Agenda item

Applications 10/05607/FU, 10/05608/FU and 10/05609/LI - Change of use of basement bar to live music venue with ancillary bar, restaurant, nightclub use; change of use of ground floor and upper levels from nightclub to bar, restaurant and a range of assembly and leisure uses with associated external and internal alterations in association with the changes of use including new window openings - Majestic - City Square LS1

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for change of use of basement bar to live music venue with ancillary bar, restaurant and nightclub use.   Change of use of ground floor and upper levels from nightclub to bar, restaurant and a range of assembly and leisure uses with associated external and internal alterations in association with the changes of use, including new window openings


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A site visit had taken place earlier in the day which some Members had attended

  Officers presented the report which sought permission for change of use, alterations and refurbishment of the prestigious Grade II Listed Building known as the Majestic which was situated in City Square

  Members were informed that the proposed uses could also include uses within the D2 class, ie gym, exhibition space or cinema

  The proposed works were outlined for Members which included:

·  new windows along Quebec Street and Wellington Street to create greater activity and enlarged openings to windows to upper floors

·  new glass doors to main entrances and creation of a new entrance on Quebec Street

·  refurbishment of the Marmo faience facades

·  reintroduced art panels at ground floor level and reinstatement of the original glazing bar patterns to windows fronting City Square

·  new service entrance on Wellington Street with any necessary  extensions to TROs  relating to use of the nearby on-street loading bay by the proposed development being funded by the applicant

·  opening up of roof terrace for public use

·  slate screening of the rooftop plant

·  reinstatement of the proscenium arch

·  reinstatement of the external statuary

·  internal paint scheme which would be consistent with the 1921 building and would help reinstate the detail to the decorative plaster work

Receipt of two further representations were reported these being from

WYAAS, requesting recording after the soft strip out and prior to internal alterations, with a condition to this effect being added, and from the Victorian Society who had commented, although the period of the building was outside their remit.  They were supportive in principle but had made some detailed comments which were reported to Panel

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the proposed statues and whether the style of these could be related to the Alfred Drury statues of maidens which were situated in City Square

·  that the statues should be of a style close to the originals

·  disabled toilet facilities and whether these would be provided on each level

·  that the sympathetic reinstatement of this historic building was welcomed as was the fact that it would be reopened to the public

·  that the signage should be of a style in keeping with the 1920s

·  that the applicant should be encouraged to retain the name of the building as ‘The Majestic’ and for it to be spelled correctly

·  the street lamps outside the building; that these were not sympathetic to it and that Conservation Area lamps might be more appropriate in this location

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that archive footage had been examined with a view to replicating the original statues, with this detail being controlled by condition

·  that a condition requiring the provision of disabled toilet facilities on each public level would be added to the permission

Members voiced their support for the scheme and expressed the hope

that work on it would commence as soon as possible

  RESOLVED -  To approve the application in principle and to defer and delegate final approval to the Chief Planning Officer, subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report, additional conditions relating to archaeological recording of the interior of the building following the initial strip out and provision of disabled toilet facilities on each public level and any others which in the opinion of the Chief Planning Officer are required



Supporting documents: