Agenda item

NHS Operating Framework 2011/12

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on the introduction of the NHS Operating Framework 2011/12, issued by the Department of Health on 15 December 2010.  The Operating Framework is a planning documents that sets out the priorities for the NHS for 2011/12 and this report provides the opportunity for the Scrutiny Board (Health) to explore the local implications and any associated impacts.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on the introduction of the NHS Operating Framework 2011/12, issued by the Department of Health on 15 December 2010.  The Operating Framework was a planning document that outlined the priorities for the NHS for 2011/12 and the report provided the opportunity for the Scrutiny Board (Health) to explore the local implications and any associated impacts.


Appended to the report was a copy of the ‘NHS The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2011/12‘ for the information/comment of the meeting.


In addition to the above documents, a copy of summary points provided by NHS Leeds was circulated at the meeting to assist Board Members with their deliberations.


The following representatives were in attendance to present the major implications for the coming year and to address any specific questions identified by the Scrutiny Board:


- Linda Pollard (Chair) – NHS Leeds

- Philomena Corrigan (Executive Director of Strategy and Commissioning) – 

  NHS Leeds

- Mike Collier (Chair) – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

- Dr. Peter Belfield (Medical Director) – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 


- David Richardson (Chair) – Leeds Community Healthcare

- Sam Prince (Managing Director) – Leeds Community Healthcare

- Frank Griffiths (Chair) – Leeds Partnerships Foundation Trust (LPFT)

- Jill Copeland (Director of Strategy and Partnerships) – Leeds Partnerships

  Foundation Trust (LPFT)


In brief summary, the main points raised by the above representatives were as follows:


Leeds Community Healthcare


·  The move to an independent NHS Trust from 1st April 2011.

·  Continuing to work closely with primary care and social care to deliver appropriate and cost-effective services.

NHS Leeds


·  Maintaining and improving quality and patient outcomes.

·  Financial control, including focusing on efficiencies through procurement and use of estates.

·  Maintaining an overview and developing the new system, in particular around:

-  GP Commissioning consortia

-  The new NHS Commissioning Board

-  Health and Wellbeing Boards

-  New Public Health England Service

·  Significant governance and accountability issues associated with the proposed structural changes


Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust


·  Maintaining a focus on the aims of the 2015 Strategy, including:

-  Helping people achieve their potential;

-  Patient safety

-  Improving the patient experience

·  Potential challenges of working with consortia /multiple commissioners

·  Impact of personal health budgets

·  Provider authority implications and the extension of services into York, Tadcaster and Selby


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


·  Workforce implications associated with reducing costs while improving quality

·  Maintaining a focus on:

-  Providing worldclass treatment services

-  Becoming the hospital of choice

-  Becoming the employer of choice

-  Research and development

-  The Managing for Success Programme

·  Significant financial pressures arising from:

-  The need to become more efficient

-  National tariff changes

-  Other funding changes (i.e. Teaching funding)

-  Strategic service changes

·  Achieving Foundation Trust status

·  Closer working with Social Services and GP commissioners


Arising from detailed discussions, in brief summary Board Members raised the following issues:


·  Clarification of the commissioning process with specific reference to 2013 shadowing arrangements

·  Clarification of the GP Consortia arrangements across the City

·  Clarification of the potential implications of Leeds Partnerships Foundation Trust (LPFT) providing services across parts of North Yorkshire and the need for a report on this issue

(The Director of Strategy and Partnerships (LPFT) responded and agreed to provide a paper on this for a future meeting of the Scrutiny Board (Health))

·  Use of appropriate drugs and associated costs

·  Clarification around staff development/career structures

·  Clarification of the detail and implications of the Managing Success Programme, particularly in terms of:

-   Clear and open consultation with patients

-  The use of the Trust’s estate/ premises

·  The impact of integration and closer working with social services

·  The work and role of the Transformation Board and how this informed current decision-making arrangements.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That a vote of thanks be conveyed to those organisations for their comments and contributions to the local implications and any associated impacts arising from the NHS Operating Framework.

c)  That the issues raised and discussed be readdressed at a future Board meeting to asses the progress been made in Leeds.


(Councillor S Armitage joined the meeting at 10.45am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor A Hussain left the meeting at 11.25am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillors P Harrand and E Taylor left the meeting at 11.55am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor G Kirkland left the meeting at 12:00 noon at the conclusion of the above item)














Supporting documents: