Agenda item

LATE ITEM - Leeds Bradford International Airport - Monitoring report September 2010 to February 2011 of night time aircraft movements, noise levels and air quality

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out a response to the enforcement matters raised at the meeting held 31st March 2011 and including the 6 monthly monitoring report for the period October 2010 to February 2011


(Report attached)


Further to minute 123 of the previous meeting, the Chief Planning Officer presented a Late Item of business relating to monitoring of night time aircraft movements, air quality and noise at Leeds Bradford International Airport (LBIA).


The report was accepted as a Late Item as Panel had specifically requested a report at the last Panel on the reasons why enforcement action was not to be taken in respect of breaches of conditions as raised by Councillor Matthews and that it should be provided in the context of the latest monitoring report.

The Head of Planning Services apologised for the lateness of the report which was due to the time taken to get the required monitoring information but felt it was important that the information and explanation was tabled at this meeting.   He also made it clear that Members did have the option of deferring the item a cycle if they wanted to allow more time to consider its contents


The comments of an e-mail from local ward Councillor Campbell on the contents of the report and the approach taken by the Local Planning Authority to the monitoring of LBIA were read out in full to the meeting.


The Head of Planning Services outlined the circumstances of the last 3 breaches which had occurred since he wrote to the airport in May 2010 and considered that they were exceptional.  He referred to the history of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) breaches; the improvement over time and the actions which had been taken by the airport to improve the situation.   The Head of Planning Services recognised that there were a number of factors to take into account before taking formal enforcement action and the impact of the breaches had to be weighed against the economic benefits brought to Leeds by PIA flying from LBIA.   Consideration was also being given as to how other airports dealt with breaches of conditions and the need to continue to work co-operatively with the airport


Members commented that allowing the planning conditions to continue to be flouted would set a worrying precedent. They noted the number of breaches which had happened over the last 3 years but that improvements had been made and the latest breaches were due to exceptional circumstances


Members considered that enforcement action at this time would not be appropriate but that the issue should be kept under review and the enforcement file should remain open.   We should continue to bring the matter to the attention of the airport and urge further dialogue with PIA to bring the quieter B777 aircraft into service on this route at the earliest opportunity



a)  To note the contents of the report in relation to night time aircraft movements, noise and the air quality monitoring

b)  To note the update in relation to outstanding enforcement action in relation to breaches of the planning condition on night flying and aircraft noise

c)  To support the approach adopted by officers so far, in seeking to resolve the issues of the PIA breaches by continued dialogue rather than formal action at this stage given the improvement in the position over time and the low number of breaches now occurring

d)  To note the intention to present a further monitoring report in six months time


Supporting documents: