Agenda item

Application 08/054440/FU - Globe Road/Water Lane Holbeck LS11

Further to minute 14 of the Plans Panel City Centre meeting held on 22nd July 2010 where Panel deferred determination of the application for a 5 storey 78 bedroom hotel, to consider a further report of the Chief Planning Officer


(report attached)




Further to minute 14 of the Plans Panel City Centre meeting held 22nd July 2010, when Members deferred determination of the application, the Chief Planning Officer submitted a report setting out the response from the applicant to the issues raised by the Panel.


Plans, architects drawings and photographs of the site were displayed at the meeting along with slides showing the earlier scheme for reference. Samples of the brick and zinc materials proposed for the scheme were also available for Members to view. Officers highlighted the revisions to the scheme including

·  the relocation of the reception area/main entrance

·  removal of the “active” element from the streetscene

·  relocation of the solar panels

·  the views from street level of the plant room were now obscured by parapets although the plant room may still be visible from further away

·  removal of the copper elements from the scheme. Zinc or brick had replaced some of the features previously indicated as copper.

·  a uniform window design had been introduced to the south elevations to provided a strong vertical feel with recessed windows


Officers reported that 75% of the ground floor elevation would be glazed to provide activity and interest at ground level. The simplicity of the elevations and the use of glazing/brick/stone would reflect the historic buildings in the locality. This development was intended to be a subtle addition to the streetscene in order to respect the prominence of the Italianate Towers on Tower Works.


Slides of 3D computer graphics sowing the relationship of the new build adjacent to existing buildings were displayed with a slide showing the views retained to the Giotto Tower.


Officers highlighted the sustainability measures proposed with the application which would ensure the scheme met the BREEAM excellent standard. Officers also addressed parking issues as the developers had originally intended to develop this plot (5) and Plot 4B adjacent simultaneously with parking for this site underneath Plot 4B. Plot 5 was now to be developed as a stand alone site with no car parking. However officers stated their belief that this site could be sustained without dedicated car parking due to its proximity to the city centre and various public transport links.


Members acknowledged this was an awkward site to develop and commented that the revisions to the scheme addressed the issues they had previously raised. The Panel briefly discussed:

-  Ground floor lighting to enhance the building to be conditioned

-  The criteria by which the service units and plant had been relocated to minimise impact and having regard to the English Heritage comments to retain the views to the Italianate Tower

RESOLVED – That the application be approved in principle and final approval be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the specified conditions contained within the report and following the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the following matters:

  Public transport contribution of £119,276.

  Holbeck Urban Village (HUV) public realm contribution of £322,050.

  Travel Plan with monitoring fee of £2,500.

  24 hour public access along the north-south pedestrian route and access between 0700-2300 hours along the Hol Beck walkway.

  Off site highway works (the closure of redundant vehicular access points, introduction of a service/drop off lay-by and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO contribution).

• Restriction of period of stay in the hotel to be no more than 3 months and for the hotel to remain as one planning unit to ensure the hotel does not revert to a residential use that would be liable to affordable housing obligations.

• Commitment to use reasonable endeavours to cooperate with LCC Jobs and Skills Service that seeks to employ local people in both pre and post construction phases.

• £600 monitoring fee for each of the public transport and HUV contributions and off site highway works.


In the circumstances where the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.


Supporting documents: