Agenda item

Application 10/01477/EXT - Extension of time period for Application 06/03333/OT for Major Redevelopment involving mixed use to provide retail stores, restaurants, bars & offices within Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 & B1 and housing (class C3), cinema (class D2), gym (class D2), medical centre (class D1), church drop-in facility, creche (class D1) & hotel (class C1), with associated highways works, open space, landscaping, car parking, pedestrian facilities & re-alignment of culvert, Eastgate &

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application seeking to extend the time for the submission of reserved matters and implementation of the major redevelopment scheme for the Eastgate and Harewood Quarter


(Report attached)



The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report on an application seeking to extend the time limit for the submission of reserved matters and implementation of outline permission 06/03333/OT relating to the development of the Eastgate and Harewood Quarter. Outline permission was previously granted on 24th August 2007 and the applicant seeks to extend the time limit by 3 years.


Site plans, layout plans and photographs of the site were displayed at the meeting along with architects’ drawings showing the proposed elevations and massing of the new buildings.


Officers advised the Panel of the guidance associated with the General Development Procedure Order 2009 relating to applications for extensions of time for the implementation of extant permissions. This suggested that Local Planning Authorities should take a positive view of such applications during the current economic climate and should particularly consider whether anything had materially changed since the grant of permission. Officers stated the scheme before Panel was exactly the same as that approved in 2007 and went onto highlight the key elements of the scheme.


Mr J Thorp, Civic Architect, then addressed the Panel to explain progress made on the scheme and emphasise the need to retain confidence in the delivery of the scheme.


Members noted the developer’s intention to submit a further outline application containing revised development proposals for the Eastgate and Harewood Quarter which would be presented to Panel in July 2010 as a pre-application presentation.


The Panel, noting the developers were present at the meeting, took the opportunity to comment on those aspects of the existing outline permission they remained concerned about as follows:

  Vicar Lane

-  massing appeared to dwarf the existing bank to the Eastgate/Vicar Lane junction

-  the inserts in to the buildings must complement those buildings


-  building splay did not encompass the Appleyards roundabout as a usable space or suitable setting

-  concern remained over the proposal to extend the Eastgate buildings towards the roundabout

   Open space/amenity 

-  Members felt the Outline scheme did not create new public space and made too much use of existing open space/streets/Appleyard roundabout

  Highways issues

-  treatment of George Street and concern over proposals to realign the highway and possible impact of its closure for market traders who currently use this as service access to the Market

-  a drop-off point required for the National Express Coach Station

Templar Street arcade

-  Some Members remained concerned over the design of “caterpillar” style roof to the arcade and referred to the design of the Trinity scheme as an exemplar


Officers then highlighted key points of the new proposals which when presented in July could address Members concerns:

-  Vicar Lane – the highest storeys would be set back from the front elevations in order to retain existing eaves heights to reflect those adjacent and to reduce the perceived imposing nature of the massing

-  Public open space – to be relocated

-  Eastgate – the proposals for inserts now deleted from the scheme and a proper setting for Appleyards roundabout incorporated

-  Templar Street Arcade – the “caterpillar” roof design to be revisited and possibly to be a more conventional arc shape

-  Highways issues – the new scheme deleted the undercroft servicing arrangements on George Street. Members asked for further consideration of hackney carriage rank provision. Amendments to Bridge Street would retain the current course of the highway and traffic flow around the markets was to be revised which would address traders access, allow sufficient highway length for traffic stacking and provide a coach drop-off point


Officers reminded the Panel of the complexities of the scheme and the need to retain developer and financial confidence in the delivery of the scheme. Furthermore, the scheme before them now and the city landscape itself was exactly the same as in 2007, and Members must have regard to those issues when considering the Guidance on this application for an extension of the time limit


RECOMMENDATION - That the application be approved in principle and be deferred and referred to the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government as a Departure from the Statutory Development Plan and for consultation under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009, and final approval be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the specified conditions as detailed in Appendix 1 of the submitted report (such conditions being the same as those attached to the original outline consent (updated as appropriate)) (and such other conditions which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the following matters (such matters being the same as those obligations agreed with the original outline consent);

- affordable housing provision

- public realm provision

- access and maintenance

- greenspace contribution

- contribution to education

- employment and training initiatives

- use of Templar House

- re-use of railings

- provision of travel plans

- public transport contribution

- highway requirements

- retail delivery

should the Secretary of State decide not to call in the application for determination.


In the circumstances where the Secretary of State has decided not to call in the application and the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.


Supporting documents: