Agenda item

"Nisa Local" - Application for the grant of a premises licence for Nisa Local, 16 - 20 Fairleigh Road, Tingley, Wakefield WF3 1PW

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration on an application received for the grant of a new premises licence in respect of “Nisa Local” at 16-20 Fairleigh Road, Tingley


(report attached)



The Sub-Committee, having regard to the Licensing Act 2003, the Section 182 Guidance and the Authority’s own Statement of Licensing Policy considered an application received for the grant of a new premises licence in respect of “Nisa Local”  at 16-20 Fairleigh Road, Tingley, Wakefield WF3 1PW.


Representations had been received from West Yorkshire Police which included measures proposed by them to address the licensing objectives. Those measures had been agreed by the applicant and the representations had subsequently been withdrawn. Representations were received from LCC Commercial Asset Management, but the Sub-Committee was advised that these had been withdrawn prior to the hearing.


Present at the hearing were:


Mr Jamil- the applicant

Mr Sherratt- the representative of the applicant


Councillor Mulherin- local Councillor


The Sub-Committee heard from Councillor Mulherin, who gave background information regarding the history of problems with anti-social behaviour with young people in the area, and the work that had been done to address this, including working with youth groups and tenant / resident groups as well as cleaning up the area and changing the layout to make it less attractive for youths to congregate in. Councillor Mulherin outlined her concerns regarding this application which included concerns that another alcohol retailer in the area could exacerbate problems with young people and antisocial behaviour.


The Sub-Committee then heard from Mr Sherratt who outlined the applicant’s extensive experience in running retail outlets in the area. He stated that the applicant had a good working relationship with the police and was committed to ensuring that the good work done in the area to improve problems with anti-social behaviour was not undone. He also stated that Mr Jamil had voluntarily added conditions to their licence application.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered all of the written and verbal submissions. The Sub-Committee were of the view that although there were issues around antisocial behaviour in the area, these were not all necessarily attributable to the sale of alcohol.


Members were of the opinion that granting the application with conditions would uphold the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee reminded the applicant that it is possible for a licence to be brought to review, and that Members would be disappointed should this happen.


RESOLVED – that the amended application be granted




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