Agenda item

Application 10/00923/OT - Redevelopment of land at Meadow Road for uses within the following classes: B1, D2, C1, C3 (up to 296 residential units) and ancillary A1, A3, A4 and A5 uses including associated works for the formation of site access roads at land bounded by Meadow Road, Jack Lane, Bowling Green Terrace and Trent Street LS11

To consider a position statement of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline planning application for redevelopment of land at Meadow Road for uses within the following classes B1, D2, C1, C3 (up to 296 residential units) and ancillary A1, A3, A4 and A5 uses, including works for formation of site access roads


(report attached)




  (Prior to considering this matter, Councillor Blackburn left the meeting)


  Plans, photographs, drawings and precedent images were displayed at the meeting

  Members considered a position statement by the Chief Planning Officer setting out the latest proposals for a major mixed-use development on the site known as ‘City One’ at Sweet Street and Meadow Road.  Members noted that the site had benefited from previous major outline consents in 2004 and 2006 so the principle of a major development on this site had been established

  When the outline application was submitted, approval would be sought only for the principle of development and access

  Details of the parameters for the site layout and building heights were provided with Members being informed that there was flexibility within the site as to where the different uses would be located

  In respect of highways issues, the Panel’s Highways representative stated that the scheme would contain a large amount of car parking and would generate a significant amount of movement, however the aim was to retain the central area free of vehicles by locating an area of public open space at the heart of the development and enabling pedestrian movement around the site

  The intention was to create a few vehicular access points, including extending Bowling Green Terrace to Sweet Street

  The site would provide 1500 car parking spaces, with 1100 in the proposed multi-storey car park and 400 basement parking spaces underneath the various blocks

  It was felt that there were a number of choices of exit route which would help to spread the load on the highway network.  Furthermore several improvements were proposed which would also assist in this, these being the widening of Meadow Road to provide 3 full width lanes of traffic; widening of the junction at Jack Lane and improvements to the slip road off the motorway, although traffic modelling was still being undertaken on these proposals

  As the previous scheme had included a casino on the site which would have generated a greater amount of traffic later on in the day, the traffic generated by the proposed development would occur more at peak times and a strong travel plan would be required.  Increased pedestrian connectivity would be provided.  Improvements being considered included a zebra crossing at the mini roundabout on Sweet Street; possible improvements to the crossing at Manor Road and provision of two central refuges at Jack Lane

  Increased cycling facilities were being considered as the applicant had offered to widen the footway along the Meadow Road frontage to provide a segregated cycle track and footway and to provide a Toucan crossing across the mouth of Jack Lane; also cycle routes would be developed into the site

  Members were informed that a range of supporting plans and documents had been submitted; that there would be 8 different areas of green space on the site equating to 29.1% public open space and it was felt that the policy requirements would be met

  The development would be phased with the influencing factor being future market forces, although with each building which was constructed an area of quality open space would be provided

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the maximum and minimum distance and heights which had been shown and whether these would be tweaked to reach a totality

·  that there was so much difference in the parameters that a clear picture could not be obtained

·  the view that the offices would probably be built first which would create highways problems from day one

·  the need to understand how people would travel to the site by car, public transport and walking.  There was concern that people driving to the site would add to congestion generally of the roads into the city

·  the likely number of people on the site; the targets to be achieved in the travel plan and whether penalties would be considered if targets were not met

·  whether a shuttle bus would be provided from the city centre to the site

·  that the area had been segregated from the city centre for some time and that this situation should be reversed but that the real opportunity to create an interaction between old and new did not appear to have been taken.  An example of this was the proposed park; that it looked inwards and was geared towards the people living and working on the site rather than welcoming those from the nearby communities, with concerns at the emergence of two cities, with a rigid boundary at the M621 and that it was important to create opportunities and access rather than walls

·  that the proposals were a positive attempt to address the needs of the area and links with the communities of Beeston and Holbeck were essential

·  that larger and more open areas of green space, particularly at the front of the site should be considered through closer siting of the buildings

·  that the badly designed pedestrian routes within City Walk should not be replicated on this site

·  that the site being so close to the motorway was likely to increase the number of people using cars to access the site

·  the level of consultation about the proposals which had been undertaken in the Beeston and Holbeck areas and whether groups representing people with disabilities had been consulted about their requirements for the site

·  the need for the layout to be discussed with disabled groups and the need for changing places toilets to be provided

·  the importance of approaching the Area Committees for comments on the proposals

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that the quantum of development was depicted on the plans displayed at the meeting but that not all of the buildings would be built to the maximum or minimum levels

·  that there could be around 4800 employees within the office buildings with the potential at peak hours of 1000 people walking to and from the city centre at peak times

·  that the annual travel to work survey of participating businesses across Leeds of people arriving at work by various methods suggested that a target split of 32% arriving by car was reasonably achievable and that incentives for alternative transport methods would be provided eg metrocards and cycling provision

·  in terms of penalties if the approved travel plan was not reaching its targets, a fund would be set aside to identify why people were not changing their travel methods to the site with a pot of money being available to provide what was needed

·  that a presentation of the proposals had taken place in the Civic Hall Ante Chamber; that letters had been sent to local businesses and that Officers had met with Leeds Civic Trust.   In terms of local consultation Officers stated they were not aware of any having taken place

·  that the Council’s Access Officer had been consulted but that more detailed comments would be sought at the Reserved Matters stage

A summary of issues which required further information to be provided was made, these being:

·  a need to understand the highways implications for the site

·  the need for a green travel plan that Members could sign up to and which contained clear targets

·  further information on the maximum and minimum figures and the need for a better understanding of this

·  the need for a phasing plan to be provided

·  further details on the public space to be provided and where this would be sited

·  the need for more local consultation with surrounding communities to the site

·  the need for the applicant to indicate how local people would be encouraged to find work both during the construction phase and beyond

RESOLVED -  To the note the report and the comments now made


(During consideration of this matter Councillors Grahame, Latty and Nash left the meeting)



Supporting documents: