Agenda item

Outer West Area Committee Well-Being Budget

To receive a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing Members with an update on the current amount of capital and revenue funding available via the Area Committee Well-Being budget for wards in the Outer West area, and seeking approval for new projects commissioned by the Area Management Team.


(Executive Function)



(a)  That capital funding of £3,700 be re-allocated from the leaf-blower project and added to the Area Committee’s contribution to the Pudsey toilets scheme referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the report, resulting in a contribution of £16,551 for Pudsey toilets to be combined with Ward Based Initiative funding;

(b)  That the following ‘in principle’ funding decisions be confirmed:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  I Love West Leeds - £18,000;

(ii)  Pudsey in Bloom - £4,000;

(iii)  Calverley in Bloom - £3,000;

(iv)  Farsley in Bloom - £3,000;

(v)  Site based gardeners - £23,301;

(vi)  Farsley festival - £3,500;

(vii)  CCTV maintenance and monitoring - £30,000; and

(viii)  Woodhall Road barrier - £1,572.


(c)  That the following decisions be taken in respect of the applications before the Committee today for consideration:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  Armley Juniors Project for Young People - £15,000 – Approved on the condition that the Volunteer Co-ordinator reports on progress to the Area Committee on a quarterly basis, that work is undertaken with other agencies (including the Youth Service) in order to maximise the project’s benefits, and that alternative funding sources are found in future years;

(ii)  Farsley Christmas lights event - £5,000 – Approved;

(iii)  Pudsey Christmas lights event - £8,000 – Approved;

(iv)  Outer West Youth Service - £9,350 – Approved;

(v)  Wortley Football Club - £3,575 – Approved;

(vi)  Track and Jumps Facilities for Pudsey & Bramley Athletics Club - £20,000 – Approved.


Capital 2011/12


(i)  Calverley heritage lighting - £1,816 – Approved;

(ii)  Additional litter bins for Outer West - £2,400 – Approved.


(d)  That the sub-budgets for small grants and skips be confirmed as follows:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  Small grants budget - £9,000; and

(ii)  Skips budget - £1,500.


(e)  That the small grant approvals set out in Table 3 of the report be noted.



The Area Management Officer presented a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing Members with an update on the current amount of capital and revenue funding available via the Area Committee Well-Being budget for wards in the outer west area, and seeking approval for new projects commissioned by the Area Management Team.


The Area Committee was reminded that it approved £3,700 capital funding at its September 2011 meeting for a leaf blowing machine to be deployed across the outer west area. Due to staffing issues and because the leaf blower would not be effective in wet weather, it was unlikely that it would be used. The Committee therefore agreed that the £3,700 should instead be added to the Area Committee’s contribution to the Pudsey toilets scheme. It was confirmed that it would be possible to reallocate the funding even though it related to the previous financial year.


The report asked the Committee to reconsider well-being funding approvals for the Site Based Gardeners Scheme for 2010/11 and 2011/12, as no funding had been drawn down to support the project. However, the Area Management Officer reported that Parks and Countryside had since informed her that the funding would be drawn down, therefore the Committee agreed to confirm its ‘in principle’ decision to provide £23, 301 to the Site Based Gardeners Scheme.


The Committee then considered the applications for well-being funding which had been submitted for their consideration. Representatives of Armley Juniors Project for Young People, Wortley Football Club, Pudsey and Bramley Athletics Club and the Youth Service attended the meeting and responded to Members’ queries and comments regarding their respective applications.


(At this point in the meeting, Councillor Marjoram declared a personal interest as he had been approached by members of Pudsey and Bramley Athletics Club regarding their application.)



(a)  That capital funding of £3,700 be re-allocated from the leaf-blower project and added to the Area Committee’s contribution to the Pudsey toilets scheme referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the report, resulting in a contribution of £16,551 for Pudsey toilets to be combined with Ward Based Initiative funding;

(b)  That the following ‘in principle’ funding decisions be confirmed:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  I Love West Leeds - £18,000;

(ii)  Pudsey in Bloom - £4,000;

(iii)  Calverley in Bloom - £3,000;

(iv)  Farsley in Bloom - £3,000;

(v)  Site based gardeners - £23,301;

(vi)  Farsley festival - £3,500;

(vii)  CCTV maintenance and monitoring - £30,000; and

(viii)  Woodhall Road barrier - £1,572.


(c)  That the following decisions be taken in respect of the applications before the Committee today for consideration:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  Armley Juniors Project for Young People - £15,000 – Approved on the condition that the Volunteer Co-ordinator reports on progress to the Area Committee on a quarterly basis, that work is undertaken with other agencies (including the Youth Service) in order to maximise the project’s benefits, and that alternative funding sources are found in future years;

(ii)  Farsley Christmas lights event - £5,000 – Approved;

(iii)  Pudsey Christmas lights event - £8,000 – Approved;

(iv)  Outer West Youth Service - £9,350 – Approved;

(v)  Wortley Football Club - £3,575 – Approved; and

(vi)  Track and Jumps Facilities for Pudsey & Bramley Athletics Club - £20,000 – Approved.


Capital 2011/12


(i)  Calverley heritage lighting - £1,816 – Approved; and

(ii)  Additional litter bins for Outer West - £2,400 – Approved.


(d)  That the sub-budgets for small grants and skips be confirmed as follows:


Revenue 2011/12


(i)  Small grants budget - £9,000; and

(ii)  Skips budget - £1,500.


(e)  That the small grant approvals set out in Table 3 of the report be noted.


(Councillors Marjoram and Hardy left the meeting at 2.45pm, at the conclusion of this item.)


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