Agenda item


To consider reports as follows (the Chief Executive (a,b and c) and the Section 151 Officer (d) consider that these reports are appropriate to be received at this meeting in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(f)):-


a)  That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, as presented by the report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer, be approved and that the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) be authorised to make any consequential changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme.




b)  That the Scrutiny Boards’ Annual report to Council, prepared in accordance with Article 6 of the Constitution, be approved.




c)  That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on appointments be approved.





d)  That the report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing on expenditure proposals for the use of Housing Revenue Subsidy refund be approved. 









a)  Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel


It was moved by Councillor Gruen seconded by Councillor Nash and


RESOLVED – That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, as presented by the report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer, be approved and that the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) be authorised to make any consequential changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme.


b)  Scrutiny Boards’ Annual Report


It was moved by Councillor Wakefield seconded by Councillor Gruen and


RESOLVED – That the Scrutiny Boards’ Annual report to Council, prepared in accordance with Article 6 of the Constitution, be approved


c)  Appointments


It was moved by Councillor Gruen seconded by Councillor Lobley and


RESOLVED – That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on appointments be approved subject to an amendment in paragraph 1.4 of the report to delete the name of Councillor Groves and to replace it with Councillor J Lewis and to the addition in the same paragraph of the words “ Councillor J Lewis to replace Councillor Groves on the Scrutiny Board (Children’s Services)”.


d)  Housing Revenue Subsidy Refund


It was moved by Councillor Gruen seconded by Councillor Nash


That the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on expenditure proposals for the use of Housing Revenue Subsidy refund be approved.


An amendment was moved by Councillor J L Carter seconded by Councillor M Hamilton


To add:-


‘subject to the following amendment to paragraph 3.3 of the report:


Add the following at the end of the third bullet point under the heading ‘West North West Homes’:


“An additional £900,000 from HRA surplus generated in 2009/10 will be allocated specifically for improvements to properties on the Woodbridge, Stonecliffe and Waterloo estates, divided equally between the three.” ’


On being put to the vote the amendment was declared lost.


(The meeting was suspended from 2.55 to 3.20 to allow for discussions to clarify the content of the motion to be put to the vote)


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.10 Councillor Gruen, with the consent of the seconder, sought leave of Council to alter the motion by the addition of the words “Subject to the proposed allocation of £700k for property improvement to non-traditional housing in West North West Homes, being allocated on a match funding basis” at the end of the motion.


Consent of Council was given and upon being put to the vote it was  


RESOLVED – That the report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing on expenditure proposals for the use of Housing Revenue Subsidy refund be approved, subject to the proposed allocation of £700,000 for property improvement to non-traditional housing in West North West Homes, being allocated on a match funding basis.


(During discussion of this item Councillor A Blackburn declared a personal interest as a Director of West North West Homes)


On the requisition of Councillors Lobley and J Procter, the voting on the amendment was recorded as follows:-



Anderson, Barker, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Elliott, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Gettings, Golton, Grayshon, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Townsley, Varley, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.



Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Gabriel, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Wakefield, Yeadon.



On the requisition of Councillors Gruen and Nash the voting that consent of Council be given to alteration of the motion was recorded as follows:-



Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Gabriel, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Wakefield, Yeadon.




Anderson, Barker, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Elliott, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, Grayshon, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Townsley, Varley, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.






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