Agenda item

Inquiry into the Future of Residential Care Provision for Older People in Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of Adult Social Services


The report of the Director of Adult Social Services referred to the Boards previous meetings regarding the Inquiry, and how these had informed the development of a set of options for change in relation to residential care homes in Leeds.  The options were agreed by Executive Board at its meeting on 15 December 2010 where it was also agreed to begin public consultation on the options.


The report also outlined the programme of work developed by Adult Social Care to progress and implement the recommendations of Executive Board agreed on 15 December 2010 in relation to future options for long term residential care for older people.  The report also described the consultation process aimed at seeking the wider views of stakeholders and specifically of those people currently living in residential homes and of their carers and staff who provided care and support.


The Chair welcomed Dennis Holmes, Deputy Director – Commissioning and Tim O’Shea, Head of Adult Social Care Commissioning to the meeting.


Dennis Holmes introduced the report to the Board and it was agreed to widen the scope to include the future provision of Adult Day Care Services for which the same consultation process would be used.  Members were informed that the consultation programme had commenced on 10 January 2010 and attention was brought to the consultation calendar appended to the report.  Further issues highlighted included the following:


  • Area Committees would be consulted to gain a locality perspective
  • Consultation would include residents of care homes along with their relatives and carers.  Attendees of day care centres would also be consulted.
  • The consultation would focus on the development of options for the facilities concerned and appropriate options that related to circumstances of the provision of care.
  • All 99 Council Members would be briefed and it was aimed to make the consultation as inclusive as possible for Elected Members.
  • The consultation was aimed at a wider audience and general public consultation was also available.
  • Staff and Trade Unions would be engaged in consultation.
  • Consultation with the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sectors.
  • The withdrawal of the Private Finance Initiative for the Lifetime Neighbourhoods for Leeds project which would have created 300 extra care housing units.
  • Engagement with Health Service partners and how to develop the most appropriate models of care.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:


  • Extra Care Housing – this was similar to sheltered accommodation but with a greater amount of care provision.  The majority of Extra Care Housing in Leeds was provided by Housing Associations.
  • Due to declining numbers of day care centre users, it was needed to make better and more economic use of the facilities available.
  • A census of independent sector facilities had been undertaken.  Some of the newer facilities had untaken spaces which would assist with the relocation of those in residential care, particularly with keeping friends groups together.
  • Discussion was proposed with independent sector providers and social registered landlords regarding ways of expanding Extra Care Housing.
  • Extra Car Housing reduced the needs for other kinds of care.
  • Concern regarding consultation and whether it had been made clearly available to all members of the public.  Further consultation would be taking place through Area Committees.
  • Links between Adult Social Care and Planning regarding potential new developments and provision of Extra Care Housing.  It was reported that there was an Officer Board facilitated by Environment and Neighbourhoods that included representatives from Social Care, Planning, City Development and Public Private Partnership Unit that considered such issues.


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted and the Inquiry be expanded to include Adult Day Care Services and include regular progress reports.


(Councillor D Schofield left the meeting at 11.05 at the conclusion of this item)


Supporting documents: