lower end cost schemes as well as having a Plan B in place

(The Transport Strategy Manager responded and made specific reference to the strategic finance proposals around a new Local Transport Plan which aimed to address the lower end cost schemes)

  • the concern expressed that the existing arrangements in Leeds were not ‘fit for purpose’ and did not attempt to cover the wider picture

(The Chief Highways and Transportation Officer responded and commented on the current debates around the Leeds City Region where it was hoped that additional powers for more funds would be secured to sustain a long term investment package)

  • the fact that the Council gets £8m a year from the Government for road safety and highway improvement schemes and that whilst the money for the next financial year was secure, there were concerns that from 2011 onwards this money could be cut by anything from 20% to 50%



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That further reports on this issue be submitted to the Board in the near future.


(Councillor C Beverley left the meeting at 12 noon during discussions of the above item)



Supporting documents: