Agenda item


To consider a report by the Director of Children’s Services which provides an update on the operation of the In Year Fair Access Panels and the admission of children during the academic year 2010/11


(Report attached)


Members considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services which provided an update on the operation of the In Year Fair Access Panels and the admission of children during the academic year 2010/11


Addressing the report Mrs Buckland reported that the Fair Access Panels (Secondary) continued to sit on a monthly basis to consider parental preferences. There had not been any directions to schools this academic year and all young people who had been discussed at Panel, who did not have a school place, had been offered one.


The Fair Access Panels for Primary schools continued to sit as and when required.


Schools were continuing to develop stronger relationships both within and outside of their own Wedges. This had enabled them to offer more ‘managed moves’ for young people, for a variety of reasons who may benefit from a ‘fresh start’ or because they believe that a change of school was the answer to an issue they are experiencing.


Mrs Buckland suggested that Panels continued to operate even though long term funding was uncertain.  The Area Inclusion Partnership’s (AIP) had been funded for a further 12 months which had allowed the Panels to find funds to support some of the placements made through Panel. However, there were concerns as to how they would operate effectively after this time and how a move to 3 areas would affect their ability to continue to be cohesive and inclusive.


The publication of the Schools Admissions Code was currently awaited which may have an impact on Fair Access and the way that Leeds implements this across the City. However, until the release of the New Code, Children Services would be unable to ascertain the impact on the Admission Team or any of the work they currently do.


It was reported that there was an issue around the capacity to operate the current scheme. The existing resources were stretched, as the number of In Year Applications increased the number of Admissions Team cases also increased. The resources required to service all 5 Fair Access Panels placed pressure on the team and significant  impact on the other statutory work of the service.


The number of officer hours involved in the current format of the Panels’ and in particular the Secondary Panels was, with the current number of staff and the increase in transfers and Fair Access cases, not viable in the medium to long term.


In conclusion Mrs Buckland said that consultation would be undertaken, by the Admissions  Team with the schools, through the Fair Access Panels, with a view to streamlining the administration and identifying the level of support provided by the Admissions Team in the administration of the Panels.


In passing comment the Chair asked if staff resources was an issue which required addressing.


Mrs Buckland, in responding said the issue of workloads and staff resources was constantly under review


(i)  That the contents of the report be noted

(ii)  That the issue of resources to deliver the current Fair Access Scheme be kept under review



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