Agenda item

Well Being Budget (Revenue) 2011/2012

To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) updating Members on the Well Being budget for 2011/12 with details of commitments and seeking confirmation of approval for new project work and information on work already funded


(report attached)


(Executive Function)





  i)  That the current position of the Area Committee’s Wellbeing budget as set out in the submitted report be noted

ii)  That Wellbeing funding be approved for the following projects:

·  £10,000 – East Leeds Leisure Centre

·  £3,000 – hire of ‘off-road’ motorcycles for West Yorks Police

·  £5,000 – cricket coaching for young people

·  £7,000 –summer programme for young people in Temple Newsam

·  £7,000 – summer programme for young people in Cross Gates and Whinmoor

·  £5,000 – summer programme for young people in Kippax and Methley

·  £3,500 – to provide a celebratory week for older people

iii)  That the Outer East small grant position as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report be noted




  The South East Area Leader presented a report including an overview of spending to date.  The report also included monitoring information on projects previously funded, information on small grants awarded and an outline of new proposals seeking funding, these being:


  • East Leeds Leisure Centre  £10,000
  • Hire of ‘off road’ motorcycles for West Yorks Police  £3,000
  • Cricket coaching for young people   £5,000
  • Summer programme for young people in

Temple Newsam  £7,000

  • Summer programme for young people in

Cross Gates and Whinmoor  £7,000

  • Summer programme for young people in

Kippax and Methley  £5,000

  • To provide a celebratory week for older people  £3,500


The Committee considered and commented on the report


Off Road Motorcycles – Members were informed that £3,000 of funding was being sought and that other Area Committees were expected to provide similar funding, apart from Outer North East Area Committee which had declined to do so

Cricket Coaching – that a small charge was being levied this year for this activity and the hope that numbers attending would be at the usual level.  The Chair informed Members that some sponsorship had been obtained and that the five best players from the event would be selected to attend five hours of free professional coaching for three days at Headingley at the end of August in the hope that new, local talent would be unearthed

East Leeds Leisure Centre and One Stop Centre (Halton Moor Community Centre – that £10,000 had been provided from the Well Being Budget to keep the community centre section of the building open until October 2011 with concerns being raised about the position after this time.  The Area Management Officer stated that the Council’s Asset Management Section was looking at future proposals for the whole building and that if the community centre element was to remain open after October 2011, the Area Committee would not be asked for future funding.  A discussion took place on funding proposals for the Council as a whole; expenditure and previous proposals for East Leeds Leisure Centre.  Concerns about Traveller activity in the area and funding associated with this was raised.  Concerns were also expressed about utility and cleaning bills for the use of the community centre by the Youth Service, with the Chair agreeing to take this matter up with Officers

Gardening scheme for the elderly and disabled – the spread of this service across the four wards was raised.  The Area Management Officer explained that there was a need for the service to be efficient so jobs tended to be planned in close proximity.  Members were assured that the funding provided to retain the Halton Moor Community Centre had not impacted on the funding for this scheme.  The Chair informed the Committee that it was his intention to inspect some of the gardening work which had been undertaken and would take photographs to display at a future meeting


  i)  That the current position of the Area Committee’s Wellbeing budget as set out in the submitted report be noted

ii)  That Wellbeing funding be approved for the following projects:

·  £10,000 – East Leeds Leisure Centre

·  £3,000 – hire of ‘off-road’ motorcycles for West Yorks Police

·  £5,000 – cricket coaching for young people

·  £7,000 –summer programme for young people in Temple Newsam

·  £7,000 – summer programme for young people in Cross Gates and Whinmoor

·  £5,000 – summer programme for young people in Kippax and Methley

·  £3,500 – to provide a celebratory week for older people

iii)  That the Outer East small grant position as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report be noted



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