Agenda item

Application 11/03032/LA - Parklands Girls' High School South Parkway Seacroft LS14 - Position Statement

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position on proposals for the demolition of Parklands Girls’ High School and the erection of Leeds East Academy


(report attached)




  Plans, graphics and an artist’s impression were displayed at the meeting

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position on proposals for the redevelopment of Parklands Girls’ High School to form the Leeds East Academy following pre-application presentations to Panel in April and June 2011

  Officers presented the report and addressed concerns raised previously regarding the positioning of the school within the site.  Although the options of developing on the north west of the site or on the existing car park had been considered, the reduced budget available for the development had meant this was not possible.  A financial viability assessment on these options had been carried out by the District Valuer who concluded that although some of figures provided seemed excessive, either option could not be undertaken without significant further investment

  A versatile and flexible approach to teaching areas was to be provided with learning ‘pods’ the size of which could be altered through interchangeable glazing and solid panels to adapt to the needs of the school

  A revised scheme from that seen in June had been submitted which had sought to refine the architectural detail and to introduce tonal differences in the materials used.  As the building was set back approximately 100m from the highway the detail of the building could best be appreciated close up

  CABE had contacted the LPA and expressed interest in this innovative scheme and had asked to undertake a design review, with the Civic Architect, Mr Thorp, appraising the scheme.  A response recently received from CABE was read out although it was stated that this, together with Officers’ responses to the issues raised, would be included in the report to the meeting on 6th October 2011 when it was intended to bring the application for determination

  Further revised images of the scheme had been submitted that day which showed a simplification of the entrance area, fenestration improvements, the introduction of a roof canopy and the creation of two ‘bookends’ to the building which resulted in a less fussy, more bold and elegant design.  There were some initial concerns relating to the amount of rooftop plant which was visible although a full appraisal of the revisions would be made

  The Panel was informed that if approved, completion of the building was planned for February 2013

  As the development of the new building would take place whilst the Academy continued to function on the site, a temporary access road for construction traffic would be created

  The Panel’s Highways representative informed Members that the current 88 car parking spaces would be increased to 124 which was above the maximum guidelines in the UDP.  In respect of cycle parking, detailed matters remained to be resolved.  A recently signed S278 Agreement would provide for footway improvements to the residential development close to the site

  The possibility of a one-way system on South Parkway at the site frontage had been considered but was not thought to be appropriate as there were concerns that this could be abused; the money which would have been used for this would be used elsewhere in the area

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the current position with the EASEL developments

·  the level of consultation on the proposals and why people in the Gipton and Harehills ward had not been consulted despite a large number of pupils attending the school from that area

·  whether the proposals were still based on the concept for the Roundhouse at Derby College

·  one view that the revisions to the design were contrived and made for a less interesting design

·  the possibility for more colour to be included in the scheme

·  the need for better quality visuals and a model of the development

·  that a lack of finance was not a material planning consideration

·  an acceptance of the reasons for the siting of the building but that a different location within the site should have been possible

·  the need to see samples of the proposed materials

·  the hope that if the revisions suggested by CABE resulted in a less costly scheme, any savings would be reinvested in the building

·  the need to ensure there was plenty of natural light in the teaching areas and concerns that the size of some windows in the revised scheme were smaller than those previously proposed

·  that the contractual arrangements should be robust and enable any defects which occurred once the Academy was operating to be quickly and easily remedied

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that two of the EASEL sites were both 50% built out with much construction work still ongoing on these sites, although there was no prospect of sites 6 and 8 being developed at the moment

·  that the consultation on the proposals had been extensive and had been based on guidance from Children’s Services.  A representative from that Department was in attendance and provided factual information with the agreement of the Chair, this being, that the school was changing from an all girls school to a co-educational Academy for the local community and that the main consultation had taken place in the catchment area although further consultation could be undertaken if requested.

·  that the Roundhouse in Derby had been a success and that in the Design and Access Statement for the Leeds East Academy application, the Head of the Roundhouse had contributed although direct comparisons could not be made as the Roundhouse was a post 16 college

Members considered the specific questions and were satisfied with the

phasing of the construction set out in paragraph 2.11 of the submitted report.  In terms of the method for dealing with the design proposals, ie through the submission of sketch responses which would be included with the Officer’s presentation to Panel, the majority view was that this was acceptable


i)  To note the report, the presentation and the comments now made

ii)  That a copy of the catchment area for Leeds East Academy be provided to Councillor Pryke


(Councillor Gruen left the meeting at this point)



Supporting documents: