Agenda item


To consider a report by the Chief Executive Education Leeds which sets out the proposed consultation admission arrangements for the September 2012 Round


(The appendix to this report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (4))


(Report attached)


Members considered a report by the Chief Executive Education Leeds which

Provided details of the proposed consultation on arrangements for the September 2012 round. (The report included a confidential appendices which was dealt with under the Access to Information procedure Rule 10.4 (4))


In providing background information Mrs Buckland reported that the local authority was required to consult each year on the Council’s admission arrangements and prepare a report for submission to the Executive Board in March / April. The consultation process was prescribed for all admission authorities, including academies, foundation and voluntary-aided schools.


Mrs Buckland said the consultation covers the coordinated scheme, relevant areas as well as the admission policy for community and voluntary controlled schools. All other admission authorities would consult on their admission policies. Education Leeds would publish a public notice advising parents of the consultation and where they could find information, and how they could make their views known. 


Legislation was introduced in December 2008 to accompany the School Admissions Code which came into force in February 2009.  There were two significant changes relating to the coordinated scheme which required local authorities to fully coordinate all applications for school places. The full coordination came into effect in September 2010.


Mrs Buckland said it was the role of the Admission Forum to consider how well existing and proposed admission arrangements serve the interests of children and parents within the area of the local authority. The Forum must also consider the effectiveness of the authority’s proposed coordinated arrangements and the means by which admissions processes might be improved as well as how actual admissions related to the admission numbers published.


The following issues contained within the submitted report were highlighted:


·  Coordinated Schemes – In year

·  Coordinated Schemes – Annual Cycle

·  Analysis of Socio-economic Factors

·  Analysis of the Sibling Priority

·  Changes to the Admission Numbers


In summing up Mrs Buckland said the coordinated admission schemes had been updated to reflect the latest legislation and the requirement for full coordination.  It was proposed that Education Leeds consult on whether or not to hold in year waiting lists from September 2011. Changes would be required to primary school numbers as outlined in the submitted report. Any further changes would be brought to the attention of the Fairness of Admissions Policies Sub Committee for discussion, as well as being forwarded to all Members of Forum. 


The Admission Forum’s views are sought on possible changes to the sibling criteria prior to proceeding to consultation.


In the discussion that ensued Members were supportive of retaining an in year waiting list for the whole of the academic year, for all age groups, the issue of pupils using Fair Access Protocols and their position on the waiting list to be clarified.


On the issue of possible changes to the sibling criteria, it was the view of the Forum that the Local Authority proceed to consult on the proposed changes in a neutral manner inviting feedback


With regard to the proposed admission number changes, Members were supportive to proceed to consult on the proposed changes



RESOLVED – It was the view of the Forum that:


(i)  The establishment of an in year waiting list for the whole of the academic year for all age groups be supported. The issue of pupils using Fair Access Protocols and their position on the waiting list to be clarified.


(ii)  The Local Authority proceeds to consult on the proposed changes to the sibling criteria in a neutral manner that encouraged feedback


(iii)  The Local Authority proceeds to consult on the proposed changes to the admission arrangements









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