Agenda item


(i)  Revenue Budget


a)  That the Revenue Budget for 2011/12 totalling £582.228m,  as detailed and explained in the submitted report and accompanying papers be approved, with no increase in the Leeds’ element of the Council Tax for 2011/12.


b)  That with respect to the Housing Revenue Account the following be approved:-


i)  approve the budget at the average rent increase figure of  6.84%


ii)  increase the charges for garage rents to £6.49 per week


iii)  increase service charges in line with rents (6.84%)



(ii)    Council Tax 


  1  That it be noted that at the meeting on 19th January 2011, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2011/12, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 33(5) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)   238,247 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its Council Tax base for the year.





Aberford and District


Allerton Bywater








Bardsey cum Rigton


Barwick in Elmet and Scholes


Boston Spa


Bramham cum Oglethorpe


Bramhope and Carlton




Collingham with Linton






Great and Little Preston






East Keswick














Pool in Wharfedale










Thorp Arch









being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2011/12 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,020,745,851  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act.


b) £1,437,070,000  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.


c) £583,675,851  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.


d) £314,560,775  being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates and Revenue Support Grant, reduced by the amount which the Council estimates will be transferred from its General Fund into its Collection Fund under Section 97(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.


e) £1,129.563336  being the amount at 2(c) above, less the amount at 2(d) above, all divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.


f)  £1,447,851  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


g)  £1,123.49  being the amount at 2(e) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(f) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.















being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(g) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.









being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(g) and 2(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

3  Thatit be noted for the year 2011/12 that the West Yorkshire Police Authority and the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority are expected to issue the following precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below.


4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(i) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2011/12 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below.




5  That the schedule of instalments for 2011/12 for payments to the principal authorities out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of the submitted report.



iii)  Capital Programme Update 2010-2014


a)  That the capital programme, as attached to the submitted report, be approved;


b)  That the Executive Board be authorised to approve in year amendments to the capital programme including transfers from and to the reserved programme in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules;


c)  That the proposed Minimum Revenue Provision policies for 2011/12 as set out in 5.5 and 5.6  of the report and explained in Appendix F be approved;



iv)  Treasury Management Strategy 2011/2012


a)  That borrowing limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.4 of the submitted report.


b)  That treasury management indicators be set for 2010/11, 2011/12 ,2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.5 of the report.


c)  That investment limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.6 of the submitted report.


d)  That the revised Treasury Management policy statement be adopted.





Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.10, leave of Council was given to alter paragraph (ii)3 by the deletion of the words ‘are expected to issue’ and replace with ‘have issued’.


It was moved by Councillor Wakefield, seconded by Councillor R Lewis


i)  Revenue Budget


a)  That the Revenue Budget for 2011/12 totalling £582,228,000 as detailed and explained in the submitted report and accompanying papers be approved, with no increase in the Leeds’ element of the Council Tax for 2011/12.


b)  That with respect to the Housing Revenue Account the following be approved:-


i)  approve the budget at the average rent increase figure of 6.84%


ii)  increase the charges for garage rents to £6.49 per week


iii)  increase service charges in line with rents (6.84%)


ii)  Council Tax


1  It was noted that at the meeting on 19th January 2011, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2011/12, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 33(5) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)   238,247 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its Council Tax base for the year.





Aberford and District


Allerton Bywater








Bardsey cum Rigton


Barwick in Elmet and Scholes


Boston Spa


Bramham cum Oglethorpe


Bramhope and Carlton




Collingham with Linton






Great and Little Preston






East Keswick














Pool in Wharfedale










Thorp Arch









being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2011/12 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,020,745,851  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act.


b) £1,437,070,000  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.


c) £583,675,851  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.


d) £314,560,775  being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates and Revenue Support Grant, reduced by the amount which the Council estimates will be transferred from its General Fund into its Collection Fund under Section 97(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.


e) £1,129.563336  being the amount at 2(c) above, less the amount at 2(d) above, all divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.


f) £1,447,851  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


g) £1,123.49  being the amount at 2(e) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(f) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.





being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(g) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.





  being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(g) and 2(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.


3  That it be noted for the year 2011/12 that the West Yorkshire Police Authority and the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority have issued the following precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-



4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(i) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2011/12 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-



5   That the schedule of instalments for 2011/12 for payments to the principal authorities out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of the submitted report.


iii)  Capital Programme Update 2010-2014


a)  That the capital programme, as attached to the submitted report, be approved.


b)  That the Executive Board be authorised to approve in year amendments to the capital programme including transfers from and to the reserved programme in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules.


c)  That the proposed Minimum Revenue Provision policies for 2011/12 as set out in 5.5 and 5.6  of the report and explained in Appendix F be approved.


iv)  Treasury Management Strategy 2011/2012


a)  That borrowing limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.4 of the submitted report.


b)  That treasury management indicators be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.5 of the report.


c)  That investment limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.6 of the submitted report.


d)  That the revised Treasury Management policy statement be adopted.


An amendment (1) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:-


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Adult Social Care budget of £471k to keep the Mental Health Crisis Centre, known as the Leeds Crisis Centre, in Headingley open


b)  an increase in the use of General Fund Reserves of £471k’


A further amendment (2) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in City Development budget of £270k for the continuation of the current Library Service


b)  a decrease in the Strategic budget of £300k to be achieved through cross cutting savings in the cost of information technology.


c)  a contribution to general fund reserves of £30k’


A further amendment (3) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Adult Social Care budget of £100k to be put into residential care


b)  an increase in the Strategic budget of £200k to increase the voluntary sector hardship fund to £300k


c)  an increase in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £335k, £250k to fund young peoples apprenticeships and £85k for kerbside garden collections in November and January.


d)  a decrease in the Central and Corporate budget of £321k to reflect the part year cessation of the Leeds Initiative and the International Relations section


e)  a decrease in the Strategic budget of £370k being £150k reduction in the budget the cost of the trade union facilities agreement and £220k cross cutting reductions in training budgets


f)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £56k’


A further amendment (4) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City Development budget of £500k to keep the East Leeds Leisure Centre open


b)  a decrease in the Strategic Budget of £510k achieved by cross cutting reduction  in the following budgets:-


·  Office Furniture and equipment - a 12 month moratorium 300k


·  Publications 10% reduction in the printing of brochures £210k


c)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £10k’


A further amendment (5) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


(a)  an increase in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £250k for the Area Committees Wellbeing fund


(b)  a decrease in the Strategic Budget of £250k achieved by a reduction in the use of non-Council venues for meetings’



A further amendment (6) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City Development budget of £68k for the reinstatement of crèche facilities in Sports centres


b)  a decrease in the Strategic Budget of £70k achieved by  the ceasing of translation of brochures and leaflets


c)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £2k’


A further amendment (7) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City Development budget of £189k for the reinstatement of the Council’s contribution to the free city centre bus


b)  a decrease in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £40k in respect of income generation from extending car parking facilities at the former international pool site


c)  a decrease in the City Development budget of £17k by ending car parking charges at  Temple Newsham


d)  a decrease in the Strategic Budget of £133k achieved by cross cutting reductions in the budgets for  publications and advertising


e)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £1k’


A further amendment (8) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £397k to be distributed to the Area Committees for Community safety issues


b)  a decrease in the Strategic Budget of £397k by reducing the Contingency Fund’


A further amendment (9) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City Development budget of £200k for an increase in opening hours at Garforth Leisure Centre


b)  a decrease in the Strategic budget in respect of a cross cutting reductions of £200k in stationery budgets’


A further amendment (10) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City Development budget of £80k for an increase in opening hours at Bramley baths


b)  a decrease in the Strategic budget of £100k in respect of the provision of equality services to the ALMOs


c)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £20k’


A further amendment (11) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12 and, adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  a net reduction in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £93k to be achieved through an increase in income of £580k in the number of parking meters in three areas of the City offset by a 20% reduction in the Central Zone parking charges resulting in a reduction in income of £487k


b)  a contribution to General Fund Reserves of £93k’


A further amendment (12) was moved by Councillor A Carter, seconded by Councillor J Procter that


In 4 (iii) (a) after the words ‘be approved’, add:


‘subject to an increase in the City Development Capital Programme of £1,800,000 for additional Highway Maintenance works, and a corresponding decrease in the Central and Corporate  Capital Programme in respect of the Council’s Web replacement scheme which is to be transferred to the reserved programme.’


A further amendment (13) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that

In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12, and adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)    an increase in the City Development budget of £189k for the continuation of the Council’s contribution to the free bus service for a further 12 months


b)    an increase in the use of General Fund Reserves of £189k’


A further amendment (14) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12, and adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Adult Social Care budget of £471k for keeping open the Mental Health Crisis centre in Headingley, known as the Leeds Crisis Centre


b)  the use of £471k of reserves earmarked for the future funding of Schools PFI schemes.’


A further amendment (15) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12, and adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £1,887k being:-


·  Reinstatement of Area wellbeing monies - £250k

·  Funding for Community Events - £50k

·  Area Wellbeing – additional money for environmental enhancements - £500k

·  Ring fencing of additional Community Safety Grants to Area wellbeing funds - £847k

·  Creation of a business engagement scheme for investment in local communities through the Third Sector - £240k


b)  a reduction in the Central and Corporate budget of £630k to be achieved by delaying part of the Invest to save programme for 12 months


c)  a reduction in the Strategic budget of £847k, £400k for Burglary Initiatives and £447k being the unallocated element of the Community Safety Grant for 2011/12.


d)  The use of £410k of reserves earmarked for the future funding of Schools PFI schemes


(e)  £500k included in the Strategic budget in respect to support to Jobs and Skills initiatives to be redirected to provide a fund for voluntary organisations to bid for to support projects to assist young unemployed people to gain relevant skills.


A further amendment (16) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12, and adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the Environment and Neighbourhoods budget of £170k to introduce an additional food waste collection round


b)  a reduction in the Central and Corporate budget of £170k to be achieved by delaying part of the Invest to save programme for 12 months’


A further amendment (17) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(a), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to amendments to the Council’s estimates for 2011/12, and adjustments to the figures in 4(ii)2 (a) to (g) as appropriate, as set out below:


a)  an increase in the City development budget of £2,500k being:-


·  Additional provision for a programme of reactive and planned Highway maintenance to improve the condition of the network - £1,500k


·  Programme of 20mph zones /speed limits and residents parking schemes £1,000k


b)  the use of £2,500k of reserves earmarked for the future funding of Schools PFI schemes’


A further amendment (18) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(b), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to the transfer of £2.3m from the FRS17 Reserve in the Housing Revenue Account to enable a long term empty property fund to be established for the purchase and refurbishment of empty private sector properties to be taken into the HRA stock or sold on the open market.’


A further amendment (19) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Hamilton that


In 4 (i)(b), after the words ‘be approved’ add:


‘subject to an increase in the Capital Programme of £1m for a new Community Buildings Fund and a corresponding decrease in respect of the Council’s Web replacement scheme which is to be transferred to the reserved programme.’


Amendments 1 to 19 were declared lost and, upon being put to the vote, it was




i)  Revenue Budget


a)  That the Revenue Budget for 2011/12 totalling £582,228,000 as detailed and explained in the submitted report and accompanying papers be approved, with no increase in the Leeds’ element of the Council Tax for 2011/12.


b)  That with respect to the Housing Revenue Account the following be approved:-


i)  approve the budget at the average rent increase figure of  6.84%


ii)  increase the charges for garage rents to £6.49 per week


iii)  increase service charges in line with rents (6.84%)



ii)  Council Tax


1  It was noted that at the meeting on 19th January 2011, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2011/12, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 33(5) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)   238,247 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its Council Tax base for the year.





Aberford and District


Allerton Bywater








Bardsey cum Rigton


Barwick in Elmet and Scholes


Boston Spa


Bramham cum Oglethorpe


Bramhope and Carlton




Collingham with Linton






Great and Little Preston






East Keswick














Pool in Wharfedale










Thorp Arch









being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2011/12 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,020,745,851  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act.


b) £1,437,070,000  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.


c) £583,675,851  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.


d) £314,560,775  being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates and Revenue Support Grant, reduced by the amount which the Council estimates will be transferred from its General Fund into its Collection Fund under Section 97(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.


e) £1,129.563336  being the amount at 2(c) above, less the amount at 2(d) above, all divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.


f) £1,447,851  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


g) £1,123.49  being the amount at 2(e) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(f) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.





being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(g) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.





  being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(g) and 2(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.


3  That it be noted for the year 2011/12 that the West Yorkshire Police Authority and the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority have issued the following precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-



4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(i) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2011/12 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-



5   That the schedule of instalments for 2011/12 for payments to the principal authorities out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of the submitted report.


iii)  Capital Programme Update 2010-2014


a)  That the capital programme, as attached to the submitted report, be approved.


b)  That the Executive Board be authorised to approve in year amendments to the capital programme including transfers from and to the reserved programme in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules.


c)  That the proposed Minimum Revenue Provision policies for 2011/12 as set out in 5.5 and 5.6  of the report and explained in Appendix F be approved.


iv)  Treasury Management Strategy 2011/2012


a)  That borrowing limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.4 of the submitted report.


b)  That treasury management indicators be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.5 of the report.


c)  That investment limits be set for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 as set out in Section 3.6 of the submitted report.


d)  That the revised Treasury Management policy statement be adopted.


On the requisition of Councillors J Procter and Lobley, the voting on all of the amendments were recorded as follows:-


Amendment 1 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon



Amendment 2 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, Blackburn A, Blackburn D, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, R Grahame, P Grahame, R Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, Hamilton, S Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, Lewis J, Lewis R, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, McKenna A, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, Taylor E, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 3 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, Harris, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.



Amendment 4 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 5 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 6 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Monaghan, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.


Amendment 7 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.


Amendment 8 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 9 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 10 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 11 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.



Amendment 12 in the name of Councillor A Carter




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 13 in the name of Councillor Golton




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.








Amendment 14 in the name of Councillor Golton




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 15 in the name of Councillor Golton




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



Amendment 16 in the name of Councillor Golton




Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.



Amendment 17 in the name of Councillor Golton




Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.



Amendment 18 in the name of Councillor Golton




Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





Anderson, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Harrand, W Hyde, Kendall, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, J Procter, R Procter, Robinson, Schofield, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wood.



Amendment 19 in the name of Councillor Golton




Anderson, Bentley, Brett, Campbell, A Carter, J L Carter, Castle, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Mrs R Feldman, R D Feldman, Fox, Golton, M Hamilton, Harrand, Harris, W Hyde, Kendall, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, G Latty, P Latty, Lobley, Marjoram, Matthews, Monaghan, J Procter, R Procter, Pryke, Robinson, Schofield, Smith, A Taylor, Wadsworth, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wood.





Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.



On the requisition of Councillors Gruen and Nash, the voting on the substantive motion was recorded as follows:-




Akhtar, Armitage, Atha, Atkinson, D Blackburn, Blake, Congreve, Coulson, Davey, Dobson, Dowson, Driver, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Grayshon, Groves, Gruen, S Hamilton, Hanley, Hardy, G Harper, J Harper, A Hussain, G Hussain, G Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Lyons, Maqsood, A McKenna, Morgan, Mulherin, Murray, Nash, Ogilvie, Parker, Rafique, Renshaw, Selby, Taggart, E Taylor, Varley, Wakefield, Yeadon.





A Blackburn.





Bentley, Brett, Campbell, Chapman, Chastney, Cleasby, Downes, Ewens, Golton, M Hamilton, Harris, Kirkland, Lamb, Lancaster, Matthews, Monaghan, Pryke, Smith, A Taylor, Wilson.


Supporting documents: