Agenda item

Performance Report - Quarter 3 2009/10


  To consider a report of the Head of Policy and Performance presenting an 

  overview of performance against the priority outcomes relevant to the

  Scrutiny Board’s portfolio and an analysis of performance indicator results

  at the end of Quarter 3.



The Head of Policy and Performance submitted a report presenting an overview of performance against the priority outcomes relevant to the City Development Scrutiny Board, including an analysis of performance indicator results at the end of Quarter 3 so that the Board may understand and challenge current performance.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents:-


·  Any “tagged” action trackers from the Leeds Strategic Plan which were relevant to the Board.  These trackers included progress in the delivery of key actions/activities, updated key performance indicator results and any relevant challenges and risks.  They included an overall traffic light rating assigned by the Accountable Officer and agreed with the Accountable Director (Appendix 1 refers)

·  Performance indicator report containing quarter 3 results for all performance indicator which can be reported in year from the Leeds Strategic Plan, National Performance Indicators set and any key local indicator which were relevant to the Board (Appendix 2 refers)

·  Leeds Area Assessment/Leeds City Council Organisational Assessment dated 9th December2009 (Appendix 3 refers)


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Member’s queries and comments:-


Councillor A Carter, Leader of the Council

Paul Maney, Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance, City Development


Prior to discussing the report, the Chair invited Board Members to put questions to Councillor Carter under his Executive Portfolio of Development and Regeneration.


In summary, reference was made to a number of items including:-


  • the need for the Leeds Arena to be an iconic building that represents the city

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded and supported this view, but further commented that there were many other benefits emanating from this development including employment and additional income spend into the Leeds economy)

  • the concerns expressed within the media that the site for the Leeds Arena was not accessible

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded and informed the meeting that following extensive consultation, the location of the site was the best option for inward investment for the city. It was envisaged that the arena would be accessed by the public using rail and bus links, as well as by car)

  • the need for clarification of the number of major transport schemes in the pipeline and the likelihood of these proceeding in view of the current economic climate and the forthcoming General Election

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded, and made specific reference to two major schemes, namely the next phase of the A65 Quality Bus Initiative which had just received the go ahead from the DfT and a decision by the DfT on the New Generation Transport was expected by 31st March 2010. He emphasised that approval for both schemes would proceed at risk as each will carry a health warning that enables the Government to review its position at anytime)

  • the concerns expressed about safety of pedestrians along the river in the south of the city (i.e. Clarence Dock area) in view of the fact that there have been 3 fatal drownings in three years in this area

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded, and confirmed that the Council did take this matter seriously and acknowledged its responsibilities in this regard but the situation was complicated by the fact that a number of walkways in this area were privately owned. He reported that discussions were ongoing with developers, owners and the Council to identify what in practical terms could be done to reduce the risks to pedestrians)

  • the concerns expressed about the continuing high levels of unemployment within the city (in particular within Burmantofts and Richmond Hill ward) and whether or not the Council was in a position to lobby government for support in this area

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded and informed the meeting that the key to tackling unemployment within the city was to focus on progressing the regeneration programme. He outlined a number of successful apprenticeship schemes that the Council were involved in)

  • the need for the Council to focus on transferable skills in an attempt to get people back into employment and to look at the merits of introducing a job guarantee model which would ensure that local people were successful in obtaining local jobs

(The Executive Member, Development and Regeneration responded and made reference to the Strategic Housing Partnership model introduced in Middleton which attempted to put more money into the local economy and to help those businesses which were struggling in the area)


The Chair thanked Councillor Carter for responses to the issues raised by the Board.


He then asked Councillor Carter and Paul Maney, Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance to briefly introduce the key issues and ongoing concerns highlighted within the Quarter 3 2009/10 performance report.


The Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance made reference to three main areas:-


  • Comprehensive Area Assessment
  • New indicator LKI 185 in relation to CO2 emissions from local authority operations which can be reported quarterly
  • Economic recession and the recent effects caused by the adverse weather conditions were the main reasons for drops in performance


The Chair then asked the Board to raise any matters of clarification on the performance information.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • PI Ref LSP – TP1E – Increase the number of new customers on low incomes accessing credit union services – the concerns expressed that the target of 3,500 was not achievable and reference to a report of the Director of City Development going to a number of Area Committees seeking possible closure of a number of Credit Union offices

(The Executive Director, Development and Regeneration responded and outlined the current discussions being undertaken between the Council and the Credit Union around their on-going business affairs)

  • a view expressed that the Credit Union targets should be wider around financial inclusion and include financial literacy training for those who were experiencing financial debt as a result of loan sharks

(The Executive Director, Development and Regeneration responded and supported this view. The Board noted that approximately 9

 £ million in Leeds, a  year, on interest was being paid on loans)

  • Sufficiency of performance systems and the need even when a target was reached to include an explanation as to whether the position will be maintained in the next quarter and the factors that could affect it

(The Executive Director, Development and Regeneration responded and acknowledged that this would be good practice in other areas which were not performing. The Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance referred to the ‘direction of travel’ arrows which was a way of helping to demonstrate this)

  • the need to lobby government with the aim of supporting local businesses by offering business rate free periods on a city wide basis

(The Executive Director, Development and Regeneration responded and acknowledged that the timing was right to introduce this incentive and it was hoped that powers could be given to local Council’s to do this. The Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance referred to specific actions being taken to mitigate the effects of the recession including remodelling the support package available for start up businesses )



a)  That the content of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the Head of Strategic Planning, Policy and Performancebe requested to consider those relevant issues raised by Board Members with a view to including them in future performance reports.


Supporting documents: